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is demoparty.net dead for good this time

category: general [glöplog]
I've submitted an edit to demoparty.net about a week ago, written email on contact page, it seems that demoparty.net is dead. was there any alternative built over the years? or is it that we are back to sending ical entries via email??? what the fuck???
added on the 2019-05-04 10:21:11 by randomi randomi
I guess it's just that Poti, the dude that runs demoparty.net, is super busy with getting the Evoke 2019 website done.
As far as i know everything should be back to normal in a few days.
added on the 2019-05-04 10:50:43 by xxx xxx
... honestly, i really like that (demoscene) sprit.
added on the 2019-05-04 11:07:17 by poti poti
the sense of entitlement is strong is this one...
added on the 2019-05-04 11:13:41 by britelite britelite
so you have time to write useless comments on pouet yet you can't hit accept on edit? honestly?

party x leben 4 life
added on the 2019-05-04 11:29:58 by randomi randomi
Thank you, Poti! I hope new evoke website is coming along fine, I wish I could help.
added on the 2019-05-04 11:43:16 by randomi randomi
RIP 24/7 demoparty.net service support! i hope you'll update the SLA!
added on the 2019-05-04 14:46:40 by el mal el mal
sense of entitlements aside, demoparty.net has been suffering from neglect for quite a few years now and different people (me included) have poked poti about it to either open source it, or figure out some sort of rewrite that would allow for the community to help maintain it instead of relying on poti to be available on demand when something needs fix/update.

the conclusion was mostly that it might aswell get rewritten from the ground up with integrated sceneID support and a mobile friendly version.

so it's just waiting for _someone_ to pick up that challenge i guess. but the gasman's and gargaj's and dfox's of the demoscene who typically step up to create yet another scene useful webpage have been a bit busy with other projects lately. anyone else feels like redoing a website? no? then please wait patiently for poti to have some free time to show demoparty.net some love again. :)
added on the 2019-05-04 17:34:12 by psenough psenough
sense of entitlements aside, demoparty.net has been suffering from neglect for quite a few years now and different people (me included) have poked poti about it to either open source it

T-101 has the the source (as do I) and has been working on a next-gen version.
added on the 2019-05-04 17:40:48 by Gargaj Gargaj
Couple more thoughts:
- Name 5 active, available, competent web designers in the scene - you can't. This is actually a serious bottleneck for starting new sites or redoing old ones.
- A site can be built as well as possible if there's no staff behind it to operate it. I have no idea who's on the dpnet staff aside from Poti and Truck, and two isn't much compared to a party being held every weekend.
- I've contributed a few fixes to the site and added some API-like things which e.g. the Darklite Partywiki runs on now, but currently the site isn't great to maintain - it relies on two separate frameworks at the same time, and there's no CI either (not that Pouet has any, admittedly) so Poti has to push all fixes to live.

I've made a mockup a few months ago to T-101 as to how I can imagine a next generation of the site look like, and he said he'd venture to build a new site based on that, but he'd still need a considerable amount of design and maintenance help with that, so if this thread can bring out a few people who can help with that, I'm sure that'll help the process.
added on the 2019-05-04 17:58:01 by Gargaj Gargaj
Yes, this is true. I've started with a very preliminary mock up of the database structure and trying things. Not much but it's start. Just been somewhat busy with this nuisance called real life.

I have talked with diskrim/trsi, who was interested in doing a design and frontend, while I concentrate more on the db and API.

As mentioned before and seeing as it's 2019, it will definately be mobile friendly. I recently did the new darklite partywiki, and while I am nowhere as good as gasman, I can actually pull stuff like this off. The underlying tech will be python 3 and django 2, just like demozoo and the partywiki.

Help will be wanted, needed and appreciated once we get this thing moving forward.
added on the 2019-05-04 18:29:38 by T-101 T-101
great news! feel free to ping me when you need some hands testing or doing basic bugfixes t-101
added on the 2019-05-04 18:37:37 by psenough psenough
I'm actually quite happy with the ical from demoparty.net. Works wonders. Thanks!
added on the 2019-05-04 20:26:23 by numtek numtek
Ok, so.

I just whipped out the first very, very, very simple version of the new demoparty.net.

The layout is based on the design Gargaj made some time ago, and may not represent the final layout. It has it's flaws, like the country flags etc. Believe me I know. Will get better in time.

It currently has a rudimentary db-design, but is easily expandable. It has the important things for it work now, but without a doubt will expand.

This little incomplete demo is served for you, the people, as is. Don't give me too much shit, since that is not helpful and will without a doubt drive me away from this project. Instead, offer suggestions or solutions, so we can make this the best that we can.

So, yeah, the links:

https://demoparty.didnot.win/ (not the final url)
https://github.com/T-101/demoparty_v2 (probably not the final repo)

And for the technically inclined: Since I am currently the only one working on this, I took the liberty of choosing the backend to be Python3 and Django2. I am absolutely sure there are many better solutions for this, depending on who is asked. They had their time to step up but didn't. So, in the time beeing, I will be working on this using the tech described above.

So yeah. Wish me time and wish me luck. I feel this rewrite needs to happen and now's the chance :)
added on the 2019-08-21 01:28:58 by T-101 T-101
i like the old design much more, but maybe that's just me.
added on the 2019-08-21 02:40:49 by dipswitch dipswitch
well, it's a start! go t-101 go!
added on the 2019-08-21 02:49:36 by psenough psenough
If anybody needs some graphics for that… I worked in advertising / newspaper, did various designs for anything from medical institutions and museums to video games (logos, interface etc, various platforms).

More info available privately, email is in the profile!
added on the 2019-08-21 08:26:32 by eau eau
+100 for the new efforts by T-101 :)
added on the 2019-08-21 09:44:09 by rc55 rc55
i like the old design much more, but maybe that's just me.

There is no new design :) The current CSS that's there is just something I wrapped up as a mockup in terms of filling the screen width out a bit more + having more of the content on a single page rather than having it granulated across more pages.
added on the 2019-08-21 10:19:43 by Gargaj Gargaj
To whom it may concern: the contact form on the page doesn't work (it will always say the entered code is incorrect)
Also I posted a news item about Deadline 2020 cancellation. How does this go live here (and on Pouet)? And how to mark it as cancelled in the calendar?
added on the 2020-08-23 14:54:17 by v3nom v3nom
Log in and go to https://www.demoparty.net/deadline-2020/ and press the icons at the bottom.
added on the 2020-08-23 15:33:23 by Gargaj Gargaj
Guess I'm the only one who's primarily using Demozoo for checking latest party date announcements. I found demoparty.net to always be lagging behind with the front page information it gives, especially for smaller parties. Granted I know it's all processed by voluntary maintainers and it's not meant to be a complaint, just saying that I found DZ to be slightly more reliable in this case :)
added on the 2020-08-23 17:40:24 by SunSpire SunSpire
Log in and go to https://www.demoparty.net/deadline-2020/ and press the icons at the bottom.

I did exactly that yesterday, but nothing happens.
added on the 2020-08-23 20:06:28 by v3nom v3nom
Couple more thoughts:
- Name 5 active, available, competent web designers in the scene - you can't. This is actually a serious bottleneck for starting new sites or redoing old ones.

I'd like to think I'm competent at the web development side of things, but certainly not as active as I could be in the scene and available... I think it's a wonder I got that intermediate reLive player written. :(

I say yes to things then, nothing. Definitely not feeling good about the various people I've probably let down.


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