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Cool places to see/visit/do in Netherlands (Rotterdam/Amsterdam).

category: general [glöplog]
Is gabber still a big thing in rotterdam?


more catholic laidback nearly belgium part of .nl, try maastricht ;)

added on the 2017-03-05 19:01:06 by 1in10 1in10
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added on the 2017-03-05 19:58:00 by el mal el mal
I'll hijack the thread a bit. We're going to Roadburn Festival in Tilburg the week after Revision and since we're late in booking (as always), everything nice in Amsterdam seems super expensive. We're thinking of spending a few days vacationing somewhere in the Netherlands before the festival. Which other cities should we look at ? Our interests lie basically within the triangle of good sleep, hipster food and interesting things/landscapes/sea to look at. (damn I feel old now)

Preacher, consider visiting the Kröller-Müller museum. It's one of the country's better museums of modern art, and it's about as in the middle as nowhere as you can get. Getting there by public transport is "interesting", and therefore somewhat memorable in its own right. You take a train to Arnhem, then a bus to $SHITHOLE, then you walk from the bus stop to the edge of the national park, there you fetch a bike (free once you paid the park entrance fee) and use it to bike to the museum. And around, because the museum is right in the middle of said national park. Plenty good hotels nearby too, and good hipster food in Arnhem.
added on the 2017-03-06 13:00:05 by skrebbel skrebbel
it's also within biking distance of the amazing Radio Kootwijk:
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added on the 2017-03-06 13:04:45 by skrebbel skrebbel
That sounds really appealing in a weird way, to be honest.
added on the 2017-03-06 13:04:56 by Preacher Preacher
If it's gonna be Arnhem and you want to take the weird to a new level, you might want to consider booking a room at the world famous hotel De Bilderberg :)
added on the 2017-03-06 13:21:06 by havoc havoc
Yeah, Arnhem will be cheap to stay, not sure about the 'hipster food' tho. Rotterdam would also be a good option, as it's less touristy than Amsterdam so def cheaper and it has a good train connection to Breda/Tilburg.

Or somewhere in the South if you need to be in Tilburg anyway, you can stay there or in Eindhoven.

Remember that everything is pretty much an hour or 2 away from anywhere, so unless you go to the the north or deep south, you can get to anywhere p easy by train.
added on the 2017-03-06 13:26:17 by okkie okkie
If you go the Kroller-Muller route, you might as well stay at Camping de Hoge Veluwe
added on the 2017-03-06 13:32:38 by okkie okkie
ok listen to okkie about the hipster food. i just realized that i consider any place that sells >0 bagels to be "hipster food".

and if you end up staying in eindhoven somehow then let's have a beer! also i know all the hipster food places in eindhoven (all 4).
added on the 2017-03-06 21:10:46 by skrebbel skrebbel
Mind the trajet control!
Each trip to the NL results in a financal desaster here.. ;)
added on the 2017-03-07 12:46:01 by Dascon Dascon
Mind the trajet control!
Each trip to the NL results in a financal desaster here.. ;)

Maybe try driving within the speed limits. Just a suggestion.
added on the 2017-03-07 14:58:00 by ___ ___
Knoeki: What speed limit should Dascon stick to though? 80, 100, 120, 130, 100/120 or 100/130? ;)

Dascon: Here's the maximum speeds in Holland per 1/1/2017, with this map you "will never have a problem again" (COUGH COUGH :))

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added on the 2017-03-07 15:24:21 by havoc havoc
Havoc: Ok, I'll admit I'm not a driver, but don't they usually post the speed limits pretty clearly?
added on the 2017-03-07 18:07:34 by ___ ___
Knoeki: The signs are clear enough but IMHO they are fucking over unsuspecting/non-local drivers in a lot of places where there's only 1 sign before you break the speed limit. Especially if it's a situation with >2 lanes you can quite easily miss a single sign, for example when overtaking a truck or some other larger vehicle. Near my place there's a situation where you come with 130km/h into a 100km zone, there's only a single sign and it's 50m before an exit that goes under a flyover, right where the road goes from 2 to 3 lanes and immediatly after are huge signs above the road indicating the next exit and another extra lane that is added a few hundred meters beyond. I see some of your neighbours and Dascon's countrymen completely overlook that single 100km sign almost every time I'm driving there, and tbh, I can't really blame them, because I've been stopped by police and/or flashed myself in similar situations in other parts of the country on several occasions ;)
added on the 2017-03-08 01:50:44 by havoc havoc
Havoc, I have a very hard time believing that that's evil and not incompetence.
added on the 2017-03-08 11:53:30 by skrebbel skrebbel
I live in Rotterdam, that says enough I guess.

@havoc: you've been 'flashed on several occasions'? :D
added on the 2017-03-08 12:57:52 by superplek superplek
Skrebbel, it's been like that for years, so imho incompetence can't be claimed anymore. I guess negligence is a more suitable term.. :)
added on the 2017-03-08 14:31:06 by havoc havoc
the solution is to not have a car tbh
added on the 2017-03-08 16:31:19 by okkie okkie
thanks to this thread i visited the Radio Kootwijk area today \:D/, it is only about 150km from my place.

very nice Kootwijkerzand nearby - quite desert dreamish =)
added on the 2017-03-11 20:20:19 by gentleman gentleman
jup, radio kootwijk building is awesome. one of the best art deco buildings ever made imho :)
added on the 2017-03-11 22:24:24 by el mal el mal


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