Psychedelic Drugs
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Tell me something about such drugs and shit (psilocybe, peyote, mushrooms). I was reading an article today and it said about a mushroom that can be found in some greek forests too, but you have to be carefull because if you make the mistake to gather and eat one that looks similar (but has specific diferrences), you may drop dead. I found this funny to say it to my brother and he said "Oh, shit man!". Ok, I am stupid, so let's go on..
Oneday, I will try one of these (at least the not so dangerous) cause I want to experiment and alter my perception. But I don't know when..
How much of you have taken drugs and which of them? (either cannabis, or psychedelic mushrooms, or even hard drugs). What were your experiences? What's your suggestions of what to try first or what to avoid? You may tell me to get away from these shit, but I somehow have a curiosity to at least try the less dangerous ones oneday, and that would not be today but if/whenever I find the opportunity. Anyways..
Don't reply stupidily because I was a stupid fuck days ago in Pouet or because you simply don't like me. Reply stupidly if only for other reasons. But I'd love to hear some more stuff. You didn't replied much to the paranormal issue back then, but nevermind. Perhaps you didn't had much experience with that issue, but many sceners might have with psychedelic substances or other shit I guess. Blah ;P
Oneday, I will try one of these (at least the not so dangerous) cause I want to experiment and alter my perception. But I don't know when..
How much of you have taken drugs and which of them? (either cannabis, or psychedelic mushrooms, or even hard drugs). What were your experiences? What's your suggestions of what to try first or what to avoid? You may tell me to get away from these shit, but I somehow have a curiosity to at least try the less dangerous ones oneday, and that would not be today but if/whenever I find the opportunity. Anyways..
Don't reply stupidily because I was a stupid fuck days ago in Pouet or because you simply don't like me. Reply stupidly if only for other reasons. But I'd love to hear some more stuff. You didn't replied much to the paranormal issue back then, but nevermind. Perhaps you didn't had much experience with that issue, but many sceners might have with psychedelic substances or other shit I guess. Blah ;P
Optimus, sit down, shut up and listen.
Dont try to alter your mind, those things are dangererous and not toy's to play with. They will not expand you mind, it will only distort your perception.
Cannabis. If you digest too much or smoke to much, you will fall asleep, or get ill. The downside can be (as with ALL toxins) paranioia, delusion and angst. The active compound is THC, this lowers blood sugar levels, and can make you INCREDIBLY hungry.
Mushrooms are avaible everywhere. The psycedelic ones aswell. But if you go mushroom hunting, please,- for your own safety- bring someone that knows what they looks like in your own area. The toxin you are looking for a psilocybin. In Denmark the most well known looks like this


I have tried what there is to try i reckon. And if you know whats good, stay off fabricated chemicals.
My personal no list, is anything that intoxicates. But you no list should include, but not be limited to.
All kinds of amphetamines
Processed cocaine
processed opium
I will answer any questions you may have. But know that my initial intention would be, to make you not do it. If you however chose to do it, please let me guide you as safely as possible through nature. I have a lot of experience to draw upon.
Dont try to alter your mind, those things are dangererous and not toy's to play with. They will not expand you mind, it will only distort your perception.
Cannabis. If you digest too much or smoke to much, you will fall asleep, or get ill. The downside can be (as with ALL toxins) paranioia, delusion and angst. The active compound is THC, this lowers blood sugar levels, and can make you INCREDIBLY hungry.
Mushrooms are avaible everywhere. The psycedelic ones aswell. But if you go mushroom hunting, please,- for your own safety- bring someone that knows what they looks like in your own area. The toxin you are looking for a psilocybin. In Denmark the most well known looks like this


I have tried what there is to try i reckon. And if you know whats good, stay off fabricated chemicals.
My personal no list, is anything that intoxicates. But you no list should include, but not be limited to.
All kinds of amphetamines
Processed cocaine
processed opium
I will answer any questions you may have. But know that my initial intention would be, to make you not do it. If you however chose to do it, please let me guide you as safely as possible through nature. I have a lot of experience to draw upon.
well...nothing can prepare you anyway. If you want to do it, go ahead.
we all like you optimus !
i'd rather go for heart shaped pills than casket like mushies.
and hey iblis, cocaine makes you just perfectly divine and could therefore be used to achieve unity with god.
and you can still see the difference between the ocean and sky while you're on it. Another difference easily spotted is of course the diminishing amount of money you have.
and you can still see the difference between the ocean and sky while you're on it. Another difference easily spotted is of course the diminishing amount of money you have.
and thus it is only suited for people who have large OIL-RESOURCES!
Mushrooms look dangerous! The only drugs I do recreationally are crack cocaine and heroine, although, was a requirement to smoke cannabis at my last job (batch meal tester).
