Demotool gallery
category: general [glöplog]
I changed the version, added the SquoQuo tool, Forth demotool, neon v2, Intro Maker V2.0, Periodic, AiD and added a better screenshot the Stravaganza 64k editor.

holon demotool "cables"
...this is just the player, not the actual tool, is it? The engine itself is just text-based scripting.
There's actually secret command for enabling timeline like editor mode!
This is tc-1, my first and only demo creation tool, ca. 2002-3; made 3 demos with it. I started working on a not-as-stupid successor tool in 2005(?), but lost interest and motivation early on. Platform was DirectX 8 and Delphi 5, btw.

Did some more work, now has built in widgets for any shader uniforms, and also GNU Rocket integration.

JML Penis^2 (not to be confused with penis1 v.2.1.2)