Inércia Demoparty 2019 | 1-3 Nov | Almada, Portugal
category: parties [glöplog]
Managed to find a venue for next edition of Inércia Demoparty, the best (and only) Portuguese demoparty.
1-3 November 2019, the weather will likely be crap but much better then whatever else in Europe, so don't forget to come to inércia Demoparty 2005^C^C19!!
Here is a website with a little more info!
1-3 November 2019, the weather will likely be crap but much better then whatever else in Europe, so don't forget to come to inércia Demoparty 2005^C^C19!!
Here is a website with a little more info!
video of jeenio singing about saudade, released at Evoke 2019
... and don't forget to come to Inércia Demoparty 2005!
... and don't forget to come to Inércia Demoparty 2005!

we're closing pre-register next week (need to know t-shirt sizes to order them), if you're planning to come this year and haven't registered yet, do so now or you might not get a t-shirt! all the cool kids have a t-shirt these days, you wouldn't want to miss it!
make sure you don't forget to come!
Oh yeah!
I'm going to be in another continent, so you should be safe!
deadline for remote submissions coming soon!
I'm going to be in another continent, so you should be safe!
you are going to forget to come... :-(
In case someone missed it.... Coming weekend is inerciademoparty 2005! Don't forget to come!
we're clearly missing some flashing typography to remind people more vehemently
Say no more.

livestream on or
sorry bandwidth is shit at the event, don't expect high quality
sorry bandwidth is shit at the event, don't expect high quality
party is going on!"!!
I', mpt +s!!!!
I mean, I'm not ps!!!!
it's jeenio!!!! OH HAI
Sorry I was/am drunk
lol, my bad, i should know better then to leave a computer on with my accounts logged in and go to sleep while jeenio is drunk
collection of the livestream attempts, first day was too unstable to get any proper stream. compos on second day and prize giving on the last had decent quality though.