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Under Construction 2018

category: parties [glöplog]
i know how to create links O_o

added on the 2018-11-20 16:09:24 by Green Green
get there or be punished by my mighty [please insert body part terrifying you]!
added on the 2018-11-20 16:13:25 by bitch bitch
UNC 2018, I will go, 27-28-29 Dec

but I registered quickly and didn't pack my suitcase yet.
added on the 2018-11-20 16:39:08 by xTr1m xTr1m
[please insert body part terrifying you] -> Mouse click finger?
added on the 2018-11-20 19:40:43 by nodepond nodepond
had aAA, beein prepared to a plush! carry hardy, eh!
UNC 2018, I camp tho, 27-28-29 Dec
added on the 2018-11-21 02:23:02 by gentleman gentleman
hArDy&UNC 2018 is a go, 27-28-29 Dec

Die T-Träger sind bereits fachmännisch verschnürt, bereit in die Konstruktion verbaut zu werden, sobald der Kranfahrer wieder nüchtern ist!
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

vielen Dank für die formelle Einladung zu Ihrem Computerkunstevent "UNC".

Hiermit bestätige ich meine Teilnahme für alle drei Veranstaltungstage (27. - 29. Dezember 2018).

added on the 2018-11-24 12:53:11 by D.Fox D.Fox
but remember hardy "Kranplätze müssen verdichtet sein!"
added on the 2018-11-26 10:57:56 by Green Green
Irgendwie träume ich nachts von Regalen.
added on the 2018-12-06 21:07:05 by nodepond nodepond
@nodepond: Dein Scheiß Regal ist mir scheißegal!
added on the 2018-12-07 14:24:41 by TMA TMA
damn, now i wish M.O.D. would pop up with some proper nightRackon! :D

Penishure should release "SCHEISSrEgal" maybe! :D

In anderen Neuigkeiten: Ich denke ich könnte John Cooper Clarke als Kranführer verpflichten, der ist dann nicht nur dicht, sondern sogar noch Dichter von Beruf! :D

Anyways: Ich werde mich regal(english) amüsieren! UNC is a go!
Mir unkt es UNCt bald wieder!
added on the 2018-12-08 19:29:27 by v3nom v3nom
So langsam wird’s aber auch mal Zeit!
added on the 2018-12-17 21:21:00 by Bombe Bombe
Looking forward to this non-bragging-party \o/
added on the 2018-12-23 12:49:30 by havoc havoc
Do you show entries live from an A500? Do you have one in orignal config at the party?
added on the 2018-12-23 20:12:50 by bifat bifat
sorry, no Amiga 500 (or any) on Party, i think we able to use if someone brings an Amiga. But we need propper video adapter. link RGB to chich connector or a520 Module.
added on the 2018-12-25 13:21:55 by Green Green
I bring an A500, but I only have a DSub23 to VGA adapter.
added on the 2018-12-25 16:58:58 by bifat bifat
@bifat, if you need 2 more compofillers for separate oldskool/a500 compo, let me know. ;))
added on the 2018-12-25 19:54:09 by bonefish bonefish
I have now taken my own A500 with me and found a RGB to Scat adapter, hope we can get it for the video technique. scart is more common in Video sfuff than 23subD. somethink will be there.
Normal A500, 512 fast ram + 512 chip ram.
added on the 2018-12-26 03:51:04 by Green Green
Cool... just finished a small demo, can't wait
added on the 2018-12-26 04:38:52 by bifat bifat
now packing all the stuffs. can't wait!
added on the 2018-12-26 13:51:17 by jco jco
RGB to Scat adapter

Makes all demos look like shit
added on the 2018-12-27 22:20:27 by DanLemon DanLemon
RGB to Scat adapter

Makes all demos look like shit

Why? Its just the rgb pins rewired? If the cable is of ok quality and the input can handle it well there shouldnt be a bad picture.
added on the 2018-12-28 00:38:40 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
cue for...
BB Image
added on the 2018-12-28 00:50:42 by el mal el mal


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