Giving an unconference talk on the demoscene.
category: general [glöplog]
Late night demoshow after the conference, if you are friendly with the owner of a nearby pub with bigscreens :) .
If you put together any slides or other materials, would you be willing to share?
If you put together any slides or other materials, would you be willing to share?
Not sure about a pub, but we've got some pretty big screens at work and there's always booze around somewhere.
I'll see about sharing the slides - currently they're in Google Slides on our company template. I can't see why I wouldn't be able to share them, but I'll probably have to transfer it over to my personal google account.
I'll see about sharing the slides - currently they're in Google Slides on our company template. I can't see why I wouldn't be able to share them, but I'll probably have to transfer it over to my personal google account.
Thanks! Tell the bosses the use of the company template provides free publicity :) .
Progress update: I started down the path of a 3-hour deep-dive into the history of the 8-bt home computer, then realised what the fuck I was doing and shelved all those slides. Hope to get it basically finished tonight for a timing and recording test tomorrow (with a friend whose talk clashes with mine and wants to see it), room AV test on Wednesday, then presentation on Thursday morning.
Talk has been given, went well, although I went over-time and had to cull a couple of videos from the end. It's been recorded and hopefully I can get it and the slides up on youtube at some point.
\o/ very nice!
grats! let us know when we can checkout your talk ;-)
Somehow I've managed to wrangle a 5 minute slot at the end of the conference, so my contribution to scene outreach will be Fermi Paradox on the big screen & sound system in front of a captive audience of around 500 developers.
Hopefully I don't get fired.
Hopefully I don't get fired.

Slides + audio
This was from a screen recording from my laptop. Annoying background humming courtesy of laptop fan. I initially forgot to start the recording, so there's a missing intro slide, but no impact on content.
Day 2: Describing some basic triangle rasterisation:
teh maths :D
Thanks for posting!
Thanks for posting!
Just finished watching. Well done! Sounds like you had an appreciative audience as well. Since the conference, has anyone stopped you at the water cooler to ask to join your demogroup? ;)
They've asked if I'm in a demogroup or make demos, and I have to say no :(
It generated a bunch of interest though... A couple of us are planning on doing lunchtime muck-around-with-shadertoy sessions.
It generated a bunch of interest though... A couple of us are planning on doing lunchtime muck-around-with-shadertoy sessions.
Lunch is better with GLSL. Allow me to recommend this :) .
Can I just say I love Nüw Ziiland accent?
Also, I know it's "inaccurate", but fyi Live Evil is software rendering ;)
just watched it. well done! :)
and what Gargaj said :D
and what Gargaj said :D
Oh shit you're right! Very good for software rendering :)