Teehee. I don't need drugs.
listen to fsol and the orb. ;)
listen to fsol and the orb. ;)
optimus, take a hit of 40mg of 5-meo-dmt at once an you'll get the point of the life.
and i didnt get that
wtf ? didnt you know lsd never intoxicates ? it only happens sometimes that some weak minds never come back after >300-400mcgs :)
xts doesnt intoxicate to afaik, tho it reduces amount of serotonine produced if bein used quite often ( which is actually quite weird cause it forces excessive serotonine release, which should be followed by excessive reproducing of serotonine after mdma fx is over )
but all stimulators are real shit especially for meth and amph ( speed ). dob and such phenetylamines are less harmful.
same goes for opiates, tho they do less damage at once, i think
so yeah, stick do dmt, lsd, psilocine/psilocybine and mescaline maybe ( try to find :)
My personal no list, is anything that intoxicates. But you no list should include, but not be limited to.
All kinds of amphetamines
Processed cocaine
processed opium
wtf ? didnt you know lsd never intoxicates ? it only happens sometimes that some weak minds never come back after >300-400mcgs :)
xts doesnt intoxicate to afaik, tho it reduces amount of serotonine produced if bein used quite often ( which is actually quite weird cause it forces excessive serotonine release, which should be followed by excessive reproducing of serotonine after mdma fx is over )
but all stimulators are real shit especially for meth and amph ( speed ). dob and such phenetylamines are less harmful.
same goes for opiates, tho they do less damage at once, i think
so yeah, stick do dmt, lsd, psilocine/psilocybine and mescaline maybe ( try to find :)
=~ s/xts/xtc/g
=~ s/phenetylamines/phenethylamines/g
=~ s/phenetylamines/phenethylamines/g
and i didnt get that
My personal no list, is anything that intoxicates. But you no list should include, but not be limited to.
All kinds of amphetamines
Processed cocaine
processed opium
wtf ? didnt you know lsd never intoxicates ? it only happens sometimes that some weak minds never come back after >300-400mcgs :)
xts doesnt intoxicate to afaik, tho it reduces amount of serotonine produced if bein used quite often ( which is actually quite weird cause it forces excessive serotonine release, which should be followed by excessive reproducing of serotonine after mdma fx is over )
but all stimulators are real shit especially for meth and amph ( speed ). dob and such phenetylamines are less harmful.
same goes for opiates, tho they do less damage at once, i think
so yeah, stick do dmt, lsd, psilocine/psilocybine and mescaline maybe ( try to find :)
yes, thats all fine, does it alter your perception. Yes it does. Is it then relevant if it works like other toxins or not?
And as for cocaine. No!
10 years ago i was bored to death along with
a couple of mates. We lived out in the middle
of nowhere and had nothing much to do, besides
making demos, and waiting for the next rave to
happen. At one point one of the guys came back home
with a book called "Ban hullucinations? Ban nature!"
by steen laris. It was a book about all the natural
hallucinogens that you could expect to find in
Denmark, or get hold of relatively easy.
Well we basically took them from an end, and
that involved smoking dried
easterlilly buds and drinking tea brewed on
We found out that at the local police station
they had a datura at display, so being the little
snots we were. We jumped the fence, nicked a bag full
of leaves and left.
Put about 1/2kg worth of leaves in a pot of water, and
let it simmer for an hour. LO! and behold, green...
Anyway, i poured'(if you can call it that) it in a bottle.
excactly half a liter of green goo. And went to my mates
place, far out in the country. They where having tea
as i came in and flashed the bottle, and told them
what it was. Being the sceptic that i am, we agreed
we would only take 1tea spoon each, and see what happened.
After an hour of so we all became heavy. I weighed in at 2 tons
atleast. And i started to feel poisoned and my vision blurred
and voices disapeared in the dark around me. Then suddenly, it
stopped. Nothing, no funny feeling no feeling good or bad, just
nothing. Within minutes my mates came back into being, and we just
looked at eachother and said, what a hoot that was. So i went to
the kitchen to get us all a cuppa, as i came around the corner
into the kitchen i nearly bumped into a 3 meter tall demon.
Anyway, i greeted him, and he greeted med back, and i made the
tea, and went back into my mates room.
In there my 2 mates, were having a rather heated conversation
with someone i couldnt see. And when i asked who are yous talking to?
they both answered, "Christian" ...and orfcourse it was cristian, i
wonder why i didnt see him before. So we all 3 had a talk with
christian who suddenly disapeared.
It was like this on and off for a couple of days, and then at
the 2nd day i going to pick up mad-e from the bus. As i left the
house my mate Dylan came by, and we talked all the way up to the busstop
where i found i gobsmacked mad e who said" Noah...who the HELL are you
talking to?" so i turned around to introduce the two, and suddenly dylan
was gone. I could write a book about wierd stuff that happened on this
trip, the only thing is. You dont think its a trip. you just completele
alter you perception of the world. And it took me a good 6 years to get
over. Had flashback, and revisists and stuff.
a couple of mates. We lived out in the middle
of nowhere and had nothing much to do, besides
making demos, and waiting for the next rave to
happen. At one point one of the guys came back home
with a book called "Ban hullucinations? Ban nature!"
by steen laris. It was a book about all the natural
hallucinogens that you could expect to find in
Denmark, or get hold of relatively easy.
