Voxel renderer
category: residue [glöplog]
Streaming test (from HDD): https://goo.gl/o5C2tR
Keypad for translation, mouse wheel to change speed (roll forward to go faster, backward to go slower, as many times as needed to reach the desired speed), press left button of mouse & move it to look around.
Not meant to be pretty.
I despise you all.
Keypad for translation, mouse wheel to change speed (roll forward to go faster, backward to go slower, as many times as needed to reach the desired speed), press left button of mouse & move it to look around.
Not meant to be pretty.
I despise you all.
Neither FPU nor GPU are needed (except for a framebuffer), it's an "old style" software renderer.
Made in Tunisia.
couldnt the gpu at least help with general computing and stuff, even if its not polygon or shader based? i like voxels.
couldnt the gpu at least help with general computing and stuff, even if its not polygon or shader based? i like voxels.
couldnt the gpu at least help with general computing and stuff, even if its not polygon or shader based? i like voxels.
GPU = computer cancer.
I despise you all.
And I'm totally up for running your random piece of software!
Great idea...too bad it is just a ripped idea from "Saulin Penis" from Jumalauta. Still a good idea and a nice demo.
Quote:I despise you all.
And I'm totally up for running your random piece of software!
Don't worry, the PC will be fine, your eyes won't:

Quantity has a quality all its own (J. Stalin)
Just like unlimited detail!
I came here a few years ago (Kais/Kela) only to be derided by "professional" coders. A proof that the art of computer graphics is an embarrassment unto computer science is that here I am, a neophyte, doing what all of you renowned mentors in CG onanistics won't. The demos are written in C, with very little assembly. Built with VC 6.0.
Despicable Western faggots.
Despicable Western faggots.
Okay dude, don't forget to make a demo about it.
ISIS moved on to eye-terrorism?
thank you for your valued contribution!
you have clearly won the internet for today and everyone in this website now fully accepts you and your superior knowledge of computer graphics

you have clearly won the internet for today and everyone in this website now fully accepts you and your superior knowledge of computer graphics

This is what happens when I don't look at Pouët for a day.
egghead, this is everytime.
**purrrrrr *** purrr ***********~\\\\
*bubble man*
BUMP, you pitiful diarrhea trails.