Logos specs
category: general [glöplog]
Ok, as I plan to add a page to automatically submit logos to pouet, I'd like to ask what you would like to see as requirements and limitations for the submitted logos. I will of course modify the existing logos to fit the requirements.
For now I think of:
- Transparency welcome against the blue background (it's unlikely it will ever change)
- 512x192px max
- 64KB max
Your thoughts ;)
For now I think of:
- Transparency welcome against the blue background (it's unlikely it will ever change)
- 512x192px max
- 64KB max
Your thoughts ;)
Oh, btw, what about SWF ? Just asking.
I'd better see 512x128px max, 192px is way too tall.
Here's how a 512x128px box looks like:

are animated gif authorized ? :]
I vote against animated GIFs or even SWFs, as blinking stuff is always a distraction and doesn't serve any aesthetical or practical purpose whatsoever. Plus I don't want my laptop to leech its batteries dry just because I forgot closing the pouet window.
eh.. people can randomly submit logos then...
welcome ugliness... :/
welcome ugliness... :/
Thanks kb_, I was hopping someone would tell them =D
Let's recap, for now we have:
For now I think of:
- static GIF, JPG or PNG
- Transparency welcome against the blue background (it's unlikely it will ever change)
- 512x192px max
- 64KB max
Let's recap, for now we have:
For now I think of:
- static GIF, JPG or PNG
- Transparency welcome against the blue background (it's unlikely it will ever change)
- 512x192px max
- 64KB max
[quote=Okkie]eh.. people can randomly submit logos then...
welcome ugliness... :/[/quote]
That's the case now, that wont change.
welcome ugliness... :/[/quote]
That's the case now, that wont change.
Okay, this BBS needs a revamp soon =D
oh, right.. ok, humm..
*whistles the 'clue tune'*
i have to visit a certain shoppe..
*whistles the 'clue tune'*
i have to visit a certain shoppe..
uhm, could i get the chance to modify my logos myself? ;)
Of course ;)
Remember that transparent PNG is not shown properly in IE by default. U have to use a script like this:
if (navigator.platform == "Win32" && navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && window.attachEvent) {
document.writeln('<style type="text/css">td { visibility:hidden; } </style>');
window.attachEvent("onload", fnLoadPngs);
function fnLoadPngs() {
var rslt = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+)/, '');
var itsAllGood = (rslt != null && Number(rslt[1]) >= 5.5);
imgcoll = document.all.tags("IMG");
for (var y = imgcoll.length - 1, imgtest = null; (imgtest = imgcoll[y]); y--)
if (imgtest.src != "" && imgtest.src.match(/\.png$/i) != null) {
var src = imgtest.src;
imgtest.style.width = imgtest.width + "px";
imgtest.style.height = imgtest.height + "px";
imgtest.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src + "', sizingMethod='scale')"
imgtest.src = "bilder/blank.gif";
imgtest.style.visibility = "visible";
if (navigator.platform == "Win32" && navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && window.attachEvent) {
document.writeln('<style type="text/css">td { visibility:hidden; } </style>');
window.attachEvent("onload", fnLoadPngs);
function fnLoadPngs() {
var rslt = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+)/, '');
var itsAllGood = (rslt != null && Number(rslt[1]) >= 5.5);
imgcoll = document.all.tags("IMG");
for (var y = imgcoll.length - 1, imgtest = null; (imgtest = imgcoll[y]); y--)
if (imgtest.src != "" && imgtest.src.match(/\.png$/i) != null) {
var src = imgtest.src;
imgtest.style.width = imgtest.width + "px";
imgtest.style.height = imgtest.height + "px";
imgtest.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src + "', sizingMethod='scale')"
imgtest.src = "bilder/blank.gif";
imgtest.style.visibility = "visible";
Hail to the Internet Explorer!
transpared pngs are shown correctly - alphamapped ones aren't
Gargaj: Ok :)
I don't give a shit about IE, and especially about scripts whose only purpose is to fullfil IE lame render engine.
no .swf and no animated crap please :)
analogue: but there will still be a voting system right???
I guess no one here wants some random shitty logo submited by some tasteless coders with no filtering at all :(
I guess no one here wants some random shitty logo submited by some tasteless coders with no filtering at all :(
if there wasn't filtering we would be spammed with bukkake logos.
Of course, I'm just talking about the submit-a-logo thing