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Revisionsanzeige Geschenk Zeug ist wirklich verdammt neato

category: parties [glöplog]
This year I've decided to make laser engraved leather patches. The circles are 5cm in diameter, the original text logo is 12cm × 4.3cm, and the invite-derived logo is 11.3cm × 2.8cm. They will have lasered thread holes to make things easier if you actually wish to sew them to a bag, jacket, or other item. I'm not sure what design I'll make the most of, but I may have a mix of all of these in some quantity.

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How many I make depends on cost, time, and interest. To save on a whole bunch of short "yes!" and "me too" posts you can give me a general idea by clicking the heart button below if you're reasonably sure you're going to Revision and want one. If you just want to fulfill a psychological desire to "like" this idea, click the thumbs up button instead.

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Unrelated to the patches, I have some extra Circuit Playground Classic Arduino-compatible dev boards I don't need. I wore one around Revision last year running a program I wrote. I may be able to bring a few to pass along to the interested. I also have colored USB cables and 3AAA battery cases that can be used with them. Let me know if you'd like one. Batteries not included.

(I partly apologize for using German to create a "clickbait" thread title. I really I only speak "traveler's German" which includes a few other useful words, being able to read some short signs, as well as knowing the requisite bitte, danke, and bier.)
I would take one of each of the Revision leather thingies; if I needed to put those into an order of preference that would be: 1. Revision, 2. Revision logo, 3. Just Revision, 4. Evilbot. (I really hope I don’t have to choose, though! :)
added on the 2018-01-13 10:03:17 by Bombe Bombe
And quite needless to say: name your price.
added on the 2018-01-13 10:03:46 by Bombe Bombe
I'll see what I can do about that. ;)
Very very nice!
added on the 2018-01-13 11:58:51 by las las
+1 for pouet posts with editable counter buttons :) . Any chance of an API for that? ;)
added on the 2018-01-13 13:46:17 by cxw cxw
Starchaser: Congratulations, your thread title is on par with ebay's / etsy's / [pretty much every international shop trying to desperately increase their transaction numbers]'s auto-translated item descriptions they do for item descriptions these days!
Yaaa-aw. This was partly intentional, but I was trying to translate the word "swag": items obtained from various tables and booths at tradeshows and job fairs. They're usually trinkets like pens or such, but I once got a full-size plastic light-up martini glass at one.

Very very nice!
Thank you. :)
added on the 2018-01-13 20:51:47 by TMA TMA
ze stuff is really neato!
angriff der laserlederhosen!
added on the 2018-01-13 22:07:36 by el mal el mal
I'd totally go for the rectangular (right top) one. Just name your price!
added on the 2018-01-14 00:21:34 by LiSU^TRS LiSU^TRS
Starchaser: maybe you can ask the creators von 'Batches' if they have some leftover leatherpieces of the same kind™ to bring as well. could give some interesting results after the groupwars!
added on the 2018-01-14 01:30:10 by gentleman gentleman
Hmm, not sure what you mean. I bought a large box of scraps that turned out to be fairly decent size which I will work through for these so I'm already "upcycling" leftovers in a sense. :)

Also I realized the circular ones will have to get a little more space added around the edge to make for a better margin. They'll get about 1.5-2mm wider (1/16").

ze stuff is really neato!
Thank you. :)

angriff der laserlederhosen!
Laserlederhosen Energieeee!
Hmm, not sure what you mean. I bought a large box of scraps that turned out to be fairly decent size which I will work through for these so I'm already "upcycling" leftovers in a sense.

that is nice and true spirit! :)
added on the 2018-01-14 01:55:25 by gentleman gentleman
The "like" button was originally a partial joke pair with the "I want" button, but it has shown me lot of you do seem interested in this so while I'm not making promises, I might see about other things after Revision for this. :)
Hi all; I'm not purposely trying to bump this thread. I'm just noting that production has started, and so I'm going to stop paying attention to the counter. It currently stands at 45, which I'll use as my reference for the production run. You can keep voting until I eventually turn that off, but it won't influence my production.

Thank you all for voting, and please don't forget to track me down at the party to get yours. :)
I figured I should provide an update as Revision is about a week away, depending on your travel schedule, and because I actually finished production two weeks ago or so.

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There's 45 of each and I know this isn't enough to cover all the "wants" but I banked on not everyone wanting one of each. I don't want to take any back home with me, so definitely find me at the party to get yours.

I've also frozen the favorite button above at 53. The like button still works.
I realized that image only shows up for me. I goofed.

Here you go:
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neato indeed! :)
added on the 2018-03-23 19:29:43 by LJ LJ
I still have plenty. If you're at Revision in the party hall and checking Pouet here's where I am:

As you enter the main hall, just past the curtains, right right and head to the corner. I am the chair with the red coat on it that's three people from the end of the row.

If you're coming from the front of the hall, head until you're beside with the beam team then turn left. See above about which chair.
neato! thanks!
added on the 2018-04-01 23:07:08 by jco jco
I had around 180 (45x4) and I gave out around 70% of those by some count, I think. At least 50% were given out directly, 32 by way of the infodesk rail, and so overall 70% or at least 126. I gave the rest to the orgas inside the info desk.

I hope you all enjoyed them and perhaps I'll see you again next year. :)
I know I give them out for free, but do let me know if there's anything I can improve.

Would it have been better to take down handles to ensure everyone who clicked the want button got one? Are there ways I could make it easier to find me at the event?


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