Revision 2019 - April 19th to 22nd
category: parties [glöplog]
i'd also vote for 4:3 even if i don't plan to make a 256b for revision (for reasons :D)
AAAAAAARGH! i've meant 16:9 of course :))
Yes, using the coordinate trick is cheaper than division by linelen. But it doubles some pixel which could be uglier
You are doing it wrong, then. Hint:
xchg ax, bx
i'd also vote for 4:3 even if i don't plan to make a 256b for revision (for reasons :D)
AAAAAAARGH! i've meant 16:9 of course :))
We now have more votes than voters! Keep'em coming!
Had this dream this night at being stuck at Revison Photo Compo... FOREVER...
Stay a while,... STAY FOREVER!
16:9 seems a pretty strange choice to me.
I think going either 16:10 (true square pixels with 320x200) or 4:3 ("oldschool") are the options we should consider. Where intros targeting 16:10 probably look better on the popular 16:9 screens than intros made for 4:3.
I think going either 16:10 (true square pixels with 320x200) or 4:3 ("oldschool") are the options we should consider. Where intros targeting 16:10 probably look better on the popular 16:9 screens than intros made for 4:3.
Do you know any place i could store my luggage on the sunday?
I couldn't afford getting one more day in hotel reservation (i barely can afford the whole thing anyway), and I don't want to be moving around for entirety of sunday with a backpack, and one to two suitcases.
I plan to stay till end of Amiga and PC Demo compos, then go straight to the hbf, and then a loooooong trip awaits me.
I couldn't afford getting one more day in hotel reservation (i barely can afford the whole thing anyway), and I don't want to be moving around for entirety of sunday with a backpack, and one to two suitcases.
I plan to stay till end of Amiga and PC Demo compos, then go straight to the hbf, and then a loooooong trip awaits me.
Do you know any place i could store my luggage on the sunday?
I couldn't afford getting one more day in hotel reservation (i barely can afford the whole thing anyway), and I don't want to be moving around for entirety of sunday with a backpack, and one to two suitcases.
I plan to stay till end of Amiga and PC Demo compos, then go straight to the hbf, and then a loooooong trip awaits me.
Saarbrücken main station offers various lockers where one can store luggage. Maybe that's an option? But I don't know what it costs.
OlaHughson: Just stay at the partyplace until you really need to go to HBf. Why bother with lockers?
Yeah. Just find a place in the party hall to put your stuff (maybe with someone you know that has space at their table).
You are doing it wrong, then. Hint:
Code:xchg ax, bx
Hmmm. I don"t know what you mean. But I'm curious. :-)
Please explain it.
If you convert the horizontal 320 pixels to 0...255 coords,
that means some pixels will get the same coord.
mov ax, 0xcccd
mul di
You now have 16-bit Y in dx and 16-bit X in dl:ah. If you pusha then dl is not adjacent to ah in memory. But it is adjacent to bh.
Yep, what i described here ;)
Yeah. Just find a place in the party hall to put your stuff (maybe with someone you know that has space at their table).
Indeed. I guess it would fit somewhere!

Just go with some 2^x * 2^x then...
...maybe renaissances bitShifting! (compared to expensive muls/divs) :D
...maybe renaissances bitShifting! (compared to expensive muls/divs) :D
everyone's too busy working on prods (and seminar presentations)
kinda true ... at least over here
who knows who knows
So, really? Everyone is fine with Pascal card and not trying out RT?
Yeah, let's have some more questions!
For Tiny Intro (again), can you say a bit more about the CPU in the FreeDOS compo machine? When it says a quite recent CPU, does that mean a quite recent high-end CPU, i.e. can I safely assume that it is at least as fast as my 5-year-old 4770K? :)
(Asking on behalf of the "Demos are meant to be oneframe" mafia.)
No horsing around and wear your pants

@Blueberry With regard to your recent questions and comments i expect a pretty cool tiny intro from you =) Well, from ALL of you, too! *looksaround* Keep in mind, it's either full speed, or dosbox but with sound(!) so chose wisely ;)