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The official TMDC20 thread

category: general [glöplog]
@reengine - with rose.png it just crashes with "cgaart.exe has stopped working", hitting it with debugger says the crash occurs inside "uxtheme.dll". The call stack may be incorrect if the pointers are corrupt, but it looks like there's been a ton of stuff in the stack, and a handful of addresses repeat a lot.

with default.config I get:
Code:--------------------------- Error --------------------------- C:\a\default.config(3,16)-(3,27): Array access out of bounds: 1 is not in the range 0 to 1. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
added on the 2017-11-03 10:43:09 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
@sol_hsa, what version of Windows are you running it on?
added on the 2017-11-03 10:48:23 by reenigne reenigne
Win10 pro
added on the 2017-11-03 11:38:19 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
@reengine anyway, the screenshot looks pretty darn good. I know it's much to ask, but could you make just a standalone rgb->text buffer converter routine? It's not obvious which bits are needed from glancing at the code.. so many features =)
added on the 2017-11-03 12:09:59 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
@sol_hsa: Thanks! I'll look into setting up a Win10 machine at the weekend to see if I can reproduce the problem.

CGAArt does have a non-interactive mode for batch processing. Perhaps this will work for you if the UI is what's making it crash. Try setting these lines in default.config:
activeSize.y = inputPicture.size.y*(inputPicture.size.y <= 262 ? 2 : 1);
mode = 0x09;
palette = 0x00;
scanlinesPerRow = 8;
quality = 1.0;
horizontalDiffusion = 0.531555;
verticalDiffusion = 0.468445;
connector = 0;
aspectRatio = 10/6;
zoom = 1.2;
interactive = false;

and then running "cgaart rose.png". That'll run for a while and then create rose_out.dat with the character/attribute data.
added on the 2017-11-03 15:05:31 by reenigne reenigne
Weird, works with win10 home, but crashes in win10 pro. Fun.
added on the 2017-11-04 12:27:40 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
Heh, now that I've played with it a bit, I realize it's not exactly real-time. The results are pretty spectacular though!
added on the 2017-11-04 12:43:29 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
sol: x86 or x64? Maybe home is one and pro is the other? (Yes, pcworld says win10 x86 is available)
added on the 2017-11-04 12:56:36 by cxw cxw
Both are x64.
added on the 2017-11-04 14:08:04 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
That, or different patch levels. Especially with insider builds I have seen spectacular Windows 10 crashes in Windows code called from my own code, which were not my fault at all or could not be worked around (apart from not calling those functions obviously, but that's a bit hard when said function is the open/save file browser...).
Yeah, I've been mostly concentrating on quality over speed so far. One of these days I'll rewrite the matching code to run on the GPU - that should speed it up a bit.

It's working fine for me on Windows 10 Pro x64. My best guess is that it's related to the use of layered windows. It's possible these are buggy with some video drivers. Fortunately I was planning on removing those in a future update anyway.
added on the 2017-11-04 14:25:53 by reenigne reenigne
Well, you got me inspired to try to make a new realtime rgb->textmode converter.

Which means that my demo (assuming I get it together) will look different from my earlier ones, for good or ill.
added on the 2017-11-06 17:15:17 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
Glad to be of inspiration! I hope you'll open-source your realtime converter once it's finished (perhaps I will be able to get some inspiration from it in return).
added on the 2017-11-06 18:39:19 by reenigne reenigne
Glad to be of inspiration! I hope you'll open-source your realtime converter once it's finished (perhaps I will be able to get some inspiration from it in return).

added on the 2017-11-07 08:44:06 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
@reengine: excellent job! Not on my PC right now, but feel free to browse the files from last year's invite, it should be called something like baby.jpg :)

Re:state of the invite: still working on it. I wanted to reuse my raytracer from last year, but ended up rewriting it twice. And I'm seeing the time flying. Gonna have to scale down the ambitions :)
added on the 2017-11-07 14:03:33 by BarZoule BarZoule
Here's the best I could get from baby.jpg with my converter after a bit of playing around with the settings. It's not an ideal test image since there are some areas (notably on her cheeks and forehead) which are out of gamut. Nevertheless, as you can see it's possible to keep quite a bit more detail.

