i made this, any feedback would be appreciated, kinda hit a wall
category: general [glöplog]
I suspect you might get roasted, but honestly creating another forum for the demoscene is probably a wasted effort (I have the UK Demoscene forum which hasn't had posts in years) - most people post here or on Twitter or Facebook. Sorry to discourage, but I don't think you'll have much success with this.
yeah, forums aren't very hip. pt community communicates mostly through facebook, twitter and google hangouts. not very nice to keep an historic archive of things, but that's what people use these days.
Apart from the actual point whether or not another forum makes sense, the logo and the forum design is pretty far from the aesthetic the demoscene (in general) is trying to achieve.
Honestly, do you like how it looks like? Make things as easy as you can (good advice I got from a friend ages ago) - the time to go forward will surely come at some stage but it's important to understand when it is (and if you're not sure, it means it hasn't come yet).
Honestly, do you like how it looks like? Make things as easy as you can (good advice I got from a friend ages ago) - the time to go forward will surely come at some stage but it's important to understand when it is (and if you're not sure, it means it hasn't come yet).
yea i hear ya's I might remove the demoscene "branding" and just make it a forum where i can keep tabs on things that interest me, I think it looks "ok" but could be alot better, and using proboards is kinda dumb, thanks for your input :)
Could someone at least draw them a logo? :)
It is now B1asZ Forum of Computer Stuff, a custom logo would be really nice though :)
was gonna use this:

Hey thats pretty cool, simple but effective :)
lets see if i can ruin it :P
lets see if i can ruin it :P
not very nice to keep an historic archive of things
Then again, a board hosted on a free forum provider is not much better, sadly. Most of them die pretty quickly.

yea iv'e edited it now not demoscene related anymore, just a place i can put stuff im intrested in.
it's a very fitting logo, this is AU to my eyes :)
sorry, but i am too lazy to photoshop a logo out of princess Diana...
there is a auscene discord around.....
That logo needs more lensflares.

oh sorry, had my photoshop still in European settings...

Hahaha...I cant leave Pouet... Its like nonstop explosion of laughing.

Maybe I am demoscene loser, lamer, newbie... But you all guys are TOYS!!!

Something more complicated... You loosers and lammers...