Under Construction 2018
category: parties [glöplog]
Quote:Quote:RGB to Scat adapter
Makes all demos look like shit
Why? Its just the rgb pins rewired? If the cable is of ok quality and the input can handle it well there shouldnt be a bad picture.
Err, that was the wrong thing in my paste buffer, wasn't it? :D Well, since it's there, download it, it's great!
Also, this is the link to the party on scene.org: https://files.scene.org/browse/parties/2018/unc18/
Also, this is the link to the party on scene.org: https://files.scene.org/browse/parties/2018/unc18/
What an awesome party. I can‘t think of what to hilight first. Maybe to sum it up, it is all about you! Abfahrt!!
Thanks for the wonderful party! Greetings to Gala-Keyboard-Service only!
DIAMANT-Gala-Keyboard-Service !

Back home, alive and super stoked. Couldn't have wished for a better ending of 2018! <3
By the way, can we maybe drop the whole compo anoymization thing next year? It was a bit random to begin with, e.g. photo compo was not anonymous while other graphics compos were.
Saga Musix, jea, and with the others it was clear after all. We will improve this. It's an option in PartyMaster, at first we thought it was a good idea. But then the option wasn't activated everywhere, and everything became a bit random ^^
In Music Competitions i would let it stay anonymous.
The track with 32 channels is Sagas track :)
I think most myths about the "good parts" of anonymized compos have already been debunked in this thread. It will definitely not prevent name-voting, which is still way more prevalent between group members and friends than from random people who wouldn't recognize the author if the beamslide didn't say so. Name-voting by obtaining a second or third votekey from the infodesk is still a thing that very much exists and makes me feel much worse than name-voting based on what's written on beamslides.
Also, not voting at all is the worst. Luckily having a proper live voting and regular voting available asap afterwards helps quite a lot there.
@Orgas: Thanks for keeping the "between Christmas and New Year" tradition running!
@All: Happy New Year!
@All: Happy New Year!
galakeyboard- service bedankt sich bei allen publikum für die rege teilnahme im konzert.
gala- keboqrd servce thanks the international audience for engagement and day one retention.
gala- keboqrd servce thanks the international audience for engagement and day one retention.
SIE wünschen den Orgel-Donner für IHR demo-event? Fragen sie Nicht länger! Gala-Keyboard, mit service und geschmack, wo andere sich den salmiaki von den fingern schlecken.
You wish for the organ donor incorporating your event of demoscene? Don't ask any prolongement! Gala-Key-Board. Including service and tastefulness, while others lick salmiaki beyond their fingerings.
SIE können mich für IHRE Demo-Veranstaltung buchen!
YOU can bookkeep me for your DEMO-event!
Das ist, wo Geschmack passiert!
This is, where taste happens.
You wish for the organ donor incorporating your event of demoscene? Don't ask any prolongement! Gala-Key-Board. Including service and tastefulness, while others lick salmiaki beyond their fingerings.
SIE können mich für IHRE Demo-Veranstaltung buchen!
YOU can bookkeep me for your DEMO-event!
Das ist, wo Geschmack passiert!
This is, where taste happens.
Das war grobartig wunderproll!
SIE können mich für IHRE Demo-Veranstaltung buchen!
Mainstage at Revision 2019, bitte!
What the guy above me said!
But... will it be zum FESTpreis??
FESTpreis is always same as whole Partypreis, so revision will be expensive this Year! Or they have to get rid of this oversized screen and the extravagant technology to afford this exclusive music experience. !
It´s more easy than thought:
You all have to booze more to pay for splendid stuff like Gala-Keyboard, as booze-money goes into refinancing! ;) (If you don´t (wanna) booze, just buy some more water for your trip home or sth alike! ;) )
I am happy you all had a nice party! :)
I am still sorry (mostly for myself) not being able to attend in the end! But a flu is a flu and so i just couldn´t make it! :/
I´ll order an extra Kaltgetränkekabel and a Scat-Kabel to get rid of the former next year then! :D
You all have to booze more to pay for splendid stuff like Gala-Keyboard, as booze-money goes into refinancing! ;) (If you don´t (wanna) booze, just buy some more water for your trip home or sth alike! ;) )
I am happy you all had a nice party! :)
I am still sorry (mostly for myself) not being able to attend in the end! But a flu is a flu and so i just couldn´t make it! :/
I´ll order an extra Kaltgetränkekabel and a Scat-Kabel to get rid of the former next year then! :D