Should demoscene be explicit or P.C.?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Then you should not play Super Mario!
This thread sucks.

I see where the OP is coming from.
Years ago in the early 1990s, when my grandparents were in their 70s, I used to like showing them Amiga demos I'd recorded from home onto VHS tape and taken over to their house. My grampy was not one for popular culture "rubbish", as he called it, and the swirly patterns of lots of effects would make my nan's eyes "go funny", but they still watched them as "it was what their grandson was into". However, I had to be wary of porn in the Amiga demos of the time, and in one particularly offensive example of Amiga porn I had to cut it out of the VHS recording (some kind of blowjob or something). I forget which demo it was. Another example, the outline picture of a naked woman in Fairlight's Fullmoon I let slide, as it wasn't explicit, but my grampy wasn't there at the time.
Political Correctness is all pervasive these days, and the PC police would've had a field day with Amiga demos back in the day, but you can't blame the groups of the time for being full of horny teenagers, now can you?
Years ago in the early 1990s, when my grandparents were in their 70s, I used to like showing them Amiga demos I'd recorded from home onto VHS tape and taken over to their house. My grampy was not one for popular culture "rubbish", as he called it, and the swirly patterns of lots of effects would make my nan's eyes "go funny", but they still watched them as "it was what their grandson was into". However, I had to be wary of porn in the Amiga demos of the time, and in one particularly offensive example of Amiga porn I had to cut it out of the VHS recording (some kind of blowjob or something). I forget which demo it was. Another example, the outline picture of a naked woman in Fairlight's Fullmoon I let slide, as it wasn't explicit, but my grampy wasn't there at the time.
Political Correctness is all pervasive these days, and the PC police would've had a field day with Amiga demos back in the day, but you can't blame the groups of the time for being full of horny teenagers, now can you?
Foebane72: there is a simple proven solution for that - ratings with appropriate sign. I think any content in demo should be allowed,as long, as rating sign is there.
Rating based on which culture?
What is forbidden for e.g. a 16 year old kid in one country might be totally fine in another country for a 12 year old one. And vice versa (e.g. porn vs. violence in EU and USA).
What is forbidden for e.g. a 16 year old kid in one country might be totally fine in another country for a 12 year old one. And vice versa (e.g. porn vs. violence in EU and USA).
Don't feed the troll.
"If you suffer from photosensitive epilepsy, please don't watch this demo again."
"the following demo may contain traces of dwarf"
Should've done the following pages ago

Also, there's a musical about this bullshit

Also, there's a musical about this bullshit
there is a simple proven solution for that - ratings with appropriate sign.
In the "free" west censorship is called rating system not to disturb the ignorant masses.
As before please go with this route also but use the right word for it and don't pretend to do something else.
Let your inner nazi flourish.
1in10: people sensitivity may vary. Some have no problems viewing hardcore material,while others simply feel disgusted or traumatized. Rating system is primarily to warn you, so as a senstive viewer you can make a decision to "turn around" if you don't want to expose yourself to disturbing scenes. It can restrict creativity, but only when overused i.e. some artistically pleasing depiction of human body is considered disturbing by the "censor", but in fact even very sensitive people would have no problem viewing/enjoying it. It's a compromise.
rating system for demos? wow. now thats a new level of silly.
i suggest we involve the german BPjS then. they have some serious experience with rating computer generated content sensibly!
i suggest we involve the german BPjS then. they have some serious experience with rating computer generated content sensibly!
Hello Kevin is marginalizing Catholics, because there is a vampire pope.
Don't feed the troll.
Who's the troll, Gargaj?

I so know which category to suggest for next years meteoriks awards ;D

groepaz: simpler way would be to make a separate compo for "mature art". That also solves the problem of kids at the party - you just show it late, for example: after the demo compo.
groepaz: simpler way would be to make a separate compo for "mature art". That also solves the problem of kids at the party - you just show it late, for example: after the demo compo.
Somehow I feel that's going to attract the absolute worst, if anything at all. No thanks, let's not separate it.
i dont see the problem at all - normally the (demo) compos are so late, the law already solves the problem. if unresponsible parents choose to still keep their kids there - entirely their fault.
Ban degenerate demoscene art!
Think of the children!
Think of the children!
Quote:Don't feed the troll.
Who's the troll, Gargaj?
I'm not Gargaj, but I've figured it out!
There are no real trolls here, but pretty much everyone posting on this thread is on a troll-spectrum.
Posting and getting response stimulates dopamine production in your brain and simply makes you happy ;)