BB Image
added on the 2017-11-07 23:33:35 by reenigne reenigne
Let's push up some roses! (and apologies in advance)

I've been playing around with a couple stupid approaches I had discarded in my earlier efforts. Not sure if I'm going with either of these, but we'll see.

First is a new "hi-res" converter:
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..and a color version of the same:
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In these all of the bang is put into better glyph fitting, so the color isn't all that good. There's also only a couple levels of grey, so that works best with silhouettes.

The second algorithm loses resolution but adds more color. I've made a bunch of slight variations to see if some of them feel better than the others.

First up was the straight-up algorithm that should(tm) have resulted in what I wanted: "solution"
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This didn't turn out as good as I expected, so I added some weights to the glyph matching: "evolution"
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For the heck of it, I reversed the weights: "revolution"
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And since I had some cpu time to kill, I made a random weight version: "mutation"
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Out of those, evolution and mutation both had some aspects I liked, so I added the weights together for "evomutation"
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At this point I just tried some random things: "desolation" discards some samples completely
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"desolution" discards even more
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and finally "resolation" has some weird weights and discards
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When compared to good old "blockcolor" which only uses the four "dither blocks", these actually have worse color reproduction but should have slightly better resolution.

As to whether I'm going to use any of the above (or something else) will depend on what they look like with moving stuff. You know, like, a demo, or something.

I'll do a writeup and release the sources at some point.
added on the 2017-11-08 08:05:37 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
@reengine: much better! But I think you're using the old DOS palette, which is gentler on skin tones. Does it support the Windows one? You might need it for a demo...

@Sol: great to see how it evolves :). Now how about a genetic algorithm that changes the code and checks for perfs/results ;)
added on the 2017-11-08 13:35:26 by BarZoule BarZoule
@Sol: great to see how it evolves :). Now how about a genetic algorithm that changes the code and checks for perfs/results ;)

I did think about it, actually, but GA where one iteration takes an embarassing amount of hours to compute isn't exactly efficient =)
added on the 2017-11-08 14:27:40 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
@reengine: much better! But I think you're using the old DOS palette, which is gentler on skin tones. Does it support the Windows one? You might need it for a demo...

CGAArt doesn't currently have any support for the Windows palette but I hacked it in really quickly just to see how it looks. Yeah, it's definitely a greatly inferior palette at least for this image. I had to turn on inter-character error diffusion to get decent colour reproduction, but that gives an unpleasant coarse-grained texture.

BB Image

I don't know if I'll enter TMDC but I think if I do I'll target DOS just for the better palette.
added on the 2017-11-08 20:07:55 by reenigne reenigne
Ouch, what a difference! But at least it means my converter isnt too off track :D

In any case, I hope we'll a demo from you:)
added on the 2017-11-09 05:44:31 by BarZoule BarZoule
I don't know if I'll enter TMDC but I think if I do I'll target DOS just for the better palette.

I don't know what Microsoft has against TMDC, but I've noted this in several times - first they ruined the palette, then they removed the fullscreen text mode.. =) At least they didn't enforce the blink attribute..
added on the 2017-11-09 13:50:42 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
Okay, just one more picture dump. Here's all the realtime converters for the upcoming TextFX8, in order of their approximate age:

Starting with good old "blockcolor". Uses only the gradient characters.
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Then we have the "asciiart" which tries to fit ascii characters.. since it only uses 2x2 resolution of the glyphs, the results are what they are.
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I didn't even bother including the asciiart_color variant in textfx8 because its results are so bad.

"Halfblockcolor" only has 16 colors, but tries to get an apparent 160x100 resolution by using the half tall / half wide solid blocks only:
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New variant of blockcolor, using more characters: "longramp":
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Then we're into the new stupid stuff I mentioned on this thread before.

Starting with "Hires":
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"HiresColor", which is pretty much as bad as asciiart_color was. Not sure if this is worth keeping at all. I'll have to see it in motion.. the color ramp is also probably just wrong.
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And finally "Color2x2".
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added on the 2017-11-09 20:42:44 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
Very nice stuff going on here!
added on the 2017-11-10 21:48:19 by trc_wm trc_wm
Oh well. Just to let you all know, I failed to complete the invite in time *before* the submission period. I should probably have made just a spinning donut, but I wanted to make something nice as my possibly last text mode demo/invite.
Do you give me a couple more days? ;)
added on the 2017-11-11 18:17:34 by BarZoule BarZoule


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