evoke 2018 | 17th to 19th of August | Cologne, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
booked flight
This year we want to try something new with the seminars.
This year at Evoke we give seminar opportunities to everyone!
We are calling for: Lightning Seminars!
The rule is simple: You have discovered something interesting? Some tiny little detail or a big one, where you think: Yeap! That is something for Evoke. This might be stuff like: Just one thing (you made, explored...)
So nice. Then hand it over to Evoke!
We are searching for contributions for about 5-20 Minutes, that are suitable for a sort of mini-seminar. We will have some of them in a row.
Put your pitches or thoughts using our contact form ...and don't worry. We will take care of it. So better send than to be sorry!
No combined photo/gfx compo this year, please! Separate them now!
remote entries?
@yzi: no remote entries except pixel graphics and ansi/ascii.
Some good news up front: the ticket price stays at 35 Euro (for the regular tickets). Supporter tickets are available at 200 Euro. More information is available on the website.
With that information available we start the deinetickets.de presale today!
And just like the last years: it´s perfectly fine to pay the entrance fee at the door. Presale ticket owners will not have any privileges. You decide what is most convenient for you!
With that information available we start the deinetickets.de presale today!
And just like the last years: it´s perfectly fine to pay the entrance fee at the door. Presale ticket owners will not have any privileges. You decide what is most convenient for you!
so i been doing this series of videos road to evoke demoparty 2018, will still do a few more (one a week maybe?), and then conclude with a live report from Evoke itself similar to what i did last year. hope people like the concept.
Prepaid my ticket so I can use it for my tax returns :)
Also, link : https://www.evoke.eu/2018/party/tickets/
Booked train and hotel!
Crossposting this:
We're proud to announce that the 4th tournament of the Shader Showdown European Tour will take place later this summer at Evoke demoparty in Cologne, Germany. Four competitors will be invited to compete in Evoke's cozy bar area for a live 1-on-1 shadercoding tournament. At Evoke and unlike previous Showdowns, all the battles in the tournament will be fought in a single session on Friday evening, August 17th, 2018. If you'd like to volunteer for this competition, please send a mail to havoc@outlinedemoparty and we'll add you to the list from which the Evoke orgas will select 4 coders who shall be invited to compete in Cologne.
Please note that in a little less than 3 weeks from now, there's also a tournament at Nordlicht party in Bremen, and some spots for this tournament are still available!
We're proud to announce that the 4th tournament of the Shader Showdown European Tour will take place later this summer at Evoke demoparty in Cologne, Germany. Four competitors will be invited to compete in Evoke's cozy bar area for a live 1-on-1 shadercoding tournament. At Evoke and unlike previous Showdowns, all the battles in the tournament will be fought in a single session on Friday evening, August 17th, 2018. If you'd like to volunteer for this competition, please send a mail to havoc@outlinedemoparty and we'll add you to the list from which the Evoke orgas will select 4 coders who shall be invited to compete in Cologne.
Please note that in a little less than 3 weeks from now, there's also a tournament at Nordlicht party in Bremen, and some spots for this tournament are still available!
Flights booked! Other travel arrangements in progress. See you there! :)
and after the crosspost, here is the "official" announcement of the shader showdown evoke-edition:
let the games begin!
let the games begin!
ok, now i´ve got DAS Keyboard 4 Ultimate i am more of a ready than ever for Projektbeschreibung Showdown! *wink* #officiallyInviteMeAlready #hardyForShaderShowdownRulageHype
Here's some good news for those who have been curious about who will play at Evoke this time. We are proud to present our first live act for Friday night: Zabutom from Sweden, a well-known self-described "post-chiptune musician", who collaborated with groups like Fairlight and Up Rough, and had his music released by labels such as Data Airlines and 8bitpeoples, will perform a live set of spaced out, melodic electronica with early IDM, chiptune and demoscene vibes.
In this year's tracked music compo, we decided to honour a PC demoscene classic: the soundtrack from Halcyon’s “Da Clone” (1995) – an example of particularly clever usage of just three samples. The remix compo is endorsed by the original composer, Croaker/Hancyon. Read the full rules and download the original track here.
In this year's tracked music compo, we decided to honour a PC demoscene classic: the soundtrack from Halcyon’s “Da Clone” (1995) – an example of particularly clever usage of just three samples. The remix compo is endorsed by the original composer, Croaker/Hancyon. Read the full rules and download the original track here.
of course, it's supposed to say "haLcyon"

Holy shit, time for prEvoke again already! Coming to Evoke? Want to start partying sooner? Or need a place to stay before the party? Perfect! For the SEVENTH time in a row we are meeting the night before Evoke to drink beer, hang out and get in the mood for Evoke. Last year there were over 40 people there in total!
More info:
prEvoke thread:
And yes, there will be T-shirts again.
Only three weeks left. Time to get excited, for example because of this seminar:
Seminar: Modern Amiga Demo Cross-Development
Seminar: Modern Amiga Demo Cross-Development
Hellfire and Noname from Haujobb will share some insights about coding for the Amiga in this Seminar. Based on their experience of jointly creating several Amiga AGA over the years, like the "Beam Riders" demo, they will tell you how they did it and share some tricks of the trade with you
This talk will cover different aspects of the toolchain, such as coding and testing on PC, syncing with Rocket, and compiling for and profiling on Amiga. It is basically a "Beam Riders" making-of, so be there to learn about this incredible demo and how they made it.
Seminars at Evoke!
This year different!!
We still search for contributors to our new Seminar-format! We look for talks, that are as short as much as inspiring. Do not prepare anything!! This is not an full fledged seminar!
We love to take hold of things, that inspired you to do cool stuff today (or let them be 1-3-5-7-9-15 years old.)
So, this is the contact form:
Evoke Seminars 2018 contact form
Make it a move!
This year different!!
We still search for contributors to our new Seminar-format! We look for talks, that are as short as much as inspiring. Do not prepare anything!! This is not an full fledged seminar!
We love to take hold of things, that inspired you to do cool stuff today (or let them be 1-3-5-7-9-15 years old.)
So, this is the contact form:
Evoke Seminars 2018 contact form
Make it a move!
We're happy to announce our music opener for Friday night: Turboanalisis from the Netherlands will present Turbo auf den Turbo! Expect a crazy glitch electro mash-up set, in which he will, as he writes himself, "embrace old and outdated songs, ... update, tweak and remix them until something awesome happens." We're sure that a lot of awesomeness will happen indeed. In other news, we made a small update to the ANSI/ASCII compo rules in order to clarify a few details.
In this year's tracked music compo, we decided to honour a PC demoscene classic: the soundtrack from Halcyon’s “Da Clone” (1995) – an example of particularly clever usage of just three samples. The remix compo is endorsed by the original composer, Croaker/Hancyon. Read the full rules and download the original track here.
Haha I <3 you guys. You actually brought back the one-sample-tracked music compo AND managed to make it even better!
what numtek said! :D ♥
P.S.: The only thing you could have done better this year would be the logo ---> MAKE IT UNREADABLE again already, ktnxbye :P
P.S.: The only thing you could have done better this year would be the logo ---> MAKE IT UNREADABLE again already, ktnxbye :P