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Demos with political topics?

category: general [glöplog]
Intro by Third Reich

(Not sure if it is not a joke prod or not).
added on the 2018-08-29 01:28:30 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
added on the 2018-08-29 01:33:15 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
That nice ZX Spectrum slideshow... does anyone remember it?
added on the 2018-08-29 02:09:37 by xernobyl xernobyl

More about society and media than politics:
Staatsfreund Nummer Eins
added on the 2018-08-29 02:33:31 by T$ T$
Gave up trying to figure how to make a list, so not to completely spam this thread here is a shorter list of pseudopolitical Jumalauta demos I consider worth watching:


Jewish Conspiracy trilogy:
Jewish Conspiracy

JUHA 001
The Long March

Dark Olympics
The Storm Is Coming
I Am Devil (About a Finnish occult nazi leader, so kind of 50/50 if this should really be in Vague or Nazi-category)

we offer the best final solutions for your company
madness rules the world burn
In 1975 group of soviet scientists invented a machine capable of removing ones free will
Raid over Stockholm
Father Of The Great Nation - The Psilocybin Mix
atu' al-umaj (Maybe counts as Jewish Conspiracy spinoff before Jewish Conspiracy :)

Not worth watching per-se, but day-1 political demos:
Long Live Emperor (Released when Bush jr. was elected. First one in series.)
Long Die Emperor (Released when Saddam was executed. First Long Die-demo.)
added on the 2018-08-29 07:46:00 by sauli sauli
I still think one of the greatest missed opportunities was when JML didn't make a demo called "Godspeed You! Black Emperor" when Obama was elected.
added on the 2018-08-29 07:51:08 by jobe jobe
Well I just added Jumalauta as a group to the List. I hope that's ok :D
Haha :D Excellent.

(Just noticed I also missed Uhka Idästä, but it was mentioned before anyway)
added on the 2018-08-29 07:55:58 by sauli sauli
Wow, there's quite a lot considering most compo rules say no politics.
added on the 2018-08-29 08:37:16 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
It was enough to hurt VideoMan's Russian pride which made him spew a lot of Soviet propaganda bullcrap, leading to him being banned. 50 years after the event the prod is about.
added on the 2018-08-29 09:26:42 by El Topo El Topo
Wow, there's quite a lot considering most compo rules say no politics.

Do they? I can't think of a single one.
added on the 2018-08-29 09:52:09 by Gargaj Gargaj
Wow, there's quite a lot considering most compo rules say no politics.

They do?
added on the 2018-08-29 16:03:53 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
I made this a long, long time ago.
added on the 2018-08-29 16:07:39 by Preacher Preacher
If I remember correctly, there was also a DOS demo about the independence of East Timor (?)
added on the 2018-08-29 16:17:34 by marlowe marlowe
this demo by me is political although i guess not obviously so
Wow, there's quite a lot considering most compo rules say no politics.

You're mixing up Revision and Eurovision.
added on the 2018-08-29 16:35:17 by waffle waffle
This is good one too: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=77
added on the 2018-08-29 18:47:07 by evills evills
Monarchy seems to have some -- don't know how serious -- political demos with a monarchist message. Our Boy had some "message" too. I've seen some misunderstand it completely tho :P
added on the 2018-08-29 20:00:28 by Marq Marq
I may have got this all wrong but I think this also has some politics stuff:
majestic twelve by Bilotrip
added on the 2018-08-29 22:55:11 by rimina rimina


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