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how to make hugi better

category: general [glöplog]
few solutions:

appoint new editor.
tell ep to have his own e-mag.
make it illegal for americans to speak about scene.

pick any two.
added on the 2005-02-07 17:05:04 by randomi randomi
Make it illegal for americans to speak, period.

And.. People must contribute, it won't become better by itself.
added on the 2005-02-07 17:13:23 by sprocket sprocket
never ever publish anything by ep.
added on the 2005-02-07 17:28:15 by nufan nufan
not ALL americans are stupid. enough of us are stupid that a-holes like bush can get elected, but saying that americans shouldn't be allowed to speak is a little extreme.
added on the 2005-02-07 17:30:48 by madcrow madcrow
Make it illegal for americans to speak, period

I hate this kind of intolerant crap, the very same kind one can find in Adok's gibberish about IQ and eugenism...
added on the 2005-02-07 17:33:40 by keops keops
How to make Hugi better? Well...

1. Omit "scene" articles
2. Add pr0n!
3. Add more pr0n!
4. Take Adok to a whorehouse and let him learn.
5. Take ep to the Pacific, dress him in a medieval knight armor and ask him to swim a few meters.
added on the 2005-02-07 17:42:05 by tomcat tomcat
maybe just better coding-gfx-music articles?
added on the 2005-02-07 17:45:17 by _dylan_ _dylan_
The one thing you all should agree upon is that a diskmag is from sceners for sceners. Support mostly is a huge factor in the quality and quantity of the diskmag contents. So the answer is simple: to make Hugi better (infact make every diskmag better) is SUPPORT the diskmag in question!

Thank you for your attention. Just do it!
added on the 2005-02-07 17:46:55 by magic magic
it makes me kinda sick to witness ppl asking for support of shitty mags couz they're shitty instead of supporting the good mags. lets not give a fuck and just ignore this thread shall we filipe?
added on the 2005-02-07 17:51:46 by psenough psenough
i wouldnt support hugi even with a ten-foot pole anymore!
added on the 2005-02-07 17:54:53 by el mal el mal
make it better hmm. Only relaese special edition(s) i say
added on the 2005-02-07 18:15:39 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
i just find adok such a rude, disrespectful, clueless, disturbing (see: iq test in hugi), arrogant ass, i'd never support hugi again. despite being basically talentless, he appears to have a massively superior attitude.

the major reason people appear to give in support of hugi is, "it's a diskmag thats still being released! so therefore it must be good!so support it!".
remember, just cos it's getting released, doesnt stop it from being a big pile of shite. and it actually appears to be this way by design - they wanted it to look and sound and read like that.

pain isnt perfect, but at least if you support pain you know you're writing for a mag whos editors are not arrogant, rude and clueless. and at least you would trust them to throw out ep's corner. at least they can recognise decent music and gfx, and treat contributions with respect (not just shove them in a pool where they may get used one day in 5 issues time).
anyone with any self respect and any knowledge of the scene would not support hugi these days. and pain is sitting there needing support, why wouldnt you send your articles there? :)
added on the 2005-02-07 18:42:18 by smash smash
Why do some people always demand that you help making a mag better if you criticize it? It's not like anyone's telling anyone to "support" bad demos...
added on the 2005-02-07 18:54:58 by puterman puterman
few solutions:

appoint new editor.
tell ep to have his own e-mag.
make it illegal for americans to speak about scene.

pick any two.

I assume it was "appoint new main editor" meant, so the "illegal for americans" comment is only a little filler.

Btw, some days ago I've read in #pouet.net or somewhere in the BBS (don't recall exactly) the suggestion for a small pouet-test where someone should prove at least a little amount of scene wisdom before being able to post. Why are now all mad about Mr. superintelligent when he adds a simple test which could even be solved by try'n'error? (Hint: x(n+1)=2*x(n)-1 is the formula.)

But then again, there were enough people who said after #29, he shouldn't give ep another time the possibility to write such a bull shit. Somehow I still think the reason is "Dr. Adok and Mr. Poirer". ;)

Oh and yeah, support PAiN, they are worth it.

  • buy ep a shotgun
  • tell him it's a newskool demo
  • teach him how to press its escape key

added on the 2005-02-07 19:33:10 by rmeht rmeht
Newschool sucks. Oldskewl rules.... throw vectordots at him and stomp him flat with a cube!
The IQ test was a good idea, but it was a bit on the easy side? Next time you should probably arm yourself with questions more like these.

And for crying out loud, don't just stop at one question. It's way too easily cracked by simply trying all the choices. You should ask at least 10 questions and then tell whether the user has passed (all correct) or not (at least one wrong).

After all, do you want idiots to read the fine magazine?
added on the 2005-02-07 19:51:41 by 216 216
what's the point of a x^10 possible solution test? being able to read another "i belong the scene" from a clueless person? no tnx
added on the 2005-02-07 20:08:07 by rmeht rmeht
Any diskmag is made solely by its main editor. The quality of colomnists is always depending on the personality of the editor. A good editor can attract good writers. A loser will only attract losers.
Sorry Adok, but I really think you are a loser.
added on the 2005-02-07 20:19:01 by tomcat tomcat
The one thing you all should agree upon is that a diskmag is from sceners for sceners. Support mostly is a huge factor in the quality and quantity of the diskmag contents. So the answer is simple: to make Hugi better (infact make every diskmag better) is SUPPORT the diskmag in question!

I actually hate to bring this up, magic. But many years ago you were yourself a much scorned, controversial and hated person in the scene. I was a pure breed PC scener back then, so I don't remember exactly what it was but, even I remember the heated discussions and your...flawed attitude.

It's just typical that YOU are giving thumbs up to adok/ep.
I agree with Tomcat (<-WTF?!?!)
added on the 2005-02-07 20:34:10 by Gargaj Gargaj
I like tomcat's earlier suggestion, personally.

and not all of us yanks are lamers. only the vast majority. yeah.
added on the 2005-02-07 20:37:10 by witeshade witeshade
Can someone please tell me what the point is with using the diskmag form to publish articles nowadays? The best I can think of is nostalgia and imo, that's not good enough. On the really con side of things I quite dislike being locked up in a terribly lowres fullscreen interface for reading...
added on the 2005-02-07 20:42:44 by thorsten thorsten
mmeht, no, that would be the point of passing the test. the point of the test itself is something entirely different.
added on the 2005-02-07 20:43:59 by 216 216
I agree with Gargaj (<-WTF?!?!)
added on the 2005-02-07 20:48:31 by eye eye


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