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The Piggy rears its ugly head again!

category: general [glöplog]
What Photon said, but also what yzi said. I sometimes forget whether I have commented on a post with defaultpig, anyway :) .
added on the 2017-05-27 04:58:29 by cxw cxw
i think the most simple thing is to remove/don't count automatically all votes by users credited in the prod in the same prod, so all accidental piggies or selfvoting(sucks!) will disappears.

Not that I'm against this idea... But then, all the thumb downs casted to counter sefvoting(sucks!) in the name of vote justice would have to be cancelled as well to make it fair?
What's wrong with accepting all the thumbs and messages and everything as history that happened and can't be changed? Why not change the prods too. Most of them are crap.

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added on the 2017-05-27 10:44:26 by yzi yzi
photon, make a pull request
added on the 2017-05-27 11:13:38 by skrebbel skrebbel
Numbers exist for democompo places. On pouet its no different.

Egotism is good in large doses, live with it or fuck off.
added on the 2017-05-27 13:27:31 by mudlord mudlord
Who are you to dictate what other people spend their spare time on?


Implement option 3, and run a query for the author comments, and we're done. Was there a problem? No.

I meant this as: there's a way to correct it, we only have to do these two things, and then it's fixed forever including the past, as if there was never a problem.

Not that I'm against this idea... But then, all the thumb downs casted to counter sefvoting(sucks!) in the name of vote justice would have to be cancelled as well to make it fair?

No. The query is only for the issue mentioned: default piggies by authors. Actual votes should be kept.

I work as a webdev and offer to help. You already do DOM manipulation in Javascript, so hiding the radio button inputs and adding more buttons in .foot to set them should be doable.
added on the 2017-05-30 21:51:28 by Photon Photon
Why wouldn't piggies be actual votes?
added on the 2017-05-30 22:09:40 by Preacher Preacher
Whats wrong with selfvoting? Spending months of your life on a release and being proud of yourself, boohoo unfair pouet statistics!

And what's wrong with piggy's? I like the idea that you can vote once and subsequent (or previous if you decide to thumb up/down later?) comments are ignored. But a neutral vote is a vote. No need to hate but cool to express you want someone to work more. Not cool to dislike for non-prod-related reasons tho.... and honest feedback (with or without a thumb) is always better!
While we're at it: being able to change your vote (maybe while retaining a history) would be nice as well
added on the 2017-05-31 00:07:51 by v3nom v3nom
Why wouldn't piggies be actual votes?

Because a comment without clicking the piggy results in an automatic piggy vote. The topic of this whole thread :)

That's it! The Default Piggies are trying to game the system!

While we're at it: being able to change your vote (maybe while retaining a history) would be nice as well

This is likely a much bigger job than the click-to-actually-vote change. I would be happy with just vote buttons.
added on the 2017-05-31 14:47:36 by Photon Photon
Because a comment without clicking the piggy results in an automatic piggy vote. The topic of this whole thread :)

But if you're so concerned about the perceived accuracy of the voting, don't forget that trying to change the relevance of all the piggies given so far in any way post factum would permanently skew the votes for all eternity. I meant every piggy I gave.
added on the 2017-05-31 14:55:54 by Preacher Preacher
lets make a bet how long photon can keep his whining up... i put my 2c on two weeks!
added on the 2017-05-31 14:59:01 by el mal el mal
I like this Fantasy Pouetsball thread. I'd like the piggies to be gold and animated and make sound when you hover over them and thumbs up should count double and thumbs down triple and really who gives a shit.
added on the 2017-05-31 15:03:50 by okkie okkie
i propose an extra feature: every time someone posts a meme in the pouet bbs, s/he will automatically give upvotes to the 10 most embarrassing products on pouet & perform a public coming-out in the oneliner.
added on the 2017-05-31 15:18:59 by nagz nagz
(MLP will grant 20 embarrassing release upvotes + an oneliner that's investigation-worthy by local authorities)
added on the 2017-05-31 15:20:02 by nagz nagz
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added on the 2017-05-31 16:46:14 by el mal el mal
Seriously, I strongly agree with Photon, piggy is better than raccoon.

Thread closed.
added on the 2017-05-31 21:20:19 by skarab skarab
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added on the 2017-05-31 21:47:20 by SiR SiR
Because a comment without clicking the piggy results in an automatic piggy vote. The topic of this whole thread :)

But if you're so concerned about the perceived accuracy of the voting, don't forget that trying to change the relevance of all the piggies given so far in any way post factum would permanently skew the votes for all eternity. I meant every piggy I gave.

Everyone's piggy votes stay, except for the automatic ones in comments by authors (who naturally dare not vote their demo up because of the dreaded FAQ#46-response above).

Only authors commenting, "Party version, final upcoming" or "Here's the writeup: url" or "OK, here's the AMD fix", or "If you don't have real hardware, use emulator X, emulator Y doesn't have technical feature Z yet" (and similar) will have their non-votes removed from the voting system.

It's not a bigger issue than you care to make it. :) It's a long overdue usability issue that is between any website user and the website publisher. Every site I know has voting separate from commenting.
added on the 2017-06-01 00:40:16 by Photon Photon
Well now you know one that doesn't.
added on the 2017-06-01 01:21:11 by Gargaj Gargaj
added on the 2017-06-01 12:56:01 by okkie okkie
It's not a bigger issue than Photon cares to make it. :)
added on the 2017-06-01 13:04:39 by havoc havoc
plus it is a good incentive for proper party releases, so authors won't pollute their prod page with almost final, final, final-final updates and fixes!!
added on the 2017-06-01 13:18:50 by el mal el mal
Re: accuracy of "vote" numbers. As someone may have noticed, I only give thumbs up, a few piggies but apparently those were bad judgement on my part, in hindsight. If someone has a need to quantify all that in order to find some kind of an accurate and reliable black/white truth, then get a life.
added on the 2017-06-01 17:45:48 by yzi yzi


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