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Revision 2017 - 14th to 17th April - Saarbrücken, Germany

category: parties [glöplog]
hotel booked ✓
added on the 2017-02-26 21:50:51 by gentleman gentleman
When do the doors open on friday?
added on the 2017-02-27 19:00:35 by sigveseb sigveseb
12:00 p.m.
added on the 2017-02-27 19:04:16 by moqui moqui
12:30-1pm. ;) We all know how it really goes. :) (but seriously, there's a lot of work involved, so I don't think anyone minds.)
knock knock knocking on revision's door...
added on the 2017-02-27 21:07:40 by el mal el mal
Is this still gonna be a thing after I order the tickets to Schipol?

How long does the trip take?
If we leave at 13:00, is it possible to reach Schipol before 20:50 including other transportation I might have to take?

Might not be necessary as I can save loads staying in Amsterdam for two days(famous last words).

On a scale of 1-10 how Danish are you?
added on the 2017-02-28 12:51:10 by Deus Deus
Is this still gonna be a thing after I order the tickets to Schipol?

How long does the trip take?
If we leave at 13:00, is it possible to reach Schipol before 20:50 including other transportation I might have to take?

Might not be necessary as I can save loads staying in Amsterdam for two days(famous last words).

On a scale of 1-10 how Danish are you?

Damn Pouet Alzheimer.
added on the 2017-02-28 12:56:42 by Deus Deus
Again the question, if Pico-8 can be considered an "Oldschool GFX"-Platform.
added on the 2017-02-28 13:05:26 by nodepond nodepond
I personally don't think so. It still requires modern hardware to run, even if it's made to have the look/feel of an oldschool platform.
added on the 2017-02-28 13:44:26 by ___ ___
But then again, 128x128x16c can easily be upscaled to 256x256 and displayed on AMIGAAAAAAH!
added on the 2017-02-28 13:45:52 by britelite britelite
Roughly two weeks left to register for the airport shuttles!

So, if you booked your flights but forgot to sign up for a shuttle yet - you should do that soon. If you didn't book your flights yet then well, guess what - book your flights, goddammit! ;-) (AND sign up for the shuttles).
added on the 2017-03-01 10:07:27 by Madame Madame
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woah, we got some bad ass over here.
FWIW that's a real person and should not have been deleted from the signup table.
Are you sure your not mixing him up with Dr. Dick/Byterapers? Or is that him? I thought he was Finnish.
added on the 2017-03-01 13:46:22 by okkie okkie
Are you sure your not mixing him up with Dr. Dick/Byterapers? Or is that him? I thought he was Finnish.

I'm 90% sure he's finnish as well, but sometimes people fuck up when selecting flags, or maybe he moved :P
added on the 2017-03-01 16:12:49 by ___ ___
No, D.Dick is not Dr.Dick (and also not a he).
Whatever may come: Bring Alkama on Stage!!
added on the 2017-03-02 00:12:56 by nodepond nodepond
Whatever may come: Bring Alkama on Stage!!

added on the 2017-03-02 23:15:46 by v3nom v3nom
Someone mentioned gold wristbands!
Oh, i cant wait to meet 3693384 of Mesut Onur Özcan !
Wanted: Oldskool Recording organizer with Amiga knowledge

Want to be part of the Revision team? Then have a look at the detailed job description and drop us a mail at hotline-2017@revision-party.net!
added on the 2017-03-03 16:12:04 by Madame Madame
Plane bookehd.
added on the 2017-03-05 20:00:32 by Deus Deus
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added on the 2017-03-05 20:28:27 by Psycho Psycho
:D thats the joke.
added on the 2017-03-05 21:01:52 by Deus Deus
Psycho said:
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