wildest thing ever happened to you (or "your friend") at a demoparty
category: parties [glöplog]
"ok, this is it, we thought. this is how it ends, we're gonna get killed"
Certain Germans knew that feeling very well at the end of Ambience 2000 (NL) where we achieved the impossibru once again: Winning a demo compo without having a demo. Not telling how exactly we got there because I sure as fuck won't have that written down and documented, but rest assured, a hall full of booing people at the prizegiving was bad enough. And when we ran to pack our stuff and GTFO as far as possible, a delegation of tall, muscular and genuinely frightening Dutch Sceners entered our room (my memory might play tricks on me there tho)...
... and they broke out into laughter and shouted "great going, guys" and shook our hands.
So this is how survival feels.
Certain Germans knew that feeling very well at the end of Ambience 2000 (NL) where we achieved the impossibru once again: Winning a demo compo without having a demo. Not telling how exactly we got there because I sure as fuck won't have that written down and documented, but rest assured, a hall full of booing people at the prizegiving was bad enough. And when we ran to pack our stuff and GTFO as far as possible, a delegation of tall, muscular and genuinely frightening Dutch Sceners entered our room (my memory might play tricks on me there tho)...
... and they broke out into laughter and shouted "great going, guys" and shook our hands.
So this is how survival feels.
same party (FLaG), we had Fun compo. it was full of clever and embarrassing shit, fratboy-like stuff. for example: one guy sits down on a chair, tightly holding some object between his inner thighs. his teammate had to reach in, fondle the object and guess what it is, blindfolded. made for some good laughs, especially since one of the objects was a windshield-motor from a trabant.
same competition, one of the tasks was "how much can you drink in one minute?" with an unlimited supply of beer, wine and pálinka. it required some cleaning on the stage afterwards.
there was an amiga party where one of the main orgas was working in the adult biz, so there was an impromptu 18+ show with 2 strippers on stage. the drunkest & nerdiest looking guy was called up, laid down on the stage and got danced & rubbed on full body, Really recklessly. same party i downed a bottle of gorilka (ukrainian hard spirit). i had a 3-days hangover at the age of 19.
same competition, one of the tasks was "how much can you drink in one minute?" with an unlimited supply of beer, wine and pálinka. it required some cleaning on the stage afterwards.
there was an amiga party where one of the main orgas was working in the adult biz, so there was an impromptu 18+ show with 2 strippers on stage. the drunkest & nerdiest looking guy was called up, laid down on the stage and got danced & rubbed on full body, Really recklessly. same party i downed a bottle of gorilka (ukrainian hard spirit). i had a 3-days hangover at the age of 19.
ragest or contest (98-99), there was a lame gamer kid in the crowd who was a really annoying, spoiled little brat. when he wandered off, a guy sat down and formatted the kid's hdd. the fit he threw after coming back and realizing what happened was amazing :D
During the mid-late 2000s, some .hu parties were haunted by the "Pooping Phantom".
can confirm! at Jumper'98 he did it into a gift box under the communal house's giant xmas tree.
Some guy (from rg42 i think) trampled there, looked into it, smelled, threw it away yelling "EZ MAGA A SZAR!" (It's The shit itself!). it was the funniest thing after not sleeping for 3 consecutive days.
FLaG 96 or 98 (dunno, i wasn't there) had a graffiti compo. half the partigoers went full illegal on some nearby walls just off the partyplace.
a hall full of booing people at the prizegiving was bad enough
Reminds me of Breakpoint 2008 (my first demoparty) where Drifters got boo'd on stage for winning the Amiga compo with their 20-year anniversary demo. That felt really bad. People basically booing at their own votes, wtf?
I'm sure this is by far not the worst culinary scener experience, but I brought a box of Twinkies to Revision 2014 (iirc). I'm not really sure why, but I also brought a big bag of Starbursts to balance it out (hah). I only did it once because even your average American doesn't really want to eat Twinkies... but anyway, somehow I bumped into Truck and he knew of two people from Sweden (I think?) who actually really wanted to try a Twinkie. O.o so I obliged and they walked off to go to the fire ring outside with them. Unfortunately as a result I didn't get to find out if they actually liked them. Though DJJoge visited my table and tried one, deciding it wasn't that great but the Starbursts were alright. :) Since I live in the US I probably don't think about it, but it's possible someone could tell me something we make that's [theoretically] worse than Twinkies.
The next year(?) part of my offering was caffeinated marshmallows in a couple of different flavors. I think some people were a little weirded out by that. Some made their way up to the broadcasting/control/beamteam area.
