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Revision 2020 cancelled - Revision Online announcement

category: parties [glöplog]
In case you'd like a new ringtone or notification sound, official Revision 2020 jingles are available here: https://soundcloud.com/strayboom/sets/revision-2020-jingle-pack

Thank you for the great firstie online party! It was a nice experience and I still had _that_ partyfeeling while I was sitting on my sofa, had a beer (some...many...), watched the compos.
added on the 2020-04-13 15:27:53 by vincenzo vincenzo
Thanks for everyone involved to malte things happen this weekend. Bestestest stay-home-Event evaaar!

And thanks for letting me win the „all-Entries-without-Virgill-who-will-obviously-ein-either-way-Compo” <3

Still pretty much blown away with some awesome entries this weekend!
added on the 2020-04-13 15:35:26 by Triace Triace
Current status (as seen on TV):

BB Image
added on the 2020-04-13 16:04:50 by D.Fox D.Fox
Revision Online 2020 Results

Thanks again to all participants and congrats to the winners <3
added on the 2020-04-13 16:05:47 by D.Fox D.Fox
thanks for the party!
added on the 2020-04-13 16:10:08 by psenough psenough
The results say pc 64k intro twice (the second is 8k, right?)
added on the 2020-04-13 16:37:55 by msqrt msqrt
If it's Adlib, it can go in the oldskool music compo: "This competition also supports "oldskool" PC soundcards such as AdLib and SB16."

Must've overlooked that. Or it was added when I wasn't looking. ;)

Yay, AdLib! \o/

Out-of-compo releases are the best anyway. :D
added on the 2020-04-13 17:11:07 by tomaes tomaes
Thanks for making the party happen.
It was a great weekend and really felt like a party minus the backache

Great compos, some really good prods were submitted 😀
added on the 2020-04-13 18:03:50 by megmeg megmeg
Revision 2020 on Slengpung - with a little twist. ;)
added on the 2020-04-13 18:32:58 by el mal el mal
Revision 2020 on Slengpung - with a little twist. ;)
Haha <3
added on the 2020-04-13 19:00:29 by numtek numtek
added on the 2020-04-13 19:12:15 by leijaa leijaa
Revision 2020 on Slengpung - with a little twist. ;)
Haha <3

Thee are plenty of particles in that one - can we repeat that next year in the real Saarbronx location instead?
added on the 2020-04-13 19:15:26 by T$ T$
Thanks to all revision organizers for making this possible, against all odds.
I know, how hard it is to organize a demo-party (did some myself, decades ago).
But you did an unbelievable job, by converting that event to a virtual experience in just a few weeks.
And it worked like charm. Hats off to you and my deepest respects, you raised the bar to a new limit.

Do you know how AWESOME that is? Its is more than F...ING AWSOME. You are all GREAT, thanks again.
added on the 2020-04-13 19:18:37 by decca decca
HQ version of my tracked music entry is now also available. :)
I miss my liver. That was a insane party thanks organisers for making it possible <3.
The one thing I missed most about this year's revision was the option of hugging my friends.
added on the 2020-04-14 01:12:59 by scamp scamp
Thank you all for a great Revision. We're in the process of cleaning the hall and then we'll all drive home and rest...

...well in my head that's what is supposed to happen now.

This was wonderfully weird and strangely unreal. And at the same time it is as nothing happened because... we're not bearing the usual physical marks of Revision. Also the drive home that usually is my personal "closure" of the event is missing.

So it somehow feels like I'm still here in the hall, which is our living room... which is weird. I should maybe go on a long walk :)

added on the 2020-04-14 10:33:29 by D.Fox D.Fox
Props to everyone involved in the organizing! Pulling this off was incredibly impressive!
Disclaimer: somewhat too emotional post ahead ;-)

First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the people who helped to implement Revision Online.
Both the Orgas and the contestants have ensured that this year's Revision will have a special place in the history of Easter parties. On the one hand, because it was the first pure four-day online streaming party of the demoscene, on the other hand, because one can rightly claim that the quality of the releases is in no way inferior to a regular event, rather the opposite.
I want to believe that this is an achievement of the demoscene as a whole. If a system or a condition shows you limits, then you try to bypass them or you just fake it just as much that it looks / feels cool.
I personally have to say that I have never experienced an Easter weekend like this. It was an emotional rollercoaster ride and my psyche was constantly busy adjusting my feelings.
In the past few years I have only occasionally had to give up visiting the Revision. If that was the case, I mostly followed the stream from home. Oh, this feeling of missing something important, missing my friends, missing being there, I know it. I don't know if it's comparable to heartbreak, but for me it feels pretty damn similar.
And this year it was there again, that feeling. It was like a pop-up that kept popping up, that you had to keep clicking away. But this time it was different: there was no possibility of "being there physically", there was no possibility of "missing something important", no "if only I had gone there". That was all there is. There was nothing more than what I could experience via my computer, mobile phone and smart TV. I really had trouble internalizing that.
There's something fantastic about it: we were all there, even though "there" didn't exist. The final scroller in the stream practically gave me the rest. It was like when your favourite film trilogy comes to an end and all your heroes are doing well, but you feel kind of sorry for yourself because it's over. A good story that you can never get enough of. That's the demo scene for me. I want to thank you all for being here together in this. No matter where you're coming from.
Stay safe and see you at the next Revision!
added on the 2020-04-14 11:14:31 by benJam benJam
Thank you all for an incredible weekend, I felt at revision, from my living room and I'm not gonna lie, it was v nice to sleep in my own bed and poop in my own toilet during the weekend :D

Discord, twitch, sofa world, it all made this so so so good. I can only apologize to the people in the tunnel discord/hangout on sunday, i was super drunk on delicious craft beer (another upside of being at home)

the only shame is that the best Amiga demo in the compo only got 8th place :(
added on the 2020-04-14 11:14:56 by okkie okkie
Maybe missing demoscene even more after this event, because I know you all are there.
added on the 2020-04-14 11:18:58 by nodepond nodepond
Thank you all very much for this wonderful weekend! Thx for all the hard work orga's! This weekend will be memorised for ever!

Okkie, haha yeah that was fun on sunday! AMIIIGAAAAA!!!

Hope to see you all next year!
If you wonder how I approached last weekends DJ set,
I wrote down some thoughts here.
added on the 2020-04-14 11:36:41 by rp rp
@Okkie is that why you phoned Truck live on air? ;)
added on the 2020-04-14 11:53:01 by Subi Subi


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