How not to deal with other people and their art
category: general [glöplog]
Those should probably just go to another party instead of UC and don't participate in that offending compo? Maybe they could make a white knight demo about it.
Oh trust me, you'd be the loudest about changing things if it was something YOU don't like.
Just to reiterate something Chaos keeps coming back to (and for all the right reasons), "If you don't like it here, go fuck off to another [place/group/country/etc]" is a rhetoric and modus operandi very typical to a specific political spectrum.
... is a rhetoric and modus operandi very typical to a specific political spectrum.
Don't talk that windy bullshit, say what you mean: "If you are not offended by what I am offended, you are nazi. If you don't like what I like, you are nazi."
No, I'm saying you're sounding like one.
syö paskaa evilone.
If scamp tried to swallow his pride he'd choke to death.
Thanks for that, fizzer. I also have enough of his patriarchic behavior. A very respected group member and friend (jix) of our group quitted our group and the scene because he couldn't accept that sceners aren't able to defend their home against that behavior.
There is no universal right to feel hurt by speech
If someone throws words at me, it is MY CHOICE to decide if I am hurt or not. Nobody is forcing upon me to be hurt.
Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you?!
Gargaj, it's just as simple as it is, it is the wrong kind of arguing. The common weapon of "let's put him in a very specific political spectrum" - case closed, arguments over, the winning thing.
This is not world politics, it's a private party by a private person. And there the private taste of the organizer holds. If you don't like the party theme, don't participate. I'm consuming, leeching, downloading, and watching demos since the beginning of time - I somehow missed the point where it get that political correct.
This is not world politics, it's a private party by a private person. And there the private taste of the organizer holds. If you don't like the party theme, don't participate. I'm consuming, leeching, downloading, and watching demos since the beginning of time - I somehow missed the point where it get that political correct.
This is not world politics, it's a private party by a private person. And there the private taste of the organizer holds. If you don't like the party theme, don't participate.
If someone shits on your carpet, do you just move your chair over?
I'm consuming, leeching, downloading, and watching demos since the beginning of time - I somehow missed the point where it get that political correct.
"Well if you don't like it, you can..."
If someone shits on your carpet, do you just move your chair over?
And that's the thing, it is his carpet under his chair at his party. He can shit on it as often as he want ;-)
"Well if you don't like it, you can..."
And that is what I do. "Demos with a message" are just not my cup of tea. But I don't shit my personal opinion into the comment section of that demo. Time to watch some Excess... drops the mic.
Very meta. I rate it 10/10 <3Bull. Fucking. Shit.

The only thing left here is:
Torches, forks and accusing scamp for witchcraft.
You guys dont care for peace in any way, you enjoy this shit.
You dont care that there are ppl trying to get this settled.
Everytime time the discussion cools down, someone loves heating it up.
You want him to burn right?
„Roast him.“
„Now he gets what he deserves!“
You guys blame someone for respectless behaviour and act worse.
This is just pathetic bullying...and framing.
Im disgusted.
Torches, forks and accusing scamp for witchcraft.
You guys dont care for peace in any way, you enjoy this shit.
You dont care that there are ppl trying to get this settled.
Everytime time the discussion cools down, someone loves heating it up.
You want him to burn right?
„Roast him.“
„Now he gets what he deserves!“
You guys blame someone for respectless behaviour and act worse.
This is just pathetic bullying...and framing.
Im disgusted.
And I'm with Docd. Really.
Gargaj: please close this thread.
hey! they _BOTH_ brought this cat fight out in public, because they _BOTH_ thought that was a good idea. now the routes they both are taking.. you can only feel sympathy for the guy who felt like he had a bad idea 15 years ago. who can blame him? i had blue hair for a while and regretted it! turning this into a 'you're against all forms of freedom of art and speech' is just a _sad_ megalomaniac way of not willing to be conformistic a little bit for the greater good to keep 'peace'. we all have to do that sometimes, like that asshole coworker you need to say hi to whenever you run into him, or that time your girlfriend made you watch *insert random chickflick* or paying taxes in general!
what psenough said
well this thread as case of exceptional self-deconstruction is clearly some higher form of art.
closing it down would be just a unscenish act of art censorship (and would make you a veggie snowflake) !
If someone takes a can of fuel and starts to burn his friend it shouldnt surprise if some people throw a cigarette back on him.
Blaming them is for sure the wrong adress.
closing it down would be just a unscenish act of art censorship (and would make you a veggie snowflake) !
