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looking for an outspoken C64 scener to join next MDT9K talking about X releases

category: general [glöplog]
Hello, i'm looking for an outspoken C64 scener to join us next MDT9K (17 November) to talk with us about all the awesome releases that came out at X party.

I asked a few people already but no one seems particularly interested and/or with time to join us.

So does anyone knows any good candidates? Preference for sceners who aren't camera shy and have released something at X or atleast attended the event. If you know someone who could be interested please send me a ping by email with h0t contacts that i poke and probe for the next episode: psenough gmail
added on the 2016-11-09 21:42:59 by psenough psenough
no one?
added on the 2016-11-10 15:30:22 by psenough psenough
Maybe (hopefully!) you have more success asking at csdb?
added on the 2016-11-10 15:48:25 by Kylearan Kylearan
yeah, that's a good idea.

too bad the last time i logged in there was over 10 years ago with an obsolete email and can't recall my login info anymore. hope the new account approval is fast. :/
added on the 2016-11-10 16:03:44 by psenough psenough
They auto-block/ban users, who haven't logged in 6 months time. So even remembering your login info wouldn't have helped much.
added on the 2016-11-10 16:20:32 by tomaes tomaes
I could comment to the prods, but I have not been at the party. Does that count as well?
added on the 2016-11-10 16:56:45 by Exin Exin
They auto-block/ban users, who haven't logged in 6 months time.

Haha, that is stupid.
added on the 2016-11-10 17:25:53 by lollol lollol
exin: i'd rather have someone more active on the C64 itself, but thank you for offering.
added on the 2016-11-10 17:49:18 by psenough psenough
I forwarded it to csdb.
added on the 2016-11-10 18:44:54 by axis^oxy axis^oxy
axis: thank you!
added on the 2016-11-10 18:46:33 by psenough psenough
still have no one :(
added on the 2016-11-12 16:39:01 by psenough psenough
You should Try to get in contact with HQN/Success, he's an organizer and the host of X and is a pretty outspoken dude.
added on the 2016-11-12 18:16:44 by okkie okkie
got an email address?
added on the 2016-11-12 21:00:18 by psenough psenough
got it, contacting :)
added on the 2016-11-12 23:38:30 by psenough psenough
Could also contact some of the crazy Australian C64 guys. Been active in the c64 scene for 20+ years and travel half way around the world each year to go to X.

I can dig up some contacts if you are interested.
added on the 2016-11-13 00:42:36 by drift drift
seems harlequin is interested \o/
just a matter of figuring out scheduling issues, might have to push the show to saturday, but there are no major demoparties happening that weekend i believe, so it should be fine as long as the other guests are still available.
added on the 2016-11-13 03:47:56 by psenough psenough
Harlequin - that should be entertaining. 😀
added on the 2016-11-13 13:03:58 by cruzer cruzer
Make some noise!
added on the 2016-11-13 13:07:44 by axis^oxy axis^oxy
make some noise for my merrican accent!
added on the 2016-11-13 15:51:30 by el mal el mal


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