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Revision 2020 - April 10th to 13th

category: parties [glöplog]
I cannot wait for all the creative compo entry names this year... la corona, coroNAH! , desinfection is none, dead skin mask and all that...
added on the 2020-03-06 19:03:23 by Dascon Dascon
...Sorry for forgetting SARSbrücken
added on the 2020-03-06 19:04:29 by Dascon Dascon
Instanssi demoparty last weekend had plenty of corona inspired jokes already...
added on the 2020-03-06 19:17:01 by waffle waffle
Revison theme 2020 is "welcome home". So why not make a 14-days quarantine party, heh... ;)
added on the 2020-03-06 19:26:54 by nodepond nodepond
Revirus 2020?
added on the 2020-03-06 19:37:57 by gaspode gaspode
Please don't cancel :(
I love you !
added on the 2020-03-06 19:46:38 by rem rem
"According to the center for disease control and prevention, the hydroalcoholic gel must contain at least 60% alcohol. Our vodka contains only 40%, and therefore does not meet the criteria of the center." doh! :(
added on the 2020-03-06 20:44:50 by ok3anos ok3anos
Dascon, The deadliners name is getting a weird perspective with a pandemic going on...
added on the 2020-03-06 21:54:01 by magic magic
fix your projection matrix then!
added on the 2020-03-06 23:31:02 by el mal el mal
"According to the center for disease control and prevention, the hydroalcoholic gel must contain at least 60% alcohol. Our vodka contains only 40%, and therefore does not meet the criteria of the center." doh! :(

We Americans have something called Everclear. I think it will meet your high proof ethanol needs.
Please don't cancel :(

simply bring your elternzettel
added on the 2020-03-07 03:08:19 by gentleman gentleman
New tweet by german minister of health: Basically he recommends/urges (no 'ban' as I read it) to cancel all happenings biger than 1000 visitors...I guess Revision is usually a bit under that level, may be especially this year...but for me the question to the orga arises if may be the city of Saarbrücken would be the one to urge a cancellation ? I don't hope so, I'll come for sure, hotel is reserved and entry ready :-)

I wonder how the soccer supporters will react to that :-p Can they live with a weekend without a game...watching in a crowded pub might be worse ;-)
added on the 2020-03-08 16:40:02 by Kuemmel Kuemmel
new guest limit: 999
added on the 2020-03-08 16:46:12 by dossi dossi
I wonder how the soccer supporters will react to that :-p Can they live with a weekend without a game...watching in a crowded pub might be worse ;-)

I'm sure in germany no big soccermatch will be cancelled. They will take place even when there is a zombie apocalypse or the sun will crash into the earth.
added on the 2020-03-08 16:50:10 by gaspode gaspode
News article about this recommendation: https://www.thelocal.de/20200308/berlin-urges-events-with-more-than-1000-to-be-cancelled-over-coronavirus
added on the 2020-03-08 19:20:01 by LLB LLB
it would be nice to have temperature check at the entrance!!!
temperature is ok - get a free beer
not ok - call a doctor and a free vodka

Naaah, proactive countermeasures are better: Mandatory hourly salmiakki and peppersnaps shots as preventive vaccination would scare even the most resistant germs away!
added on the 2020-03-08 20:16:19 by T$ T$
A party sauna would solve this. Not only would it *guarantee* raised body temperatures, but it would at the same time serve to disinfect surfaces.

There's no excuse not to have one!
added on the 2020-03-09 09:25:41 by urs urs
Actually me and Gentlemen are traditionally visiting the local Spa (linky on Revision Saturday daytime...everybody free to join, 15 minutes walk from the venue...tell us a prefered time and we host a sauna seminar there :-) Food & Drinks are available also.
added on the 2020-03-09 13:57:24 by Kuemmel Kuemmel
On the pc-compo page the rules about linux say, the compo-machine will use "Ubuntu Desktop 18.10 64-bit".
However, on the official http://releases.ubuntu.com/ there are only 18.04 and 19.10..
So i am a bit in doubt, which version i should use for testing
On the pc-compo page the rules about linux say, the compo-machine will use "Ubuntu Desktop 18.10 64-bit".
However, on the official http://releases.ubuntu.com/ there are only 18.04 and 19.10..
So i am a bit in doubt, which version i should use for testing

With all of these questions please do not hesitate to contact the official mail addresses.

In your case:
To: hotline-2020@revision-party.net
Subject: Question concerning Competitions

My 2cents
added on the 2020-03-10 11:54:38 by Maugli Maugli

I'm sure in germany no big soccermatch will be cancelled. They will take place even when there is a zombie apocalypse or the sun will crash into the earth.

no, they don't cancel, but they play without an audience and call it ghostgame. here in cologne the games run like this now, and the press is only allowed to join them to a limited extent.

so the best option is for revision: only remote entries and everything else on IRC/twitch. Bombe is allowed to report on site, and only the shader showdon participants get access.
added on the 2020-03-10 17:07:33 by Green Green
A ghostparty with everyone wearing VR-glasses?
added on the 2020-03-10 19:17:52 by gaspode gaspode
So 100% sofa sceners this year?
added on the 2020-03-10 20:54:42 by JTZ JTZ
The biggest Sofascene party seen so far.
added on the 2020-03-10 21:05:46 by nodepond nodepond
At this point chances are good the party is not happening. Not only because german authorities will not allow it, but also because a lot of attendees might cancel their tickets (also because of travel restrictions), so it would financially ruin the organizers to follow through with it.
added on the 2020-03-10 21:25:56 by Salinga Salinga


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