This video
category: gfx [glöplog]
Can confirm, that is a video.
To lazy to open the unclickable link, can`t confirm it`s a video.
no, this is an URL.
I clicked the link multiple times, but nothing happened...
click harder
That URL is making me thirsty
I triple-click it and it turns blue. Disappointing, really.
I wonder what does "IGqeyQhBPMI" really mean
no this video
no man, this video
yeah, but what about this video then?
cool cool but how about this one?
don't forget about this one (pretty nice animation, great mix of modern graphic with its 8bit roots, music is also quite decent)
yes, it is a Finnish music video?
Looks like done with Dpaint but its not :)
Looks like done with Dpaint but its not :)
maybe this one then?
Check out this video!
All I see is text.
In the year of 2018 the internet still use text
This is a clickable URL:

This post

Doesn't work here. :-(