Last year was chocolate covered gummy bears. Truck requested some and so I brought him 8lbs (~3.6kg) of them. I think he spent a chunk of Friday wandering around telling people about how wonderful these things were, nevermind the "cheap US chocolate" (which from what I remember turned out to have been a product of Sweden, according to the label at least. :P)
The next year(?) part of my offering was caffeinated marshmallows in a couple of different flavors. I think some people were a little weirded out by that. Some made their way up to the broadcasting/control/beamteam area.
Last year was chocolate covered gummy bears. Truck requested some and so I brought him 8lbs (~3.6kg) of them. I think he spent a chunk of Friday wandering around telling people about how wonderful these things were, nevermind the "cheap US chocolate" (which from what I remember turned out to have been a product of Sweden, according to the label at least. :P)

The 2 guys in front (Gibson & HP) sat there for hours, motionless.
I am serious.
This was the year when they claimed they were watching the soap opera series "Hal-lász" (or in English something like "Fish-las", a stupid pun reference to the 80s "Dallas" soap opera), or that was another year? :)
But that aquarium became legendary in many ways...
But that aquarium became legendary in many ways...
have you guys noticed the young Gargaj on the left of the aquarium pic?
at Towel party a mummificated cat belonged to the partyplace. we were asked not to touch it, but someone buried it.
at Kindergarden everyone was drinking beer outside, when the temperature was below 0°C. next morning a bunch of hangover finnish Amiga guys offered me a ride to the shower -> I accepted it, but the balls didn't touch :)
My "Pooping Phantom" experience was at Flag party, where he pooped into the pissoire.
at Towel party a mummificated cat belonged to the partyplace. we were asked not to touch it, but someone buried it.
at Kindergarden everyone was drinking beer outside, when the temperature was below 0°C. next morning a bunch of hangover finnish Amiga guys offered me a ride to the shower -> I accepted it, but the balls didn't touch :)
My "Pooping Phantom" experience was at Flag party, where he pooped into the pissoire.
Weirdest party occurrence for me was at ZX Party 2000, when a dead fish suddenly flew in through the window and landed on the floor. Quite a big one, too, like a flounder or something. There was no indication of who or what had delivered it - no laughing person outside the window, and no drunken hijinks going on at the time (it was the middle of the day and it was only a party of about 20 people, so any drunken fish-wielding maniacs present at the party would have been fairly obvious). I can only assume that it was some kind of bizarre revenge attack, but I have no idea what we might have done to deserve it, or why they chose that specific form of retribution.
People basically booing at their own votes, wtf?
You haven't been watching the news lately, have you.
At The Party 2001(?) one unnamed Dekadence-member had passed out while we we're eating some snacks. At some point he jumps up and says "I don't even know the lady and she's calling me a son-of-a-bitch" and passes out again...
At the same party, while sitting in the party hall, we at some point felt the sweet smell of weed, so one of the Finns stood up and shouted "WHO'S GOT THE HASH, WE CAN BUY SOME!!", and after five seconds someone raises their hand. The security didn't care, even though smoking in general was forbidden in the party hall, but the security DID care about you trying to sleep in a corner, they were quick to wake you up.
At the same party, while sitting in the party hall, we at some point felt the sweet smell of weed, so one of the Finns stood up and shouted "WHO'S GOT THE HASH, WE CAN BUY SOME!!", and after five seconds someone raises their hand. The security didn't care, even though smoking in general was forbidden in the party hall, but the security DID care about you trying to sleep in a corner, they were quick to wake you up.
And then there was the time at Zoo'97 when a drunk Mr.Sex/(B) thought I was a girl and tried to score with me
Assembly, can't remember the exact year, somewhere between 99-2002 most likely. After a night of heavy drinking, I fall asleep on a corridor somewhere since I can't find a free spot in any of the designated sleeping areas. When I wake up, I realize, in presented order, the following things:
1. I am currently standing.
2. I am having a conversation with a person.
3. My contribution to the conversation seems to be shouting random things.
4. The person I am shouting at is Hartwall Areena security.
5. I am in my underwear.
I apologize, tell the security guy I have no idea what I was just shouting, and agree to go sleep somewhere else since apparently I was being a fire hazard. To this day I still don't know what I was yelling and how close I was to getting thrown out.
1. I am currently standing.
2. I am having a conversation with a person.
3. My contribution to the conversation seems to be shouting random things.
4. The person I am shouting at is Hartwall Areena security.
5. I am in my underwear.
I apologize, tell the security guy I have no idea what I was just shouting, and agree to go sleep somewhere else since apparently I was being a fire hazard. To this day I still don't know what I was yelling and how close I was to getting thrown out.
Slinky kicked Noel into a small pool for the lolz, fully clothed. Amiga parties are insane.
We hurled my friend's PC in a rusty wheelbarrow from 3 streets far.
