RIP Nectarine... AGAIN!
category: general [glöplog]
Jesus F. Christ, please, don't stop :D
That's a real shame. All I wanted to do at 2am is go say hi to Mirrorbird, what an awful time to go down too considering that my first account anniversary is on July 4th.
Then join us on the Discord (see first page of thread) for the time being or the IRC channel on Espernet (#nectarine). They're bridged.
Already have. Also hi Starchaser.
Nectarines are delicious IMO.
I like apples. Apples are good.
Projektbeschreibung is dead.
Gargaj: in 2007 there was this series flamewars on pouet, surrounding DEViANCE, the so called "fake" TRSI and some other groups, i believe that was when the term "ghettoscene" was first coined to signify old demogroups connected to cracktro scene with lots of drama, egos, entitlement to group names, requests to delete stuff previously released, claiming indifference but demanding respect, basically grown men still behaving like teens. daXX was one of the people involved... in a not very positive light let's call it that. i'm sorry to say that from his words on this topic, it doesn't seem like he has changed his mentality much.
I do faintly remember that but I was just hoping if we could get the multitude of dramas separate from each other!
I remember (also) that drama very well.
NoooOOoo.. I love Nectarine. It's one of the pillars of a nice internet. :'( Please fix this.
It doesn't seem like he has changed his mentality much.
It seems that you know me better than I do myself.
It is a great pity that a scene that seems to be cosmopolitan and democratic is so narrow-minded and so marginal especially so prejudiced at the same time. I also remember you PSenough very well and all your Pouetfriends i don't need to mention here. If YOU have something to say with words you would use as PSenougn you prefer to use a second account, right? As all your funny friends.
However. It really seems that demoscene is more than dead. Only a few lifetime students
without love, girls and with to much free time seems to drink their beers on demoevents while cubes rotate on a big screen. Have fun with that in future because beyond that, there will be nothing in your life.
to rotate cubes on a big screen is cool, your attitude is not.
get a Projektbeschreibung.
get a Projektbeschreibung.
It seems that you know me better than I do myself.
And you seem to know the private lives of everyone else in the demoscene.
You talking about attitude? attitude my ass!

dont know, maybe you are right. got bashed too but there were good reasons for it. live with that. dont care.
daXX: i remember witnessing that shit in 2007... i also remember having some good conversations with you in the years after that... and now you're disappointed in me/us for some obscure reason..? wtf am i supposed to do with this information? am i even supposed to care? let's get real, i don't have to give a shit about such allegations because i've never done you any wrong whatsoever, end of. up to you to either bin the drama or be remembered as a queen...
However. It really seems that demoscene is more than dead. Only a few lifetime students without love, girls and with to much free time seems to drink their beers on demoevents while cubes rotate on a big screen. Have fun with that in future because beyond that, there will be nothing in your life.
Ok, will do!! 👍
Modaxx: I don't have a second account. Don't have much patience for the drama either. Didn't care much for it back in 2007 while i was administrating pouet and care even less for it now that i'm not. Just refreshing Gargaj's memory on what you were talking about.
psenough wrote: 
psenough wrote:
psenough wrote:
i'm sorry to say that from his words on this topic, it doesn't seem like he has changed his mentality much.
psenough wrote:
psenough wrote:
psenough wrote:
Just refreshing Gargaj's memory on what you were talking about.
psenough wrote:
i'm sorry to say that from his words on this topic, it doesn't seem like he has changed his mentality much.
