Bincoin mining & GPUs
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Bitcoin is not sustainable: it's mostly backed up by speculators, libertarians and ciriminal markets and it will go down in flames. If the technical issues could be fixed - then maybe. But they can't and they won't, because the people holding lots of BTC will cash out and everyone else will be left with nothing but cryptographic hashes.
It is interesting Bitcoin has remained between about USD 13,000 and USD 15,000 during the past week. I wonder when it will go up again. Or will it go down first?
Personally I expect bitcoin to crash and a couple of other cryptocurrencies to rise and shine...

(: re crash: I've seen things you nocoiners wouldn't believe... :)
btw, pareto principle works in the first place for general wealth inequality in the World and cryptos just follows that... Description of crypto crowd reminds me tabloid articles from 2013.
Surely it risen unhealthy fast and now it's popcorn time where it will bottom out.. ;)
btw, pareto principle works in the first place for general wealth inequality in the World and cryptos just follows that... Description of crypto crowd reminds me tabloid articles from 2013.
Surely it risen unhealthy fast and now it's popcorn time where it will bottom out.. ;)

Now Bitcoin is less than USD 10,000. It might be a good time to buy Bitcoin now in case you expect Bitcoin to rise again. However, nobody knows whether it mightn't happen that the value of Bitcoin will dwindle down even further.

Adok: It’s not too late to invest all your paper based money in real electronic values. Act now!

Mine the shit out of it!
To the haters, especially the received-opinion types like Preacher - short it. Short it and brag about your position.
Well, right now Bitcoin is at USD 7,000 and it seems that it will be still falling.
I'm glad I haven't "invested" in Bitcoin so far.
I'm glad I haven't "invested" in Bitcoin so far.
Is that stuff responsible for shortage of GPUs and soon-to-be-skyrocketing electricity prices crashing? Good. The electric cars alone are bad enough, I want to have my CPUs running for real stuff like demos in next decades, not thinking about every single watt spend, if I can afford it.
Is that stuff responsible for shortage of GPUs and soon-to-be-skyrocketing electricity prices crashing?
I bought my Asus Dual-GTX1060-O3G for 228,- in late November 17. Today's price would be 341,-. That is a 50% increase and just insane!
Use electricity to search for aliennzzzzz please :P

Ped: Just pay with bitcoin, it´s as simple as that! ;P
Both Shitcoin and UFOcoin exists actually :)
seems that it will be still falling.
... so ... short it. You and Preacher.
All of you knee jerk reactionaries who are against cannibalism should try pulled human.