Oh, and this was the music compo machine (my only computer) at FLaG2002:

A motherboard sitting atop some sponge. It was car thief style: to start it, you had to touch 2 wires together. Notice the fan to the right with 2 missing flaps :D
who needs pc cases, come on..
We hurled my friend's PC in a rusty wheelbarrow from 3 streets far.
Oh, and this was the music compo machine (my only computer) at FLaG2002:

A motherboard sitting atop some sponge. It was car thief style: to start it, you had to touch 2 wires together. Notice the fan to the right with 2 missing flaps :D
who needs pc cases, come on..
ASM2005, or more exactly Boozembly 2005, at like 5 in the morning. I tried to get to the hall to get some sleep when suddenly Nosfe stood in front of me:
He: "Where are you going?"
I: "I'm going to bed. I really need to sleep"
He: "No, you won't sleep. You will drink with me" *pulls full bottle of Minttu out of thin air*
I: "Seriously, no, I'm druck as fuck and I really need to sleep"
He: "No, you will drink with me."
I faintly remember giving in. Next thing I know is waking up inside the Areena due to some ASM secu guy flashing his light of death at me because I was lying like 10cm over the fire safety marking. I don't have the slightest idea what happened in between. Someone help? :)
He: "Where are you going?"
I: "I'm going to bed. I really need to sleep"
He: "No, you won't sleep. You will drink with me" *pulls full bottle of Minttu out of thin air*
I: "Seriously, no, I'm druck as fuck and I really need to sleep"
He: "No, you will drink with me."
I faintly remember giving in. Next thing I know is waking up inside the Areena due to some ASM secu guy flashing his light of death at me because I was lying like 10cm over the fire safety marking. I don't have the slightest idea what happened in between. Someone help? :)
This was the year when they claimed they were watching the soap opera series "Hal-lász" (or in English something like "Fish-las", a stupid pun reference to the 80s "Dallas" soap opera), or that was another year? :)
But that aquarium became legendary in many ways...
yep, same year.
a year or two later i just put random paper notes on things. the aquarium got "LAPÁT" ("shovel" in hungarian). don't ask.
a little more details about the splain ankle at mekka2002 because i'm amazing:
TrX and I got reasonably drunk & probably stoned too. it was already dark outside, so we stumbled out and TrX threw his 2 cents in: "Let's run behind the finns at the bonfire into the vast meadow and yell loudly!" it had me like "WOW AHAHHAFAHHDFAHHAHA What a great idea!!!11", so we did. Remember FR-minus2? We were louder. Mindless sprinting in the blind darkness, yelling from the top of our lungs. Guess one or two guys looked back at the fire and confirmed we are just two idiots. So we just ran off further, accident was imminent; i force-stepped on a glass bottle. It didn't break but my ankle got splained inside my boots and i tripped over, yelling at TrX to stop, i broke my foot, aaaaargh, and the likes. "bazmeg" was included.
Months later he told me when I started yelling he stopped and just then he noticed a grill right in front of him, with burning embers still inside it. guess i saved his life, huh. Anyway, he eventually approached me lying on the ground, with him running around me in circles and flailing his arms all excited, shouting "Nagz! look at the moon! Check it out! It's awesome!" "FUCK YOU FUCK YOUR MOON FUCK EVERYTHING I BROKE MY FUCKING FOOT TAKE ME INSIDE NOW FUCK" so I somehow got up, leaned on him and went inside the entry hall. Ankle was all red and about twice the size of the Soyuz, so I got it padded up on a chair. Vickey brought some wet rags to put on, Xhale brought me beer, some random guys slammed other types of booze and joints in my mouth - as if i needed more. but it surely eased the pain, so thanks to everyone in retrospect. Really.
then i somehow got to the sleeping hall. oh boy, the mistake of my delicate years..... the day before i couldn't really sleep there because of a norwegian couple trying to fuck next to me, so i was quite drowsy to begin with. the only space left was right in front of the huge, about 2m diameter tube that was vomiting hot air in a very focused ray of hellfire. the space in front of the tube was like: half in front of the tube, half a little bit off. So I eventually slept there with my damaged foot, oscillating 180° every 20-30 minutes, because it was either my leg hair burning off and freezing upper body, or my hair burning off and freezing feet. Felt like a weird human experiment, but hey, it was a demoparty which is kinda the same.
the next morning RaTMaN/CJ helped me walk out (a fairly short guy with serious spine damage, yet he let me lean on him, sorry if you're in a wheelchair, dude), just to see where we ran last night. so there was this meadow, full of shit like beer bottles, bricks, grills, ... shopping carts? ... a PARKED CAR!? and we fucking RAN there in complete darkness as fast as we could, just in a random straight line. shit... apparently there was a narrow patch of no garbage where we managed to go but i can't imagine what would've happened if i slammed into a shopping cart while running full speed, all my limbs trying to reach the finish line first, with my 100+ kilos... made me question the non-existence of deities. (nah)
to add insult to injury, i slept through the entire 23-hour trip back to budapest in the bus. during this, my injured leg was pushed against the furnace of the bus' heating, so when we got off i got a Nicaragua-sized water blister on my calf. If you don't know what a water blister is, do yourself a favor and don't google image search it. I skipped tech. school for a week after this all. I felt like a veteran returning home.
