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Underground Conference 8 - June 15th to 18th 2017

category: parties [glöplog]
I'm intrigued. Let me check my calendar.
added on the 2017-04-18 15:40:28 by orbiter orbiter
Can't ducking wait for this!
added on the 2017-04-18 15:46:57 by okkie okkie
added on the 2017-04-18 15:47:06 by okkie okkie
17 seats left.

And yes, I am also so fucking looking forward to UC.
added on the 2017-04-18 19:45:20 by scamp scamp
I would love to check out your party scamp but sadly university exams are getting in the way bigstyle. Gutted :(
added on the 2017-04-19 04:42:44 by SunSpire SunSpire
Just two weeks left until Underground Conference. We have 10 seats left right now. You still have a chance to survive the hardest, the worst and the best demo party of the century.

added on the 2017-05-29 20:42:30 by scamp scamp
In case you wish you have forgotten it, while most of UC8 will take place on the meadow, around the bonfire and inside the tent, part of it will take place inside the copper mine. This includes the seriously ass-kicking opening ceremony, "hacking compo", and probably some others (SID headbanging comes to mind).

In case you always wanted to do an artsy, non-artsy or artistic performance for the demo scene in a unique environment, this is your chance. Let us know, and we'll see if it can be deranged.

The mine part of the day is occupied by bats, and on other parts of the day occupied by tourists, so we somewhat need to plan ahead to make sure none of the two above-mentioned groups misses to experience of the severe traumas we will be able to provide.

Only YOU can make the world end.
added on the 2017-05-31 02:11:22 by scamp scamp

here are a a couple of updates on UC:


UC8 is featuring 3 stages - inside the copper mine, inside
the party tent, and now there is a third one: Outside on the
meadow we'll have the WTF 70qm Breakpoint/Revision Bigscreen.
Srsly. We'll use this for demo shows and some events during
the nights.

2.) Draft beer, Food, BBQ

There is no need to bring Food nor drinks. We've got a good
selection of Food, and an excellent selection of drinks. This
includes two different kinds of draft beer from the tap and
Gin & Tonic. Thanks to TUM e.V. we'll also have free coffee.

We also have a huge BBQ. Please do not bring own BBQ sets.

During the nights, the BBQ will be converted into a huge

3.) Stuff to bring, weather forecast

- A computer

- Releases (NO RELEASE - NO ENTRY)

- We are somewhat up in the mountains. Daytime temperatures
will range between 22-28°, but during the nights this may
drop down to 13°. We'll have some heating in the tent,
and we got the bonfire, but it makes sense to pack warm
clothes. Also, the temperature inside the copper mine is
always around 15°, so be prepared for that.

- Sunscreen and insect repellants

- Picnic blankets

- If you have any bring solar lights for around the tents

- We have a limited power budget. Bring any toys and lights
than are LED-based and/or low power. Do not bring water
heaters or similar items - we'll have them at the info desk

4.) Earlierst arrival times:

The camping meadow will be available from Thursday 14:00 on.
Please do not arrive earlier than this. The party "doors" will
open at 16:00.


We'll have some really nifty competition prizes. And pretty
much anything goes. No matter how incompetent you are, there
is no excuse for not having a release at UC.

6.) Thursday is a holiday

Please note that Thursday is a Holiday in the state of
Rheinland-Pfalz. All shops will be closed! However, there
is a gas station nearby in case something is urgently missing.

That's it for today. See you in 4 days!


added on the 2017-06-11 15:54:09 by scamp scamp
The "actual size" Bigscreen known from Breakpoint (& Revision) is making a return at UC8. It will be used as an open-air bigscreen on the meadow, so we can enjoy demos under the stars during the night.

BB Image

Beat this, sucker.

We've got some last-minute seats left - so if you want to still join last-minute, you can:

added on the 2017-06-13 20:13:10 by scamp scamp
I guess it's time to dig these up again.

BB Image
BB Image
BB Image
time to dig this one up again:
BB Image
added on the 2017-06-13 22:41:45 by el mal el mal
BB Image
added on the 2017-06-13 22:46:33 by scamp scamp
Is anyone going to UC by Mannheim, Karlsruhe or anything closeby, and has a spot in their car left? I don't have a ride yet and the train connections are kinda ridiculous.
Ich habe Angst. :D
added on the 2017-06-14 12:56:21 by rp rp
Looking at the last photo I once again wonder why they are looking that unhappy. Did it smell?
Btw. will there be club mate or any other kind of mate, or do we hipster folk have to import it?
added on the 2017-06-15 09:59:45 by v3nom v3nom
Happy partying everyone! :)

In case you find some copper, just add it to this List:
Code: List<Copper> copperList = new List<Copper>(); copperList.Add("AMIGAAAAAAAAHHH!");
Will all releases be up on scene.org later ? more releases here then at Dreamhack :P
To the Chopper Mine!
added on the 2017-06-19 00:05:22 by Y0Gi Y0Gi
Party was a blast, thanks for letting me play creepy eurodance shit! Still enjoying the BREMSENSTICHE. So many great and highly entertaining releases. Let's do this again!
added on the 2017-06-19 15:26:48 by jco jco
Thank you Scamp and Katrin and Fashion and Hypo and Verschdl and Janusch and and and!!! That was the kind of decelerated weekend I desperately needed.

Let's do this again indeed, pretty please!
added on the 2017-06-19 15:48:32 by rp rp
15 years after my last UC and the experience was exactly as it used to be back then \o/
added on the 2017-06-19 20:49:15 by T$ T$
This was honestly the best demoparty I ever visited. Not even kidding.
A big thanks to all organizers, special thanks to eha for making me that baguette on point.
You humans really rule! <3
added on the 2017-06-19 21:43:07 by mog mog
This was amazing. Disorganizing on a professional level, quality craptastic releases and meeting new and old faces. Shitmusic Compo was my personal highlight of the party.
The c(h)opper mine was an interesting addendum. The bouncy castle and food support were awesome. Had I not been there myself, I wouldn't have believed that a democratic vote for turning off the music on the PA would work at such a hardcore party. ;)
I have one major complaint: This party should have lasted for at least a week!
added on the 2017-06-20 07:32:03 by Widdy Widdy


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