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Assembly Summer 2019 - August 1st to 4th

category: parties [glöplog]
Assembly Summer will happen again in Messukeskus, Helsinki August 1st to 4th!

Check out the awesome invitation by Dekadence!

For more information visit our website and start to plan your entries! More information will be published later so stay tuned!
added on the 2019-04-24 21:37:02 by rimina rimina
This yer the photo compo theme is "Light & Shadow". The photo entry must have the theme represented in it as the dominant feature and clearly seen on the picture. Theme can also be interpreted as a more abstract concept like good and evil, darkness and daylight, etc.
added on the 2019-04-24 21:37:35 by rimina rimina
We are also enforcing the new rule in all music compos: the track must be no longer than 3:30.

All tracks pulled from the drawer or otherwise not conforming to this rule, are automatically disqualified.

Reasoning behind this is, that it actually takes some skill to have a beginning, and middlepart and an end in that given time.
added on the 2019-04-24 22:13:03 by T-101 T-101
so, when is boozembly invitation coming out?
added on the 2019-04-24 23:00:43 by nosfe nosfe
added on the 2019-04-25 10:00:32 by halides halides
Hey, will there be oldskool tickets and if so, how can we get them? I noticed tickets are for sale, but looking at the floor plan it seems the previous oldskool places are now premium places. And I can't find any mention of the oldskool area. So is there some way to ensure I sit near other sceners?
added on the 2019-05-09 11:47:05 by Seven Seven
[Seven] Hey, will there be oldskool tickets

The ticket buying system seems to have changed (again?), so you have to confirm your oldskool status using a form: https://forms.gle/gsP5zGTgP6b1WGzH8

According to the info on the ticket sales page they should (shortly) send you info on how to perform the purchase. I'm waiting for my confirmation too.
added on the 2019-05-09 11:59:13 by Trilkk Trilkk
will definitely be there
added on the 2019-05-09 12:42:12 by okkie okkie
PC platform going to be the same as last year? Or update to 2019 HW?? ..Geforce 2080 would be great 8)
added on the 2019-05-10 11:28:33 by deepr deepr
PC platform going to be the same as last year? Or update to 2019 HW?? ..Geforce 2080 would be great 8)

I'm still waiting the specs of the machines. We will update those to the web pages as soon as we get a confirmation about the setup. I would say it is safe to go with last years specs but I can make a wish of 2080. ;)
added on the 2019-05-10 19:33:25 by rimina rimina
[Seven] Hey, will there be oldskool tickets

The ticket buying system seems to have changed (again?), so you have to confirm your oldskool status using a form: https://forms.gle/gsP5zGTgP6b1WGzH8

According to the info on the ticket sales page they should (shortly) send you info on how to perform the purchase. I'm waiting for my confirmation too.

Trilkk already answered this. So once again ticket system changes and we needed to update the oldskool ticket thing again. It really isn't that easy to implement with outside ticket vendor. But I hope the system works. <3
added on the 2019-05-10 19:34:52 by rimina rimina
[X] PROFIT!!!!1
added on the 2019-06-13 13:13:32 by havoc havoc
Where's the Boozedrome 2019 compo announcement? ;)
added on the 2019-06-13 21:03:33 by mayday mayday
Where's the Boozedrome 2019 compo announcement? ;)

Oh well, I'm blind, didn't notice it.. :D
added on the 2019-06-13 21:04:59 by mayday mayday
Have you ever wanted to challenge your shader coding skills or code live visuals on stage and be like a rock star? Now is your chance! Scene Lounge presents Shader Showdown at Assembly Summer 2019!

Are you up for the challenge? Contact havoc@outlinedemoparty.nl with topic Shader Showdown Assembly Summer 2019.

added on the 2019-06-16 21:00:40 by rimina rimina
Immersal is organizing in conjuction with Assembly Real Wild demo competition an AR democompetition! Check out more information here!

The event schedule is out too! There may be additions to schedule still so stay tuned for more! <3

And a last reminder is that we are hosting Shader Showdown this year! If you want to compete, send email to Havoc! More information is available here.

See you soon!
added on the 2019-07-10 22:05:43 by rimina rimina
The PC-compo machine specifications are out!

As other years, we have two different compo machine setups: nVidia and AMD.

nVidia compo machine specifications:

  • GPU: Asus GeForce RTX 2080 DUAL OC EVO
  • CPU: Intel Coffee Lake Core i7-9700K

AMD compo machine specifications:

  • GPU: Asus Radeon RX 5700 XT
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X

The specifications and competition rules can be found on our web pages.
added on the 2019-07-15 19:07:05 by rimina rimina
could be nice to see the upcoming winning Fairlight demo compared side-by-side on both of those machines in a bonus video afterwards to see how well AMD has been catching up on the other two manufacturers ;)
added on the 2019-07-15 19:12:14 by el mal el mal
Or maybe ASD has something up Navis his sleaves? :D
added on the 2019-07-15 19:33:08 by magic magic
Is DOSBox a supported target for Oldskool platform?
added on the 2019-07-25 07:33:31 by provod provod
Is DOSBox a supported target for Oldskool platform?

No, it's not an emulator compo. All DOS-entries will be run on the Pentium 133MHz we provide, unless your entry requires some specific slower hardware (8088 with CGA, for example), in which case you should bring your own machine.
added on the 2019-07-25 07:44:41 by britelite britelite
The Shader Showdown team is in Finland and tonight the semifinals are taking place- Yes, on a Thursday! At 8pm EET/9pm CET, Exca takes on CCE, and at 8:30pm EET/9:30pm CET it's Noby vs Visy. Live streaming is available via AssemblyTV ( https://www.twitch.tv/assemblytv ) and of course we're hoping for a lot of viewers atttending Assembly's SceneLounge as well as online! The winners of tonight matches will move on to the Shader Showdown finals on Saturday evening at 9:30pm EET/8:30pm CET. Enjoy!
added on the 2019-08-01 11:10:02 by havoc havoc
Assembly Time. Maybe also Boozembly, who knows ;)
added on the 2019-08-01 12:32:18 by mayor mayor
Onks ketä siel asepyllyil?
added on the 2019-08-01 12:56:38 by leGend leGend
Democompo starts quite early this year.


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