Well we basically took them from an end, and
that involved smoking dried
easterlilly buds and drinking tea brewed on
We found out that at the local police station
they had a datura at display, so being the little
snots we were. We jumped the fence, nicked a bag full
of leaves and left.
Put about 1/2kg worth of leaves in a pot of water, and
let it simmer for an hour. LO! and behold, green...
Anyway, i poured'(if you can call it that) it in a bottle.
excactly half a liter of green goo. And went to my mates
place, far out in the country. They where having tea
as i came in and flashed the bottle, and told them
what it was. Being the sceptic that i am, we agreed
we would only take 1tea spoon each, and see what happened.
After an hour of so we all became heavy. I weighed in at 2 tons
atleast. And i started to feel poisoned and my vision blurred
and voices disapeared in the dark around me. Then suddenly, it
stopped. Nothing, no funny feeling no feeling good or bad, just
nothing. Within minutes my mates came back into being, and we just
looked at eachother and said, what a hoot that was. So i went to
the kitchen to get us all a cuppa, as i came around the corner
into the kitchen i nearly bumped into a 3 meter tall demon.
Anyway, i greeted him, and he greeted med back, and i made the
tea, and went back into my mates room.
In there my 2 mates, were having a rather heated conversation
with someone i couldnt see. And when i asked who are yous talking to?
they both answered, "Christian" ...and orfcourse it was cristian, i
wonder why i didnt see him before. So we all 3 had a talk with
christian who suddenly disapeared.
It was like this on and off for a couple of days, and then at
the 2nd day i going to pick up mad-e from the bus. As i left the
house my mate Dylan came by, and we talked all the way up to the busstop
where i found i gobsmacked mad e who said" Noah...who the HELL are you
talking to?" so i turned around to introduce the two, and suddenly dylan
was gone. I could write a book about wierd stuff that happened on this
trip, the only thing is. You dont think its a trip. you just completele
alter you perception of the world. And it took me a good 6 years to get
over. Had flashback, and revisists and stuff.
Fucking ace story, iblis. Glad you came back to tell it. wouldn't want to be in your shoes there, either.
optimus: read and learn. but like I told you, you never really know which way it goes. When you play with your mind, the mind usually looses.
optimus: read and learn. but like I told you, you never really know which way it goes. When you play with your mind, the mind usually looses.
Play with girls or yourself instead.
yes, thats all fine, does it alter your perception. Yes it does. Is it then relevant if it works like other toxins or not?
well, if you're talking about lsd, afaik no one can actually say how it works, but still rumors say ( kinda scientific rumors, you know :) that lsd has much influence on serotonine receptors ( 5-HT3 type ) because it's molecule structure is very similar to serotonine's one but no one can actally say ( afaik ) if it blocks those receptors intercepting them or just changes amount of serotonine accepted by them or violates them in any other way. I haven't heard or read of any direct damage made by lsd ( yes, some went out of their windows, but it's indirect :) yet.
And as for cocaine. No!
didnt get this again. what do you mean by no ?
well, if you're talking about lsd, afaik no one can actually say how it works, but still rumors say ( kinda scientific rumors, you know :) that lsd has much influence on serotonine receptors ( 5-HT3 type ) because it's molecule structure is very similar to serotonine's one but no one can actally say ( afaik ) if it blocks those receptors intercepting them or just changes amount of serotonine accepted by them or violates them in any other way. I haven't heard or read of any direct damage made by lsd ( yes, some went out of their windows, but it's indirect :) yet.
And as for cocaine. No!
didnt get this again. what do you mean by no ?
Drugs are lame. If you want fun, go to a demoparty and get me drunk :P
LordGraga: you're saying alcohol isn't a drug?
it's a moo.
Don't reply stupidily because I was a stupid fuck days ago in Pouet or because you simply don't like me. Reply stupidly if only for other reasons.
Is ALIENS RAPED MY DEMOMAKER a valid reason then?
(with 20 mg) "The drug effect first became known to me as a shift of colors toward golden and rose tones. Pigments in the room became intensified. Shapes became rounder, more organic. A sensation of lightness and rivulets of warmth began seeping through my body. Bright lights began pulsing and flashing behind my closed lids. I began to perceive waves of energy flowing through all of us in unison. I saw all of us as a gridwork of electrical energy beings, nodes on a bright, pulsating network of light. Then the interior landscape shifted into broader scenes. Daliesque vistas were patterned with eyes of Horus, brocades of geometric design began shifting and changing through radiant patterns of light. It was an artist's paradise--representing virtually the full pantheon of the history of art."
Optimus, you have cows in Greece right? Take a low bucket, drill a hole in the bottom, put it over some cow shit (the fresher the better), put your finger on the little hole, wait a couple of minutes, replace your finger with your mouth and inhale deeply. It may sound stupid, but to the best of my knowledge it does actually work... somehow.