Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]

is this good enough?
is this good enough?
put it in a demo, release it, and find out. :)
Quote:is this good enough?
put it in a demo, release it, and find out. :)
will do
Semiotics Sans Serifs
Semiotics Sans Serifs

procedular gilding patterns

does this look like metaballs enough
That DOF and color scheme kinda reminds me of Quite's demos. That's a good thing!
And yeah, looks like some rather viscous metaballs.
That DOF and color scheme kinda reminds me of Quite's demos. That's a good thing!
And yeah, looks like some rather viscous metaballs.
she saw it cumming :D

Added for fun a quick and dirty exporter to our mesh generator. Not sure what we'll do with it yet.

Trying to get back into coding, but I haven't really coded in the last 20 years.
It's a bit of a pain in the ass and the first intro will surely be total shit and not oneframe and so on, but it's a good to keep the brain in shape...and SO MUCH FUN! :D

any suggestions?
How about framing the shot differently?

/me rotates 90º

Unifying my rendering loop a bit more, 3 lights, some reflections, some refractions, making it tiny and fast 

LJ: now make it less RGB :D
More XYZ!