[JOB/PARTNER] Looking for Coder/Hacker/Pirate/Rendering Specialist (GPU Mining)
category: general [glöplog]
I'm looking for an awesome "Coder / Hacker / Pirate / Rendering Specialist" for a project involving:
- An ETH GPU Mining Farm in Poland,
- Architecture Software (AchiCAD),
- Rendering with Octane Software (or your own secret sauce renderer),
- A lot of Genius (YOU),
- Nice people from Poland & Bahamas speaking English & French.
It's clearly about pure Capitalism, unfortunately far from the Demoscene Spirit...
Contact: ceo@infinitequant.com or directly on this BBS.
- An ETH GPU Mining Farm in Poland,
- Architecture Software (AchiCAD),
- Rendering with Octane Software (or your own secret sauce renderer),
- A lot of Genius (YOU),
- Nice people from Poland & Bahamas speaking English & French.
It's clearly about pure Capitalism, unfortunately far from the Demoscene Spirit...
Contact: ceo@infinitequant.com or directly on this BBS.
Money and more!
And not just any capitalism, but PURE CAPITALISM
The real Ugly One, so please sell your soul :)
Fuck pure capitalism and the lice of humanity who use offshore banks.
We're not gonna escalate this, are we?
With Common Reporting Standard & FACTA, there is not much left to fuck. Offshore Banking is almost a myth today, or soon will be. What's left for these pseudo "offshore tax haven" is Tourism and Pirates Stories now...
I hope there is some people interested to learn more about the project.
I hope there is some people interested to learn more about the project.
Bocas Del Toro in Panama is definitely on my bucket list!
I hope there is some people interested to learn more about the project.

Also, smart people would never work for French lamers who make German style and spelling errors every other word
Also, smart people would never work for French lamers who make German style and spelling errors every other word
I'm out, thanks for making me realize I'm just an useless piece of shit for cool people.

Damn. I really started to like him.
:D you're not ready to do business with sceners if you can't take the dark humor.
Don't worry I can take it, I just don't want to feed the troll :D
you're gonna starve?
you're gonna starve?
This post was up long enough today to feed me with good direct contact of traitor fit for the challenge. Thanks again to the community, you can close this topic or start to have fun without me.
You stole my avatar
start to have fun without me.
Will do!
Can I mine me a 1080Ti?
I saw the avatar and hoped it would be a post by Optimus. I was sorely disappointed.
Mining for Scenepoints?
L A M E !!