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"Best diskmag writer" vS "Social media publicist" ?

category: general [glöplog]

we have an ongoing poll in the Versus facebook forum for deciding a name for a category.

"Best diskmag writer" needs modernization in Versus #9. The category was used in issue #3 and #6. Please share your opinion, thanks!

1) Diskmag writer | Social media publicist
2) Article writer | Social media publicist
3) Writer | Commentator
4) Diskmag writer | Article writer

Any thoughts?
added on the 2019-08-13 20:07:37 by browallia browallia
yes! who gives a hoot?
added on the 2019-08-13 20:11:00 by el mal el mal
what is the category supposed to cover exactly? when you say social media i think of facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube. there aren't really many people doing demo "reviews" or demoscene articles in social media platforms. i do a few videos about demoscene on youtube and don't see that many other folks doing much in that area, exceptions to capturing a demo properly, does that count? does tweeting about a demo or party or spamming a paragraph with a youtube like on facebook really warrant "publicist" recognition?
added on the 2019-08-13 20:35:26 by psenough psenough
what is the category supposed to cover exactly? when you say social media i think of facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube. there aren't really many people doing demo "reviews" or demoscene articles in social media platforms. i do a few videos about demoscene on youtube and don't see that many other folks doing much in that area, exceptions to capturing a demo properly, does that count? does tweeting about a demo or party or spamming a paragraph with a youtube like on facebook really warrant "publicist" recognition?

Thats an iimportant aspect you bring up. but short answer - yes, it would be inside that definition.

To write an article or publish in SoMe, you dedicate your time and deliver data/information for others. If other people appreciate your work they will vote for you so it do count.
added on the 2019-08-15 09:54:21 by browallia browallia
A publicist is a PR task so I wouldn't mix that with "commentator" or a more general concept of "writer".
A publicist might write articles but that'd then typically be to create publicity for their employer.

Compare these:
- I write an article about a party because I want as many people as possible to pre-order tickets for next year.
- I write an article about a party because I feel some of the things that happened there should be brought to the attention of more people.
i can't really agree that spamming facebook or tweeting a link to one of your favorite demos every other day is comparable to writing a proper article/review/tutorial for a diskmag or blog. also, on social media it's hard to tell what is generic computer graphics stuff and what is demoscene related. there are a lot of interesting folks posting relevant things for computer graphics / digital art, some occasionally mention demoscene, most don't at all, where is the line that defines what is demoscene related? when you're writing for a diskmag it's clearly for the demoscene audience, when you're writing for the internet at large it's not so clear anymore.
added on the 2019-08-15 16:59:58 by psenough psenough
A publicist is an actor, and not necessarily work/employer related.
But no matter what you are, if you succeed to attract people with your way of reach out dont you deserve credits for that?

or maybe compare these:
article - slow chew
tweet - fast food

I think everyone express with their tools to target the scene/computer society. Then I think the scene will decide if they value FB-spamming or not, i.e. if many votes on a "FB-activist = the scene likes him". But doesnt all people who publish anything want other to read it in the end? Inspire or influence others? I belong to one of top five of releasing most articles for the last two decades in diskmags (no I won't count, nor measure quality, so leave this statement without reference) so would be happy for more writers.
By increasing to the internet audience, it will also be more scattered the answers so I think that will solve by itself for the ones really sticking out. Yes, some folks post digital art etc thats interested and think its worth try reach these, and appreciate their works with expanding the definition of "diskmag writer".

How would you frame the category name so its worthy 2019, and same time attract people to find names to vote for?
added on the 2019-08-17 00:54:36 by browallia browallia
Korvkiosken and PS really got some valid points. Why not keep it as it was? I guess everything else is confusing even if it sounds more modern than diskmag or article writer...
added on the 2019-08-18 22:22:08 by ghandy ghandy
As many implications, as banana flies around the carrot... tricky question indeed.

Problem with only diskmag writer/writer is that its too few, or at least that is my interpretation of the result when we asked what people wanted.

But prove me wrong and give me 40 names to vote for of (diskmag)/article writers for the last 5 years that have written something and we change back the category name.

These 40 names have to come within the next days, because of the ongoing voting in Versus #9 would else be damaged. So , give me solutions, not new questions, thanks! :)

(you can also just go in and vote for "Best writer" and grab what you think fits in there, thats also a statement)
added on the 2019-08-20 22:57:34 by browallia browallia
errrr, but you can name 40 demoscene social media publicists then? because i can't... or does that go as any twat with a blog or twitter account? :P
added on the 2019-08-20 23:08:09 by el mal el mal
@Maali: so if you cant name 40 demoscene social media publicists, then maybe thats not a threat itself to modernize the category? Which candidate names (blog/twitter whatever) would you list here?
added on the 2019-08-20 23:38:02 by browallia browallia
i'd vote maali, his jokes on the oneliner always crack me up
added on the 2019-08-20 23:45:11 by havoc havoc
i'd vote myself too... for every category, simply because none of you are as good as me at each of those categories!
added on the 2019-08-21 00:19:17 by el mal el mal
but on topic. it's rather silly to stretch out a category simply because in the last 5 years it has been rather declining... it's like allowing basketball players in the FIFA Ballon d'or simply because they 'also do sports with a ball'... then again, Messi would still win that!
added on the 2019-08-21 00:21:58 by el mal el mal
still waitin' for 40 names..
..or maybe 'best social pubicist' isnt that scary after all, huh?
added on the 2019-08-24 09:42:09 by browallia browallia

..or maybe 'best social pubicist' isnt that scary after all, huh?

I for one am a bit scared of pubicists!
added on the 2019-08-24 20:10:05 by LiSU^TRS LiSU^TRS
yeah, you'd end up in a lineup of 40 perverts with their pants down at the police station if you're a social pubicist!
added on the 2019-08-24 21:13:02 by el mal el mal
yeah, you'd end up in a lineup of 40 perverts with their pants down

And I thought that's what TRSAC has really been about for all that time!
added on the 2019-08-25 03:39:27 by LiSU^TRS LiSU^TRS
Could tech writer uppers be included in this category?

We got the youtube videos from noname and hellfire on their new amiga demo tools and the making of beamriders. Then there was a seminar from Bartman about Abyss vscode/amiga setup just now. Books by prowler on pixeling featuring amiga artists... i mean graphicians. Capsule’s new stuff perhaps? Slummy’s coding blogs on spb’s latest tricks with skulls.

Making ofs were always my favourite diskmag content
added on the 2019-08-25 11:06:50 by rloaderro rloaderro
Could tech writer uppers be included in this category?

Many people do not do write articles, but prefer a seminar. Its another medium, but still appreciated information, so I would go with yes! (and thanks for suggestions!)
added on the 2019-08-26 17:55:03 by browallia browallia
LISU : TRSAC is a social experiment
added on the 2019-08-26 18:21:21 by farfar farfar
Loady: there’s also “ferris streams”
added on the 2019-08-27 12:24:40 by farfar farfar
Yes, but is it amigaah?
added on the 2019-08-27 19:30:55 by rloaderro rloaderro
ferris be too nuskool for that yo
added on the 2019-08-27 20:12:18 by farfar farfar
(or something...) :)
added on the 2019-08-27 20:13:30 by farfar farfar


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