Should demoscene be explicit or P.C.?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
no, but the scene is not a static, a-historical entity, also when it comes to quality judgements - they change over the years, based on the then-current technology, but also based on the demographical changes of the audience (and the change of cultural preferences, ethics, aesthetic values etc.). and there's nothing wrong with that.
It´s a german thing...we use the german word for wanker kinda different here! ;)
But i guess you know that very well...and just picked it out of context to get your amount of trolling for today! ;)
Art was anarchistic forever (except when church/governments were/are dictating it) Demoscene will be anarchistic forever aswell !
The term itself is hypocrite. You only need to be P.C. if you aren´t in reality...politicians can´t say what they really think, else no one would vote for them, you know! ;)
Who is proud of being P.C. is proud of being a liar!
I always said what i really think and got into a lot of trouble doing so, but this hasn´t ever stopped stopped me to continue like that, as that´s just me and i don´t need to do as if i´d be someone else than i am for sure!
It´s a german thing...we use the german word for wanker kinda different here! ;)
But i guess you know that very well...and just picked it out of context to get your amount of trolling for today! ;)
Art was anarchistic forever (except when church/governments were/are dictating it) Demoscene will be anarchistic forever aswell !
The term itself is hypocrite. You only need to be P.C. if you aren´t in reality...politicians can´t say what they really think, else no one would vote for them, you know! ;)
Who is proud of being P.C. is proud of being a liar!
I always said what i really think and got into a lot of trouble doing so, but this hasn´t ever stopped stopped me to continue like that, as that´s just me and i don´t need to do as if i´d be someone else than i am for sure!
hardy: apparently, not enough though ;)
Excusez moi, but I have trouble to understand.
I rather think insulting women was never an "aesthetic value" or "cultural preference".
"the change of ethics" ?
I thought ethics, by which I mean the perception of right and wrong, at this rather trivial level is in fact static.
the scene is not a static, a-historical entity
the demographical changes of the audience
the change of cultural preferences, ethics, aesthetic values
Excusez moi, but I have trouble to understand.
I rather think insulting women was never an "aesthetic value" or "cultural preference".
"the change of ethics" ?
I thought ethics, by which I mean the perception of right and wrong, at this rather trivial level is in fact static.
dip: But how does the then-current technology change anything? Is a c64 gfx with the same style less amazing just because we have full hd true color nowadays?
A release is either good or bad, nothing much changes that.
It´s just the percentage of the audience which might rate it either way, but that doesn´t make the subject of interest any better or worse.
A release is either good or bad, nothing much changes that.
It´s just the percentage of the audience which might rate it either way, but that doesn´t make the subject of interest any better or worse.
So the quality/relevance of a release is based on the current audience rather than the release itself, even if it is the same one? o_O
Many works of art were under/overappreciated when they were and their significance and relevance has changed in hindsight. Just look at Van Gogh.
I'm against political correctness as it exists nowadays due to its nature being that of silencing any idea perceived as bad.
I believe bad ideas should be challenged, not silenced, as silencing them doesn't stop them. They'll just grow in the shadows and when they re-emerge, they'll be hard to fight.
I believe bad ideas should be challenged, not silenced, as silencing them doesn't stop them. They'll just grow in the shadows and when they re-emerge, they'll be hard to fight.
I believe bad ideas should be challenged, not silenced, as silencing them doesn't stop them.
And when the "PC brigade" or whatever other straw man is challenging the thing you made because they don't agree with, or they don't like it for reason X, or they're questioning your motives and values for doing something, it's... what?
Hint: it's not silencing, but instead it's... (hint2: starts with a c)
My biggest fear about the whole PC/anti-PC debate is that we focus so much on the extremes that we become desensitized to the actual problematic shit that's happening.
indeed. the extremes are already handled properly (on parties afterall) anyway
hopefully not on the scope of demoscene
(reply went to gargaj's last bit)
hopefully not on the scope of demoscene
We don't have to go too far to see that kind of problem already happening.
Well, I haven't seen any silencing happening here on Pouet, so I don't think it applies to this place, thankfully.
gargaj: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
need more gay shit in demos.
mmmh am i the only one who thinks "explicit" and "political correctness" don't actually contradict each other? *shrug*
Oh man. You are literally torturing yourselves. You (as a demoscene) seem to be all fine and rather civilized. Maybe a bit nerdy and socially awkward, but nothing else.
For example: this Kevin "demo" is not even worth to discuss. It's just few polygons with a super awkward plot. Nobody outside of the demoscene will even understand that. He will rather think: some real-time graphics short-film directing excercise, not the best one, but whatever.
And this "girls in the demoscene" - oh well... I don't even.. whatever it is, nobody really cares.
All of this is nowhere near modern theatre with sometimes very explicit and bold political statements, disturbing scenes, nudity and so on. And that is considered actually as an art.
But ok, one thing I can agree - the usual demoscene takes on difficult social topics is pretty juvenile, but also in a kind of "cute" way (in its naivety and nerdiness); like aforementioned disproportional "jugs". It's actually funny you are bashing yourself for that.
For example: this Kevin "demo" is not even worth to discuss. It's just few polygons with a super awkward plot. Nobody outside of the demoscene will even understand that. He will rather think: some real-time graphics short-film directing excercise, not the best one, but whatever.
And this "girls in the demoscene" - oh well... I don't even.. whatever it is, nobody really cares.
All of this is nowhere near modern theatre with sometimes very explicit and bold political statements, disturbing scenes, nudity and so on. And that is considered actually as an art.
But ok, one thing I can agree - the usual demoscene takes on difficult social topics is pretty juvenile, but also in a kind of "cute" way (in its naivety and nerdiness); like aforementioned disproportional "jugs". It's actually funny you are bashing yourself for that.
I wouldn't call being self-aware "bashing".
need more gay shit in demos.
I actually had an idea to make a cartoony demo about two dudes in a relationship but then I realized I couldn't pull that off because I'm not good enough of a demomaker.
All of this is nowhere near modern theatre with sometimes very explicit and bold political statements, disturbing scenes, nudity and so on. And that is considered actually as an art.