RIP Nectarine... AGAIN!
category: general [glöplog]
Great. Another site i saved time to request to delete all my music from there.
Strictly speaking I have never give any permission for all the sites and youtube channels to use my music. Especially for those who make money with it even with monetization.
However... Should the Site-Owner of Nectarine activate the site again, keep in mind, that you please delete ALL content of daXX. That would be wonderful.
Thank you for your concern.
Strictly speaking I have never give any permission for all the sites and youtube channels to use my music. Especially for those who make money with it even with monetization.
However... Should the Site-Owner of Nectarine activate the site again, keep in mind, that you please delete ALL content of daXX. That would be wonderful.
Thank you for your concern.
Can’t say I remember your music ever being on Nectarine to begin with, daXX (though I might be wrong).
Please don’t riff off the situation. The thing in focus here is more than just your tunes.
Please don’t riff off the situation. The thing in focus here is more than just your tunes.
You won't believe how I dont care what the focus is.
Oh, and by the way I looked through Modland, and most of your music is just remixes. Please shunt your output to /dev/null for the time being, would you kindly and so on and so forth.
Nectarine was never monetized. No one was profiting off your tunes, but rather enjoying and appreciating them, which is what I thought the point of music is. I don't really understand composing if an audience is not wanted, but that's just me...
Anyway, by "your tunes" do you mean your remixes of quite a large number of other people's music? I doubt that all of them individually expressed approval for having their stuff remixed, but probably didn't mind nevertheless, in the spirit of collaboration and creativity.
Anyway, by "your tunes" do you mean your remixes of quite a large number of other people's music? I doubt that all of them individually expressed approval for having their stuff remixed, but probably didn't mind nevertheless, in the spirit of collaboration and creativity.
Oh, and by the way I looked through Modland, and most of your music is just remixes. Please shunt your output to /dev/null for the time being, would you kindly and so on and so forth.
You know that you have rights on your own remix as an editor?
That doesn't mean it's for free and everyone can use it as he want. :) Just 2 let u know.
I think you seemingly have not noticed that the internet is changing. There is no impunity.
So even old MODs or SID Tunes gets signed by publishers nowadays and they want money when you broadcast it. Just to come back to your focused topic.
You won't believe how I dont care what the focus is.
I do believe.
It is a common mistake musicians make thinking they matter.
When it doesn't matter.. so why we're discussing here? And about what ?
You ever listened a radio or dance in a club without music? :)
What matters to you ? Watching coded cubes for 35 years and drink a beer while they rotating? :)
You ever listened a radio or dance in a club without music? :)
What matters to you ? Watching coded cubes for 35 years and drink a beer while they rotating? :)
It appears there are certain specifics of derivative works that you haven’t exactly grasped over so many years of churning them out. Maintaining such a yellow attitude takes dedication indeed!
But indeed, why are we even discussing you here, Mr. Please-Don’t-Even-Mention-My-Content. Everyone has a right to be forgotten, and you certainly exercised it just now – don’t you agree, gentlemen?
But indeed, why are we even discussing you here, Mr. Please-Don’t-Even-Mention-My-Content. Everyone has a right to be forgotten, and you certainly exercised it just now – don’t you agree, gentlemen?
You know that you have rights on your own remix as an editor?
Nobody's denying your right to have your music removed and I'm certain that the request would be honored if the site were to again become active. Rather, I think it's the general attitude that could be perceived as perturbing (or at least perplexing), especially since people in this thread are focused on the existential threat facing an important website held dear by many.
By the way:
So if you think that demos are stupid, why exactly are you on Pouet? (asking in all honesty and seriousness)
What matters to you ? Watching coded cubes for 35 years and drink a beer while they rotating? :)
So if you think that demos are stupid, why exactly are you on Pouet? (asking in all honesty and seriousness)
Nobody's denying your right to have your music removed and I'm certain that the request would be honored if the site were to again become active. Rather, I think it's the general attitude that could be perceived as perturbing (or at least perplexing), especially since people in this thread are focused on the existential threat facing an important website held dear by many.
I'm sure they/he (whoever) would respect it. And that's the reason why i posted it here :D Because:
It's been fun while it lasted. Now give it a rest. - Don't mail me.
But then you guys came up and thought to answer me how bad guy i am. :)
HEY ! It was just a website with some music and broadcasting... Nothing more - Nothing less. Respect the decision of the site owner. If you want the site active again, create your own!? :) How about that ? :) To much work?
But indeed, why are we even discussing you here, Mr. Please-Don’t-Even-Mention-My-Content. Everyone has a right to be forgotten, and you certainly exercised it just now – don’t you agree, gentlemen?
I don't get, what you're trampling so much on my post :D ... Is'nt this demoscene ? Pouet ? Anarchy ? The place where everyone can say whatever he/she want ? Ohhh it wasn't a post you expected. Weep over something that is not there anymore. Is that the focus of this thread? Sorry - Then I probably got that wrong. I'm very sorry about.
So if you think that demos are stupid, why exactly are you on Pouet? (asking in all honesty and seriousness)
I'm here since long time Oldchap.
Had much fun watching demos, found old amiga scene demos i watched as a child. But telling the whole story would blow the keg and isn't really important anymore.
I just wish to delete my content everywhere and that's all.
Well I don't think you're a bad guy. And I disagree with 1in10's suggestion that musicians don't matter. Music matters, as do rotating cubes--anything matters that people love =)
I think the reactions are all because your initial message sounded a bit callous and people are genuinely upset about what's happened lately. But no big deal. All the best to you
I think the reactions are all because your initial message sounded a bit callous and people are genuinely upset about what's happened lately. But no big deal. All the best to you
because your initial message sounded a bit callous
That happens more than once to me. Over and over again.
Seems like that i'm to stupid for a understandable english because it's not my motherlanguage. However. For you all the best too. :)
I'm slowly starting to understand why Arab pulled the plug.
I'm slowly starting to understand why Arab pulled the plug.
Ain't that the truth
Why--because a few people objected to a tone that was perceived as disparaging but after a few exchanges they moved beyond it and ended on a mutually congenial and even friendly note?
Yeah, time to pull the plug...
Yeah, time to pull the plug...
It's not such a big deal to delete all tunes of an artist or put them under "removed by request" -status, done that sometimes in Nectarine. Moderators can do the latter and admin (arab) the first. Takes a minute.
What daxx, myo and oldchap rant to each other shouldnt be of arab's concern.
What's so pulling-the-plug worthy here?
What daxx, myo and oldchap rant to each other shouldnt be of arab's concern.
What's so pulling-the-plug worthy here?
Make SadPanda happy again!

Wew, if Arab had to deal with this much ego-tripping and denial on a regular basis, I can understand why he wanted to send Nectarine to palliative care.
I'm slowly starting to understand why Arab pulled the plug.
Note that Oldchap has not been part of Nectarine community until very recently (like few months ...or possibly he made a comeback but his first stay was like over a decade ago or so and thus it is not relevant here). And during his recent stay there I actually do not even remember him being pointy or anything there.
I still hope that no one wants the treasure trove of music to disappear. Necta has been a revelation for the young me and continues to supply me with new music, genres and discoveries. And all of us – including arab – did a lot to keep it running, and it’s one hell of an awesome public library we’ve made.
I still hope that no one wants the treasure trove of music to disappear. Necta has been a revelation for the young me and continues to supply me with new music, genres and discoveries. And all of us – including arab – did a lot to keep it running, and it’s one hell of an awesome public library we’ve made.
I meant “^ what Maeln said.”