Revision 2018 - 30. March to 2. April - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
H0f: Englishman you mean :)
Hi Orga-Team...looking at the weatherforecast I guess it would be wise to sell "Glühwein" or "Glöggi"'s easy to prepare in one of those temperature controlled pots, you'll make a lot of money and sceners happy :-) What do you think ?
+1 for glühwein!
+2 for glühwein!
+3 for glühwein!
+3 for glühwein!
i guess i'll be singing "the cold inside" in germany a lot again :D breakpoint 2004 was never gone! <3
Sorry for bringing the weather with us..
The Brits.
Not to worry, old chap. We could do with some summer now after a long winter.
The Norwegians.
As long as the Danes still drop their pants everything will be fine! ;)
Me at Revision:

So you dyed your hair, eh Britebear?
+1 to the Norwegians from the Northwestern Russians

The final .zip archive for the Condense demo (competing in oldschool compo) is finalized.
A making-of will be inside the archive ! :P
A making-of will be inside the archive ! :P
We’re proud to present this year’s music acts. No big announcement – just music <3
No beats, no bass.. Just revision.
Great music line up!! ;)
No beats, no bass..
So it's about some drone soundscapes ;)
Bleeps and Blops feat. the Beeper! \o/
### incomplete song, people dancing ###
P.S.: It´s even rumoured that Beaker will be on the Mic!
### incomplete song, people dancing ###
P.S.: It´s even rumoured that Beaker will be on the Mic!
No beats, no bass.. Just revision.
Saturday night will be hihats and cymbals only. £20 to get in!
I would've been fine with just cowbell.
Will the info desk have Club-Mate again? (asking the important questions :P)
Starchaser: i'll have prolly half a crate Club-Mate in ma car, just in case that the info-desk will not supply. =)
only 200 bucks a bottle! what a deal! :D
No drinks, just Revision.