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Scene-Stuff for P200MMX64MB/Win95b-DX5/MatroxMystique(2MB)+Voodoo1(4MB)

category: general [glöplog]
Hi, what cool scene.stuff should I checkout with that type of configuration?

I will stick to DX5 so no upgrade for that. There are lots of Demos that seem to require a special direct-draw feature that the matrox-mystique does not offer. I don't know what it is, but upgrading to dx6 or changing to win98 does not help for that.

But there are some demos/intros that do work.
What should I test?
Thx Doc
I think for that particular era you'd probably be better served by DOS demos, there weren't many accelerated demos in that particular era.

Check the viewing tips page and look around 1995-1999:

1999 and onward era is probably when stuff like the P2 + TNT combo was a thing. If you check the viewing tips page you can see Windows didn't quite have the traction around the Voodoo 1 era in the scene (although some dos demos did get Windows ports after the fact).
added on the 2019-08-07 16:37:49 by rc55 rc55
(that was a grammatical shitstorm, but hopefully you get the point)
added on the 2019-08-07 16:49:01 by rc55 rc55
you're gonna make a thread for every old PC you find on your parents' attic every time, right?
added on the 2019-08-07 16:50:48 by el mal el mal


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