New abitrary restriction: energy limited demos
category: general [glöplog]
While I was working on Hololens, Microsoft imposed pretty harsh conditions on power consumption. So, just make hololens demos that can run for more than 2 hours and you got your power consumption demo competition and it will be AR/MR/XR-CoolTech!!!!1111
Oh, and their web interface to the device actually shows graphs of power use and you can (could?) also hook up an intel tool to get more accurate results. And is it turns out, fastest code isn't necessarily the less power hungry.
Oh, and their web interface to the device actually shows graphs of power use and you can (could?) also hook up an intel tool to get more accurate results. And is it turns out, fastest code isn't necessarily the less power hungry.
No it doesn't, a 4096 byte exe is 4096 bytes regardless of computer.
yeah like a c64 4k can use various graphics libraries to do the drawing, and system samples.
Launch a demo for/on Pentium IV & GeForce FX and measure power draw. Then launch it on modern CPU & GPU and measure power draw. Compare...
sorry, fixed link in my previous post.
Wintergatan - Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles)
Wintergatan - Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles)
How about just minimum resource usage as the goal. It will probably save energy too but its more measurable to say you have a 10% cpu usage raytracer.