My First Stupid Pouet Thread
category: general [glöplog]
It would probably be fine if the internet connections were only used to download demos but they're also (ab)used to write senseless gibberish in here and probably some others suspicious activities.
Afaik, there's already the mindcandy dvd (never seen it, tho) and cd/dvd compilations of parties releases are usually made and sold directly at the party place.
Nevertheless, you should empty your bollocks sometimes, for the sake of body's peace aswell as mind's peace.
Can't deny that, but....
These 3 quotes explain a lot about how you have serious issues with reality (and i could bet you don't even see where or why).
Internet is a zoo.
Welcome to Your First Stupid Pouet Thread, how does it feel ? (Thanks to Tomcat).
Afaik, there's already the mindcandy dvd (never seen it, tho) and cd/dvd compilations of parties releases are usually made and sold directly at the party place.
I have 5 girls in my life not to have sex as it don't interest myself.
Nevertheless, you should empty your bollocks sometimes, for the sake of body's peace aswell as mind's peace.
Talking, seeing others non sceners is also good for intellect
Can't deny that, but....
Of course if computers are your only love in life,
it appears a bit like a betrayal.
Girls have a different point of view about life, a different brain too : they have a multitasking OS integrated and so bugs quite often, they do not have the same perception of order,
but they are good in network and communication.
I mean they are able to read something while writing,
they can follow several communications at the same time,
they have a lot of female friends and share a lot.
I've spend a lot of time with girls,
my amiga features a "girly" OS :
true premptive multitasking OS running on less than 8 MHz.
These 3 quotes explain a lot about how you have serious issues with reality (and i could bet you don't even see where or why).
Internet is a zoo.
Welcome to Your First Stupid Pouet Thread, how does it feel ? (Thanks to Tomcat).
my amiga features a "girly" OS
Amigas are girly.
heck, amiga MEANS girl.
shifter: I'm afraid I'm totally lost now... considering what has been said before (thanx to Plek), can we now assume that:
The internet is a TRAP, that's my point :
a good replacement for TV.
Nowadays we have the net :
we have the ability to choose from more and more programs.
Of course reading is better for the intellect than watching.
That's why I don't love watching demos : I'm too passive doing so.
Gosh you're so wrong and you miss so many things that i pity you (not really in fact, it's only a rhetorical effect). You really don't know the potential of the net or the scene as you only see them from your petty CONSUMER point of view (qui est plus con que sumer...). That's so sad! Haven't you witnessed (i daren't say experienced) how the net gives people cheap and efficient means to share their knowlegde and their creativity ? The scene does the same, but even leeter! That's the way i see the real democratic mass media. TV is a stalinian media compared to the active freedom that provides the net.
Talking, seeing others non sceners is also good for communication :
if everybody stay for ever in front of a screen then we start to be old
before age.
ahah do you seriously consider yourself as a scener ? Man even Britney would be more scener than you!
btw your advice doesn't seem to work well at yourself, as many of your lame texts do stink of musty mentality...
I have 5 girls in my life not to have sex as it don't interest myself.
poor you! are you an eunuch that can only like pr0n ?
btw whytf do you summon girls in this thread ? poor girls!
I will answer about DVD questions now :
who really cares about DVD ? It's only a support like many other supports. The content is far more essential. You obviously are still obsessed by your rotten consumer-only habits.
snail mail.
LOL now you want the scene to return to mailtrading era ? ahah you're so clueless. Nothing can beat the broadband connections for the distribution of digital products. Even the retarded music industry has finally understood that. Even the biggest software are now distributed by the net. DVD burning is good for final archiving purpose or limited distribution.
btw the jewels of demoscene are intro64k... Don't you notice any size gap with DVD capacity ??
I'm dying to know what your next genius idea will be! using punch cards again ? those were so fun!!
ep can you learn the very basic basis of the scene before wanting to save it ? but I guess that's too humble for your bloated ego.
keops: by simplifying the statement, we get
![BB Image](
shifter: let's deduct a little further...
![BB Image](
![BB Image](
Havoc \o/
ahahaha.... havoc the photoshop mast000r!
Zest: No need to flame him about the DVDs, I've asked him because he mentioned that topic several times.
EP: Thanks for your answers. Ok, back to the DVDs.
EP: Thanks for your answers. Ok, back to the DVDs.
No comment on that one, I still have to figure out how it was meant.The medium DVD/R 4,7Gb cost here at London, 1£ / 1.5€ per DVD for
TDK branded ones. That's far cheaper than CD-R for the data size : a 700
Mb ones cast 0.2€ so 0.13£, means 4.7Gb of CD storage costs 4.7/0.7*0.2=
1.34€ < 1.5€.