If someone takes a can of fuel and starts to burn his friend it shouldnt surprise if some people throw a cigarette back on him.
Blaming them is for sure the wrong adress.
docd: auch mal auf deutsch weil geht grad nicht anders: scamp hat den boden des grundgesetzes verlassen als er leuten nicht das recht auf ihre eigenen gefühle zugestanden hat. die menschenwürde ist für ihn explizit NICHT unantastbar. ich weiß nicht wie du das für dich verteidigst, aber ich hoffe du merkst wie VIEL mehr wohlwollen du ihm gegenüber aufbringen musst um "in der mitte" zu bleiben.
vermittlungsversuche in allen ehren, aber schau echt mal was du da unterstütz oder unter den teppich kehren willst
you enjoy this shit.
Not at all, but if after over 10 years of spending most of my spare time on it, I can't enjoy the scene anymore because of how a few people behave and how a large number of people tolerate that, I'm willing to call that out even if walking away without saying anything here would be much easier.
You dont care that there are ppl trying to get this settled.
Some people say some things should change, some argue very very strongly against it. If you view that as a purely personal conflict and just tell people to settle it, you may think you're having a neutral point of view, but effectively you're also arguing against the change.
I'm not leaving the scene because of the few people who insist they may behave as badly as they want towards others. I usually keep my distance to them anyway. I'm leaving the scene because of the many people like you who tolerate this. The only way to keep distance to all of them is to walk away.
tolerare: to endure, to suffer, to cope with
Doesn't say anything about liking or accepting something. Tolerating each others quirks was and is a major plus point the Scene has. Folks from all sorts of life and sub-cultures and tastes gather for that single issue that unites them all.
If you're not able anymore to exercise this form of tolerance over some edgy words and/or juvenile bad humour ... well, you already made that decision.
Doesn't say anything about liking or accepting something. Tolerating each others quirks was and is a major plus point the Scene has. Folks from all sorts of life and sub-cultures and tastes gather for that single issue that unites them all.
If you're not able anymore to exercise this form of tolerance over some edgy words and/or juvenile bad humour ... well, you already made that decision.
Yeah the scene tolerates quirks as long as you don't feel uncomfortable if people make jokes about those quirks (and I'm thinking of my personal experience here, even though there was other evidence in this thread before).
You cannot have a tolerant society or community that tolerates everything. For me, making jokes about things that impair others in their daily lives is not something that should be tolerated, it's a form of punching down, it really sucks to be the target of that and it also sucks to see others being the target of that. And it sucks even more if you call it out and are then accused of causing drama, because apparently while those jokes are tolerated, being vocal about not liking them and saying they are bad is not. Note that this is different from people using humor to deal with something that affects themselves, that doesn't mean it's OK for you to make fun of it.
Making fun of people for something they didn't chose and can't change already is a form of intolerance. And if you give unlimited tolerance to intolerance you're not tolerant at all.
If I look at the demoscene it's far from being folks from all sorts of life and sub-cultures and tastes... I've seen other communities work on these problems and becoming much more diverse, because more and more different people weren't driven away anymore.
You cannot have a tolerant society or community that tolerates everything. For me, making jokes about things that impair others in their daily lives is not something that should be tolerated, it's a form of punching down, it really sucks to be the target of that and it also sucks to see others being the target of that. And it sucks even more if you call it out and are then accused of causing drama, because apparently while those jokes are tolerated, being vocal about not liking them and saying they are bad is not. Note that this is different from people using humor to deal with something that affects themselves, that doesn't mean it's OK for you to make fun of it.
Making fun of people for something they didn't chose and can't change already is a form of intolerance. And if you give unlimited tolerance to intolerance you're not tolerant at all.
If I look at the demoscene it's far from being folks from all sorts of life and sub-cultures and tastes... I've seen other communities work on these problems and becoming much more diverse, because more and more different people weren't driven away anymore.
Meine Absichten sind ehrlich und redlich.
Mich anzugreifen ist nicht ok.
Mir wird gerade klar, das dies erst endet wenn die UC abgesagt wird.
Denn das ist dein Etappenziel.
Meine Absichten sind ehrlich und redlich.
Mich anzugreifen ist nicht ok.
Mir wird gerade klar, das dies erst endet wenn die UC abgesagt wird.
Denn das ist dein Etappenziel.
was? nein hahah wtf
i wrote my wishes down and they dont include fucking cancelling uc what is wrong with you to tell me that's what i want
also "etappenziel", intermediate goal? as if this were part of some larger campaign? look at how little charity you are extending me here in contrast