Nordlicht 2019: 19th - 21st JULY in Bremen, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
You've asked us for a date and now we're ready to give you one: The 8th edition of Nordlicht Demoparty will take place, as always, in the warm summer month of July from 19th - 21st in the cozy Lichthaus Bremen.
As we organizers slowly awake from winter slumber to get things rolling again, an updated website and more infos will follow in the next few weeks ... or months .... but they will come!
Until then! See ya around! :)
As we organizers slowly awake from winter slumber to get things rolling again, an updated website and more infos will follow in the next few weeks ... or months .... but they will come!
Until then! See ya around! :)
Nordlicht! \o/
Not sure if I can make it to the party again, though.
Not sure if I can make it to the party again, though.
Nordlicht! =D

The "full" website went live last night, which means registration is now open. Ticketsales didnt start yet but will soon.
Of course some information is still missing or subject to change, so make sure to watch this space closely :)
Of course some information is still missing or subject to change, so make sure to watch this space closely :)
You might want to fix the tram directions, as I was bitten by them last year - if you get on tram #1 from the Hauptbahnhof, you'll be waiting an awfully long time for the Domsheide stop to be called...
It should be tram #1 to Am Brill, or tram #4, #5 or #6 to Domsheide.
It should be tram #1 to Am Brill, or tram #4, #5 or #6 to Domsheide.
Just found out: Ticket sale is open. :)
Yep yep, _Ook is right! Tickets are now available!! \o/
The party is already happening soon and the early ticket period is very short this year, we'll knock a massive 10 Euros off the regular ticket price, BUT only for two weeks until June 15th! Tickets will cost 40 Euros thereafter for the whole weekend. So hurry if you want in on the offer! :)
Stuff is happening! We are working out the party schedule, compo and DJ lineup.
Everything else you know and love about Nordlicht! Watch this space for more updates and grab your early/regular/supporter ticket already! ;)
The party is already happening soon and the early ticket period is very short this year, we'll knock a massive 10 Euros off the regular ticket price, BUT only for two weeks until June 15th! Tickets will cost 40 Euros thereafter for the whole weekend. So hurry if you want in on the offer! :)
Stuff is happening! We are working out the party schedule, compo and DJ lineup.
- There are still DJ and seminar slots available in the timetable, get in touch asap if you want to play a gig or hold a speech about a computer/demos/games/hardware related topic!
- The 512 byte competition will of course be back!
- We are working on obtaining some rather neat trophies this year, but more on that later (ssshhh!!)
Everything else you know and love about Nordlicht! Watch this space for more updates and grab your early/regular/supporter ticket already! ;)
Quick links:
Register handle
Grab tix
Gasman: Thank you for pointing this out! I never realized it says "Domsheide" rather than "Am Brill" for the 'alternative route'. It's an easy fix as you mentioned, I swapped out tram #1 for tram #6 in the description now and it fits again.
However, more changes to the tram routes have been made in recent days which I was not aware of. I will have to investigate what's happening in our city! Thanks again! :)
Register handle
Grab tix
Gasman: Thank you for pointing this out! I never realized it says "Domsheide" rather than "Am Brill" for the 'alternative route'. It's an easy fix as you mentioned, I swapped out tram #1 for tram #6 in the description now and it fits again.
However, more changes to the tram routes have been made in recent days which I was not aware of. I will have to investigate what's happening in our city! Thanks again! :)
You might want to fix the tram directions, as I was bitten by them last year - if you get on tram #1 from the Hauptbahnhof, you'll be waiting an awfully long time for the Domsheide stop to be called...
It should be tram #1 to Am Brill, or tram #4, #5 or #6 to Domsheide.
Thanks for noting!
You can also check the local public transport journey planner:
Use "Waterfront" (the large mall opposite of the part place) as destination, it will usually give "Use Akschen" as last stop when coming by tram.
If you bought a ticket and did not specify a nick name, and I could not find one associated with your real name, then it means your ticket won't be marked as paid on the website. But don't worry, you will still have received your print@home ticket in an email, so all is good. Get in touch if you want to tell us who you are ;)
If there is someone going to the party from Berlin area, there probably might be a very shy and humble scener* in a need of a transport. Feel free to reply!
(also bumping the thread from page 3 to page 1!)
* the scener in question can either entertain you by singing, talking and playing OR by staying quiet for the duration of the journey.
(also bumping the thread from page 3 to page 1!)
* the scener in question can either entertain you by singing, talking and playing OR by staying quiet for the duration of the journey.
will there be live-coding again?
We would have to find a competitor for you, hardy! Not much fun in competing against yourself is there? ;)
Now that we're already talking about transportation: is there anyone driving from/to/through/close to Belgium, and would like to share a ride with me? Thanks.
Preparations are on: Ordered over 475 liters of beer and over 70 liters of various ciders! We'll stock the bar with Frangelico, Berliner Luft and Apple Sourz spirits as well as your standard selection of cold soft drinks, hot teas and coffee!!
Ranging from electronic soundscapes to Neue Deutsche Welle, we're proud to announce the complete DJ and Live Act lineup for Nordlicht 2019 (in alphabetical order):
\o/ \o/ \o/ More information about each act will appear on the website shortly! \o/ \o/ \o/
Ranging from electronic soundscapes to Neue Deutsche Welle, we're proud to announce the complete DJ and Live Act lineup for Nordlicht 2019 (in alphabetical order):
- Bombjoe (Bombe & dojoe)
- Phil Green
- RbR
- SvOlli
- WAKE (pixtur & lucid)
\o/ \o/ \o/ More information about each act will appear on the website shortly! \o/ \o/ \o/
Our compo hardware has slightly changed. We do not have a Blizzard powered Amiga 1200 68060 machine available this year, since neoman sadly cannot attend the party. Instead, we'll be using a MTEC powered 68030 machine running @ 28 MHZ with 2MB CHIP + 4MB FAST RAM. So yeah that's technically speaking a downgrade, but hey we never had any 060 demos released, let alone 030 :P
Some exciting news two weeks before the big days:
Our compo inbox is now ready to receive your remote compo entry submissions!
Submit your stuff to compos AT demoparty DOT info. The deadline for remote submissions will be on Wednesday 17th July 2019 at 23:59 CEST!
All competition rules apply!
For very large files, you can email us a download link for your production. Don’t forget to add your nick and / or group name so we can identify you. We’ll contact you when we received your entry and did a dry run.
Hmmm so far only half the party hall will be filled with visitors. Come on guys, up that counter some more! See you at Nordlicht soon! :)
- The Oldenburg Computer Museum will be back with their 'Retro Videogame Exhibition' corner, showcasing a selection of classic hands-on consoles for you to play on!
- We will have an Oculus Rift CV1 on site, for anyone who wants to have a go at VR!
Our compo inbox is now ready to receive your remote compo entry submissions!
Submit your stuff to compos AT demoparty DOT info. The deadline for remote submissions will be on Wednesday 17th July 2019 at 23:59 CEST!
All competition rules apply!
For very large files, you can email us a download link for your production. Don’t forget to add your nick and / or group name so we can identify you. We’ll contact you when we received your entry and did a dry run.
Hmmm so far only half the party hall will be filled with visitors. Come on guys, up that counter some more! See you at Nordlicht soon! :)
Proper name should be "Oldenburger Computermuseum e.V." aka OCM, my sincere apologies!
a little teaser regarding this years trophies:

wohoooo nice!!!
2019s party tees have been revealed!

remote entry sent
its time to let the fun begin \o/