Outline 2017 - May 25th-28th, Willemsoord, Netherlands
category: parties [glöplog]
i signed up y-day; and i'm only still waiting for my finances to clear up, so i can actually make a payment \o/

All Outline organizers who were involved in organizing Revision are back home and somewhat recovered. So in the upcoming days we'll be busy setting up a schedule, wrangling new orga forces, and shanghaiing a bunch of unsuspecting artists. Do you want to help, perform, or organize? Let us know now and our friendly recruitment staff will be in touch with you soon!
Full disclosure: Organizing duties at Outline are 100% volunteer jobs, you can pick where and how you want to help us. So if you just want to do barshifts for a few hours? Cool. You want to decorate the venue? Awesome. You want to help with compos, music events or just the buildup? Magnificent! We'll gladly sit down with you to figure out how our cooperation will be most effective. Knowledge of the Dutch language or the Willemsoord area is not a prerequisite. Enthusiasm and having fun working as a team to make our party even more enjoyable than it already is are the core competencies we're looking for. And of course we'll be happy to get any prospects up-to-date on technical, practical and organizational aspects of our demoparty.
Signal meines up dir auch barshift or two...I am around the bar anyways
Yeah...german. Sign me up for a shift at the bar...whenever suits you best
Bar Shift Epic Takeover 2017 confirmed^11!!
Haha yesssssss 🇩🇪
I'll bei around for network and partymeister bamboozling if needed, as well. Let's fucking so this. Can't wait for outline!
I should absolutely stop posting from a german cellphone...
So looking forward to this! Chalk me up where help is needed! Preferably something with lasers ofcourse. They tend to be an often overlooked aspect.
LJ started a poll on our Facebook page:
Voting for the dishes is possible on Facebook now! If you already booked a ticket with food, don't worry, you'll have the option to choose between LJ's Cooktro and the regular catering food (while supplies last ;)).
LJ started a poll on our Facebook page:
I'm planning to release a cooktro at this years Outline! If you're interested in eating some delicious food(cooked with love 😇) please select all dishes you'd be down for!
For now this is a one day meal offer with the actual day to be determined.
As you might've guessed from the options I'm also considering doing a sweet dessert, if enough people have a sweet tooth a separate poll for that will follow
Voting for the dishes is possible on Facebook now! If you already booked a ticket with food, don't worry, you'll have the option to choose between LJ's Cooktro and the regular catering food (while supplies last ;)).
five loaves, two fishes and a fractal is all one needs to feed the multitude!
Those of you without a facebook account may cast your vote here, the dishes are:
The dish with the most votes will be cooked :)
- Chilli Con Carne
- Goulash
- Ratatouille
The dish with the most votes will be cooked :)
Ossom :D All three options sound great...
My body is ready
What Saga said and yay for dessert :D
Vote for Ratatatatatatatatatatatatatouille so we can gabber to it
Vote for Ratatatatatatatatatatatatatouille so we can gabber to it
Food's been an important part of the Outline party experience for quite a number of years now. So we are proud to present to you the schedule for our catering dinners in 2017:
- On Thursday, Dutch-style Indo/Chinese dishes will be served by the folks from restaurant Shanghai in downtown Steenwijk
- On Friday, mr. Maat will cross the street from his home to the Outline location to serve us local-style, season-inspired mashed potato dishes
- On Saturday, Frisianrent's Hapkar will be drive to our partyplace to serve unlimited Dutch deepfry delights, such as fries, frikandel, kroket, kaassouffle, and various other traditional sausages and patties.
Please note: This announcement does not mean that LJ's Cooktro has been cancelled- It will take place and you will be able to sign up for the livecooking experiment sooner rather than later :)
Food's been an important part of the Outline party experience for quite a number of years now. So we are proud to present to you the schedule for our catering dinners in 2017:
- On Thursday, Dutch-style Indo/Chinese dishes will be served by the folks from restaurant Shanghai in downtown Steenwijk
- On Friday, mr. Maat will cross the street from his home to the Outline location to serve us local-style, season-inspired mashed potato dishes
- On Saturday, Frisianrent's Hapkar will be drive to our partyplace to serve unlimited Dutch deepfry delights, such as fries, frikandel, kroket, kaassouffle, and various other traditional sausages and patties.
Please note: This announcement does not mean that LJ's Cooktro has been cancelled- It will take place and you will be able to sign up for the livecooking experiment sooner rather than later :)
you will be able to sign up for the livecooking experiment sooner rather than later :)
w00t f00d!
What's the score on car parking this time ? Are we using the field next to the partyplace or the other location slightly further away near the owner's barn ?
Felice: Good question- Like in previous years around the same time, water levels near Willemsoord are still quite high. For this reason, it's not yet possible to predict if De Riethoeve's usual parking field can be used during the Outline weekend, like we did in 2015. If it turns out that the parking field is still too wet come early next week, the alternative would be to park on the neighbouring farmer's concrete silage pit, like we did in 2016.
We'll inform all visitors (who are not travelling by train) about the parking situation via e-mail as soon as the final decision has been communicated to us by the owner of the partyplace, presumably this will be Monday or Tuesday next week.
We'll inform all visitors (who are not travelling by train) about the parking situation via e-mail as soon as the final decision has been communicated to us by the owner of the partyplace, presumably this will be Monday or Tuesday next week.
On Saturday evening at the upcoming Outline, LJ and his crew will cook up a chili dinner, complete with veggies, extra peppers, cheese and perhaps even a drink or two. The price for this dinner is the same as the price for the Hapkar dinner that also takes place on Saturday, so people who already bought a foodticket can switch menus free of charge if they wish. Visitors without a foodticket can also sign up, and pay the 7,50 euro fee at the bar in Willemsoord. Last but not least, greedy GUSes will be happy to know that it's also possible to buy tickets for both dinners.
HOWEVER, to join the dinner you have to fill out the form that was created by the diabolic lunatics over at the Outline marketing department. They've left no angle to confuse you unexplored, because they want to keep all of the limited supply of chili for themselves. Feeling lucky? Good luck!
On Saturday evening at the upcoming Outline, LJ and his crew will cook up a chili dinner, complete with veggies, extra peppers, cheese and perhaps even a drink or two. The price for this dinner is the same as the price for the Hapkar dinner that also takes place on Saturday, so people who already bought a foodticket can switch menus free of charge if they wish. Visitors without a foodticket can also sign up, and pay the 7,50 euro fee at the bar in Willemsoord. Last but not least, greedy GUSes will be happy to know that it's also possible to buy tickets for both dinners.
HOWEVER, to join the dinner you have to fill out the form that was created by the diabolic lunatics over at the Outline marketing department. They've left no angle to confuse you unexplored, because they want to keep all of the limited supply of chili for themselves. Feeling lucky? Good luck!
So, I guess we can expect the nights to be not quite as fucking freezing cold as in the last years this time?
Last year this time the nights weren't that cold, but the party took place at an earlier date. Yay for the Christian holiday calendar! ;)
Having said that, the weather prediction for the Outline 2017 weekend looks quite positive at the moment:

Having said that, the weather prediction for the Outline 2017 weekend looks quite positive at the moment:

Yeah, that's what I mean, the party is later this year and it's quite warm already... Looks like it's quite a bit warmer during the nights (5°C or so?) than last year, great!