2/10, builds character, but would not recommend.
TrX and I got reasonably drunk & probably stoned too. it was already dark outside, so we stumbled out and TrX threw his 2 cents in: "Let's run behind the finns at the bonfire into the vast meadow and yell loudly!" it had me like "WOW AHAHHAFAHHDFAHHAHA What a great idea!!!11", so we did. Remember FR-minus2? We were louder. Mindless sprinting in the blind darkness, yelling from the top of our lungs. Guess one or two guys looked back at the fire and confirmed we are just two idiots. So we just ran off further, accident was imminent; i force-stepped on a glass bottle. It didn't break but my ankle got splained inside my boots and i tripped over, yelling at TrX to stop, i broke my foot, aaaaargh, and the likes. "bazmeg" was included.
Months later he told me when I started yelling he stopped and just then he noticed a grill right in front of him, with burning embers still inside it. guess i saved his life, huh. Anyway, he eventually approached me lying on the ground, with him running around me in circles and flailing his arms all excited, shouting "Nagz! look at the moon! Check it out! It's awesome!" "FUCK YOU FUCK YOUR MOON FUCK EVERYTHING I BROKE MY FUCKING FOOT TAKE ME INSIDE NOW FUCK" so I somehow got up, leaned on him and went inside the entry hall. Ankle was all red and about twice the size of the Soyuz, so I got it padded up on a chair. Vickey brought some wet rags to put on, Xhale brought me beer, some random guys slammed other types of booze and joints in my mouth - as if i needed more. but it surely eased the pain, so thanks to everyone in retrospect. Really.
then i somehow got to the sleeping hall. oh boy, the mistake of my delicate years..... the day before i couldn't really sleep there because of a norwegian couple trying to fuck next to me, so i was quite drowsy to begin with. the only space left was right in front of the huge, about 2m diameter tube that was vomiting hot air in a very focused ray of hellfire. the space in front of the tube was like: half in front of the tube, half a little bit off. So I eventually slept there with my damaged foot, oscillating 180° every 20-30 minutes, because it was either my leg hair burning off and freezing upper body, or my hair burning off and freezing feet. Felt like a weird human experiment, but hey, it was a demoparty which is kinda the same.
the next morning RaTMaN/CJ helped me walk out (a fairly short guy with serious spine damage, yet he let me lean on him, sorry if you're in a wheelchair, dude), just to see where we ran last night. so there was this meadow, full of shit like beer bottles, bricks, grills, ... shopping carts? ... a PARKED CAR!? and we fucking RAN there in complete darkness as fast as we could, just in a random straight line. shit... apparently there was a narrow patch of no garbage where we managed to go but i can't imagine what would've happened if i slammed into a shopping cart while running full speed, all my limbs trying to reach the finish line first, with my 100+ kilos... made me question the non-existence of deities. (nah)
to add insult to injury, i slept through the entire 23-hour trip back to budapest in the bus. during this, my injured leg was pushed against the furnace of the bus' heating, so when we got off i got a Nicaragua-sized water blister on my calf. If you don't know what a water blister is, do yourself a favor and don't google image search it. I skipped tech. school for a week after this all. I felt like a veteran returning home.
2/10, builds character, but would not recommend.
Have someone given the story about when a Noice member fell of a cliff at boozembly and another spray painted a random helsinki commuter train with vomit in his quest to go fetch him at the hospital? I only heard the story while also at boozembly, and I'd love to hear it again.
Oh, and this was the music compo machine (my only computer) at FLaG2002:
but the soundcard output jack is disconnected! :)
Quote:Oh, and this was the music compo machine (my only computer) at FLaG2002:
but the soundcard output jack is disconnected! :)
the photo was taken before the compos. or after. but definitely not during.
kb: yeah, that would be Nosfe, he got me drunk at Breakpoint too :D
Quote:a hall full of booing people at the prizegiving was bad enough
Reminds me of Breakpoint 2008 (my first demoparty) where Drifters got boo'd on stage for winning the Amiga compo with their 20-year anniversary demo. That felt really bad. People basically booing at their own votes, wtf?
iirc the booing was because they said "we can't accept this", and people thought they were being a bit rude for not wanting to accept the prize, but I think the story was that they didn't feel like they could accept first place with their demo?
feel free to fill me in, but that's what I know :P
From what I remember they decided to pass on the prize after the booing.