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category: offtopic [glöplog]
out of sheer curiosity.. which demoscener speaks the most languages? (not programming languages)

who's our Mezzofanti? :)

i suck with my 2 and half
added on the 2017-11-04 00:28:14 by nagz nagz
the dutch speak 4 languages and smoke marijuana
added on the 2017-11-04 02:50:54 by el mal el mal
you ment "and spoke marijuana"... ;) So it makes 5!
added on the 2017-11-04 03:10:45 by sim sim
eddie forgets that some of us had latin as well though :P
added on the 2017-11-04 03:46:38 by el mal el mal
Native language:

Living foreign languages learned at school:
English, French

Dead foreign languages learned at school:

I tried to learn more foreign languages after graduating from high school but I lack the motivation and discipline to really do so... I tried Ancient Greek, Russian, Hebrew, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and Polish. In all of these languages, I know a couple of words. I am also pretty good at reading Cyrillic letters. I learned the complete Japanese Hiragana alphabet in just two hours, so that shows my actual potential, if I were just motivated enough.
added on the 2017-11-04 07:27:24 by Adok Adok
that's nice but i'd draw the line of at least pre-intermediate level. if we look at "i know some words" or "i can read their writing" i would jump up to 10+.

the dutch speak 4 languages and smoke marijuana

same for belgians, swiss, etc.. in some regions of west-EU it's not uncommon to speak 3-4 languages. i am curious about the extremes. like "Oh, ThunderFireSatanPhoenix from Atari Deep Space Supernova speaks 9 fluently!"
added on the 2017-11-04 11:03:57 by nagz nagz
friesland is extreme i suppose, for insisting on teaching their own language besides the ~4 the dutch educational system bestows upon us all
added on the 2017-11-04 11:25:46 by havoc havoc
as for active sceners who speak a shitton of languages, metoikos jumps to mind, though i'm not sure of the exact number
added on the 2017-11-04 11:30:46 by havoc havoc
Native: German
Second fluent: English
School tier: Russian
Tourist tier: Egyptian dialect Arabic (spoken, not written MSA)
added on the 2017-11-04 11:31:37 by d0DgE d0DgE
ok since we are apparently doing this:

native: hungarian
fluent: english
somewhere around pre-intermediate: mandarin chinese
learnt for 6 years in elementary school, forgot everything: german
learnt for 1 year facultatively: russian. should learn again for gf is being russian
ALMOST started learning: finnish, greek
STILL thinking about starting: finnish

i am fascinated by writing systems so i can read (but not understand): cyrillic, greek, hebrew, korean, both kanas (japanese syllabary).
want to learn on the same level (just to be able to spell out the writing): amharic, georgian, armenian, arabic, old hungarian runic, hindi, inuktitut. i don't go to the thai-khmer-lao-bamar area...
added on the 2017-11-04 11:43:24 by nagz nagz
Myself I am shutting up effectively.
added on the 2017-11-04 12:26:20 by Emod Emod
I know English, and Italian.
added on the 2017-11-04 18:56:43 by Parallax Parallax
I try to learn myself, and still...
added on the 2017-11-04 19:46:15 by sim sim
Spanish and German: both native.
English: fluent.
French and Italian: basic.
added on the 2017-11-04 21:49:57 by xTr1m xTr1m
nagz: if you can read 한글 you would not say Korean ;) but preintermediate mandarine it is really cool

my native languages: russian, ukrainian
I can understand by ear very well: belorus
fluent: English
I can understand by ear: belorus, polish, slovakian, serbian, croatian
some words and phrases: german
less: finnish, japanese, arabic, spanish

the best way to learn a language is to be inside the environment: if you don't have an oportunity just watch movies (you already watched in your lnative lang.) in language you want to learn, it is better to start from something simple like cartoons.. i.e. to learn russian watch back to the future trilogy with russian translation during one day.. the magic is your ears are able to identify sounds(vowels, consonants) after such language attack ;)

BTW there was a quiz at Revision 2012 about languages knowledge ;)) Revision 2012 quiz
added on the 2017-11-04 21:57:58 by keen keen
Hey nagz, you remember you used to be on demo-gr on greek irc? Sorry it was mostly greeklish ( and rambling bullshit at that too).
added on the 2017-11-05 00:26:48 by Navis Navis
the only place where kalisperma would make sense
added on the 2017-11-05 01:40:52 by el mal el mal
Navis: Hey nagz, you remember you used to be on demo-gr on greek irc? Sorry it was mostly greeklish ( and rambling bullshit at that too).

oh yea good ol' times. Plaketa mitriki :)

Keen: nagz: if you can read 한글 you would not say Korean ;)

i mentioned the corresponding language, not the writing system. i wrote Korean, not Hangul. I wrote Hindi and not Devanagari, etc..

fun fact: 한글 was initiated at a southeast-asian island as an official writing system. didn't quite kick off.
added on the 2017-11-05 11:17:23 by nagz nagz
forgot: started to dive into japanese on a hangover day, kept at it by myself for some time but stopped after the level of being able to introduce myself because i realized i hate seafood, anime/manga and waifu pillows but the writing fascinated me so i switched over to mandarin chinese because it may come in handy in a decade or so. plus it's intrinsically amazing.
added on the 2017-11-05 11:26:19 by nagz nagz
Jean of ex-Chromance ex-FBI speaks a bunch of languages, being the nomad he used to be for decades.

His list includes at the very least: Finnish, French, at least one scandinavian language, German, multiple flavours of Spanish/Portuguese (esp. South American versions), and Hungarian and English of course.
added on the 2017-11-05 23:16:28 by Hoild Hoild
Native: Polish
Fluent: English, Russian (can also type in Cyrrilic with latin keyboard - I have keyset in my mind)
Basics, can speak in some subjects but poor: Turkish and German
I know the Arabic alphabet I can read (weak, like small kids do) and I know around 100 words in Arabic.
I can swear in Moroccan Arabic.
added on the 2017-11-05 23:44:39 by Creonix Creonix
And of course all languages similar to Russian and Polish can be understood by me but I do not speak them (means I do not know their gram)
added on the 2017-11-05 23:49:15 by Creonix Creonix
because i realized i hate seafood, anime/manga and waifu pillows

added on the 2017-11-06 21:04:32 by psenough psenough
added on the 2017-11-06 21:49:18 by nagz nagz


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