Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]

Dear santa...

What bastard closed the "Girls with Hardware" thread? Fucken hell, this place has got a bit PC hasn't it?

@Optimus, context? Where's that HUD from?

@raina: got it from here. Not even sure if it's made up or there is a mod for it.
This CD-Rom has beer checked =)

@raina : the face in the status bar is probably fake (rotated and blurry).
The rest seems to be real (i don't know from which mod it came from)
The rest seems to be real (i don't know from which mod it came from)

: )

@Optimus & Tigrou, this caption from the source
seems to confirm it as shopped. If I had a dollar for every retro inspired real game that had blurry, rotated, varying size "pixel" graphics that don't align to the pixel grid, I could buy most of them. But still, that HUD came from somewhere and I can't find the port.11. Do you hesitate for a moment when you find a medikit, while you have around 80% health?