No, I don't mean demos as executable, I was asking for demos as animations, since you requested more animations. Since I've seen about 8 GB (or even more) in video from about 250..300 demos I know that quality is a killer. Even a 3 minute demo/intro can be ugly in 100 MB. On this "knowledge" I based my questions about mastering and spreading.You can get a full DVD [...] with 450 [...] of 10 Mb demos each time so much datas is released.
millions ppl have one.
once again I have some problems in following your arguments. First you give (at least me) several times (I've only one quoted) the impression that sceners could reach many people when doing demos as animations on DVDs and then you say something completely other. Please explain a bit more what you've meant. Or maybe thinking about demos at 02:15 is a bit hard when I've sleped only 6 hours and will sleep about 3.5...c.How will the DVDs been spread to the millions of costumers all over the world?
Millions customers ?
Whow, demos don't and will never interest million ppl in the world, just
few computer addicts.
I think that ps had said this a lot of times before: "Some people got way too much spare time"
Must be the first time I understand it.. ;P
Must be the first time I understand it.. ;P
havoc, je bent een held ;)
Δεν ξέρω αν είχε κανένας το κουράγιο να διαβάσει όλα τα posts που έχουν γραφτεί εδώ. Εγώ να σας πω την αλήθεια μετά τη 2η σελίδα το παράτησα.
Πρέπει να έχει κάποιος πραγματικά πολύυυ χρόνο να πετάξει στα σκουπίδια για να διαβάσει όλο αυτό το κατεβατό.
Τέλος, δεν καταλαβαίνω πως την βρίσκουν με τα Γαλλικά. Πάω στοίχημα ότι όλο και κάποιος θα μου την πει που έγραψα σε μία γλώσσα που δεν καταλαβαίνει. Από την άλλη εγώ γιατί να πρέπει να ξέρω Γαλλικά;
Speak English Damnit!
Πρέπει να έχει κάποιος πραγματικά πολύυυ χρόνο να πετάξει στα σκουπίδια για να διαβάσει όλο αυτό το κατεβατό.
Τέλος, δεν καταλαβαίνω πως την βρίσκουν με τα Γαλλικά. Πάω στοίχημα ότι όλο και κάποιος θα μου την πει που έγραψα σε μία γλώσσα που δεν καταλαβαίνει. Από την άλλη εγώ γιατί να πρέπει να ξέρω Γαλλικά;
Speak English Damnit!
I've got three words for you:
B-E-S-T T-H-R-E-A-D E-V-E-R ! ! !
B-E-S-T T-H-R-E-A-D E-V-E-R ! ! !
あなたの女の子全員はEP に属する
All your unicode table belongs to Ep...
грекам - троекратное ура!
wtf. and i mean it.
See U in hugi 30.
And be prepared for more web pages : usefull this time.
Zest : Freedom, sticken in front of a screen more than 10 hours a day... See what Ergonomy means and freedom means, buy a dictionnary.
And be prepared for more web pages : usefull this time.
Zest : Freedom, sticken in front of a screen more than 10 hours a day... See what Ergonomy means and freedom means, buy a dictionnary.
buy a dictionnary.
ep: buy a box of clues.
Well, see *yourself* in Hugi. That's where you belong, we read diskmags.
Well, see *yourself* in Hugi. That's where you belong, we read diskmags.
Zest : one thing, you don't have nothing in the lemon.
Your logo show more than any words can say :
a big opened mouth...
Zest behaviour = bla lba bla bla... EP bla bla bla... stuff bla bla bla
MadenMann :
DVD distrib = earning more time to code and not downloading, communicating about everything, all the time for nothing (ie : at the moment I climb up the stairs in front of me, ...).
2 type of DVD :
1/ full of real time demos in .exe format
2/ full of anims for the joy of lots of ppl who don't own the hardware to launch them and will never. A DVD player is 100€<, compare that with any PC even the lower priced one needed to run a demo and you will see.
Well now U've tasted the net, U can't stop using them.
But on the deep down, DVD distrib is faster, more efficient but not at all in the trend. I see that too.
Your logo show more than any words can say :
a big opened mouth...
Zest behaviour = bla lba bla bla... EP bla bla bla... stuff bla bla bla
MadenMann :
DVD distrib = earning more time to code and not downloading, communicating about everything, all the time for nothing (ie : at the moment I climb up the stairs in front of me, ...).
2 type of DVD :
1/ full of real time demos in .exe format
2/ full of anims for the joy of lots of ppl who don't own the hardware to launch them and will never. A DVD player is 100€<, compare that with any PC even the lower priced one needed to run a demo and you will see.
Well now U've tasted the net, U can't stop using them.
But on the deep down, DVD distrib is faster, more efficient but not at all in the trend. I see that too.
Zest : one thing, you don't have nothing in the lemon.
yeah zest! you have NOTHING in the lemon!!! the mighty lemon is filled with stuff you have NOTHING to do with!! gottdamn accept it!!! :D
sunday is the day.. the day we rejoice and drink..