TRSAC - My Little TRSAC - 19th - 21st of October 2018, Aarhus, Denmark
category: parties [glöplog]

I hope poobrain will bring the kravall for that lug!bber session!
Remember that this thursday is the last day for odering a food ticket -
Also, 115 sceners already bought a ticket - you're awesome, and we're really looking forward to another great TRSAC experience! HYPED!
Also, 115 sceners already bought a ticket - you're awesome, and we're really looking forward to another great TRSAC experience! HYPED!
So hyped that I can't even type properly.

waffle: wat!? :D
Timetable is up -
Also tomorrow is the LAST day for ordering food tickets for TRSAC -
Timetable is up -
Also tomorrow is the LAST day for ordering food tickets for TRSAC -
Puryx do you like yellow ? joking :)
Puryx likes yellow, black and red
I like lavender.
We got a chance to extend the deadline for selling food tickets, so you can still order a food ticket for TRSAC until Sunday afternoon!
<3 farfar
<3 farfar
waffle: wat!? :D
Something about Finnish film director in Denmark. :D
Absolute last chance to buy a food-ticket tonight!
Also: Remember that we accept remote entries - in an the usual compos, and a few unusual like Gabber Music and LIVE mixed acid music
Why would anyone even consider participating in a compo that looks like this? .. you could spend your precious time on .. well practically everything else is better than contributing to a dull partyfeature like a live mixed acid compo.

Oldschool democompo entry: ready
Damn, so fuckin hyped for my first party in Denmark since TP93!!!!
More than 120 sceners already secured their ticket - we <3 you, and are all hyped up to give you a blast for this weekend!
That's what she said.

We're almost ready ;)
Martin: der står "blast", ikke "blæs" :)
sadly i cannot make it to the party this year but i did manage to obtain this secret footage of lug00ber training his shutdown skills:

anyone going by car from hamburg (or amsterdam) ? I'm looking for a lift :)