Games you must play before you die
category: residue [glöplog]
Subnautica is great if you like exploring and getting scared of big sea monsters.


and what about a recent racing game, developed from long time friends, that works like an rpg? - i honestly think it has something unique
Oh, I posted Dusk already on the previous page (doublepost). Anyway, final episode 3 and full game was out and didn't dissapoint. I hope more good stuff on oldschool indie FPS.
Hell yeah Dusk is a lot of fun !
Completely different type of game, but GRIS is gorgeous

Completely different type of game, but GRIS is gorgeous

'chicken' against a train.
the game you play Right before you die.
the game you play Right before you die.

I accidentially used the "url" tag instead of the "img" tag. Sorry for that :)
Polyssimo Challenge

(Shameless advertising part 2)

(Shameless advertising part 2)

koudelka (ps1)

it's a mix of tactical rpg with older (1-3) resident evil like game.

it's a mix of tactical rpg with older (1-3) resident evil like game.
^ Nominated for the most self explanatory game title of all time ;-)

It was long the wait, but worth it.
I think it's better than I expected from a delayed kickstarter.
Only the Switch version is a bit choppy framerate and worse looking, better try the PC/console versions.
Old game it's hard to find (because of the generic name and other games like that). I remembered it but with google searching I came 2-3 different games with same exact name.
Where to find it
Where to find it
I also wanted to recommend Into the breach, it's awesome! Way better than the screenshot suggests!
Good, I like tactical RPGs, even though I suck at most of them.

Scorn's getting better and better... and creepier and creepier :D