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Revision 2018 - 30. March to 2. April - Saarbrücken, Germany

category: parties [glöplog]
Spoiler alert: This year's shirt will be pink
Another reason not to buy it then :)
added on the 2018-01-22 22:23:22 by xTr1m xTr1m
Damn, and I thought that'd make you buy it instantly!
Real men wear pink.. Real men also take it up the.........
added on the 2018-01-22 23:20:42 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
Pink shirts are invisible to graphics programmers, anyway!
c:\>pink -n 4 -l 4096
Spoiler alert: This year's shirt will be pink

Oh please, yes :3
added on the 2018-01-23 19:39:01 by lynn lynn
Wanted: Compo Organizers

For this year’s Revision we are on the lookout for new organizers in the Compo Team. You will end up in an international team of organizers with many years of experience in compo and party organizing. You will need to learn how our internally developed tool-chain for running the compos works and will need to be present at Revision before the party during buildup (starting April 3rd) so you can take part in the required preparations and the infamous test compo.

Of course you will also get free entrance, free food during the whole time, some great orga only swag, a few hugs and that warm fuzzy feeling after being part of such a great event.

 Have a look at our Wanted post and drop us a mail at hotline-2018@revision-party.net!
added on the 2018-01-23 20:58:20 by Madame Madame
Er, if the party ends on April 2nd, then how can build-up start on the 3rd? Isn't that a bit late?
Unless... you have a time machine. ;)
Er, if the party ends on April 2nd, then how can build-up start on the 3rd? Isn't that a bit late?
Unless... you have a time machine. ;)

I wish ;) Buildup starts on March 27th, teardown goes until April 3rd.
added on the 2018-01-23 21:34:52 by D.Fox D.Fox
The hotel registration is now online - thanks to the tourism office of Saarbrücken! Time to get your hotel room in case you haven’t already booked one.
added on the 2018-01-24 21:09:57 by Madame Madame
Wanted: Organizers for the Infoteam

Additionally to the Compo Team we still have open spots in the Infoteam.

Have a look at our Wanted post and drop us a mail at hotline-2018@revision-party.net!
added on the 2018-01-28 15:57:23 by Madame Madame
Unless... you have a time machine. ;)

What's that supposed to mean?
Of course D.Fox has a time machine
added on the 2018-01-29 16:51:09 by d0DgE d0DgE
No. Franky has the dime machines! :D
added on the 2018-01-29 22:25:58 by T$ T$
Unless... you have a time machine. ;)

What's that supposed to mean?
Of course D.Fox has a time machine

That was supposed to be our secret!
added on the 2018-01-30 14:54:38 by D.Fox D.Fox
that post wouldve been better had you posted it three weeks ago!
added on the 2018-01-30 15:27:18 by el mal el mal
maali: why are you replying to 3 week old posts?!?!
added on the 2018-01-30 16:01:21 by havoc havoc
because i'm marty mcfly
added on the 2018-01-30 16:47:35 by el mal el mal
today is 3 weeks ago
added on the 2018-01-30 17:35:18 by nagz nagz
Maali McFly...also known as Calvin Kewler!
I am slightly confused with Revision 2018 so far. It goes:

"No theme. No fuss. No limit.
Just Revision."

When there ever was a limit at revision, than maybe I did not manage to hit it already.
added on the 2018-01-30 23:05:05 by nodepond nodepond
@nodepond: It's because we do what we want and we do it with pride!
added on the 2018-01-30 23:38:47 by fizzer fizzer
I am slightly confused with Revision 2018 so far. It goes:

"No theme. No fuss. No limit.
Just Revision."

When there ever was a limit at revision, than maybe I did not manage to hit it already.

Damn, you figured it out ;)
added on the 2018-01-31 16:24:19 by D.Fox D.Fox
No size limit in the 64k compo!
no size limit for the bonfire?


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