Revision 2017 - 14th to 17th April - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
hotel booked ✓
When do the doors open on friday?
12:00 p.m.
12:30-1pm. ;) We all know how it really goes. :) (but seriously, there's a lot of work involved, so I don't think anyone minds.)
knock knock knocking on revision's door...
Is this still gonna be a thing after I order the tickets to Schipol?
How long does the trip take?
If we leave at 13:00, is it possible to reach Schipol before 20:50 including other transportation I might have to take?
Might not be necessary as I can save loads staying in Amsterdam for two days(famous last words).
On a scale of 1-10 how Danish are you?
How long does the trip take?
If we leave at 13:00, is it possible to reach Schipol before 20:50 including other transportation I might have to take?
Might not be necessary as I can save loads staying in Amsterdam for two days(famous last words).
On a scale of 1-10 how Danish are you?
Is this still gonna be a thing after I order the tickets to Schipol?
How long does the trip take?
If we leave at 13:00, is it possible to reach Schipol before 20:50 including other transportation I might have to take?
Might not be necessary as I can save loads staying in Amsterdam for two days(famous last words).
On a scale of 1-10 how Danish are you?
Damn Pouet Alzheimer.
Again the question, if Pico-8 can be considered an "Oldschool GFX"-Platform.
I personally don't think so. It still requires modern hardware to run, even if it's made to have the look/feel of an oldschool platform.
But then again, 128x128x16c can easily be upscaled to 256x256 and displayed on AMIGAAAAAAH!
Roughly two weeks left to register for the airport shuttles!
So, if you booked your flights but forgot to sign up for a shuttle yet - you should do that soon. If you didn't book your flights yet then well, guess what - book your flights, goddammit! ;-) (AND sign up for the shuttles).
So, if you booked your flights but forgot to sign up for a shuttle yet - you should do that soon. If you didn't book your flights yet then well, guess what - book your flights, goddammit! ;-) (AND sign up for the shuttles).

woah, we got some bad ass over here.
FWIW that's a real person and should not have been deleted from the signup table.
Are you sure your not mixing him up with Dr. Dick/Byterapers? Or is that him? I thought he was Finnish.
Are you sure your not mixing him up with Dr. Dick/Byterapers? Or is that him? I thought he was Finnish.
I'm 90% sure he's finnish as well, but sometimes people fuck up when selecting flags, or maybe he moved :P
No, D.Dick is not Dr.Dick (and also not a he).
Whatever may come: Bring Alkama on Stage!!
Whatever may come: Bring Alkama on Stage!!
Someone mentioned gold wristbands!
Oh, i cant wait to meet 3693384 of Mesut Onur Özcan !
Wanted: Oldskool Recording organizer with Amiga knowledge
Want to be part of the Revision team? Then have a look at the detailed job description and drop us a mail at!
Want to be part of the Revision team? Then have a look at the detailed job description and drop us a mail at!
Plane bookehd.

:D thats the joke.
Psycho said: