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Wikipedia's war on the demoscene

category: general [glöplog]
a suitable remote backup

I don't know how to spell that it for you, but Demozoo isn't a mom & pop website at Geocities.
added on the 2014-09-13 20:04:42 by Shifter Shifter
That should be "I don't know how to spell it out for you". I'll be off now ;)
added on the 2014-09-13 20:06:43 by Shifter Shifter
These are research papers only. What is needed is demoscene references in interviews of famous people, demoscene news in ordinary magazines and printed (not self-published) books etc.

There's already plenty of these on Wikipedia for the demoscene 'thing' as a whole. As a subculture, it's established. That's what I meant by "it's not going away". But the major "conflict" between WP editors and us who are in the subculture is how much impact sub-topics of that 'thing' has on the lives of normalheads.

As in my Ska example, how many notable Ska bands should Wikipedia have in their encyclopedia? Zero? 100?

So the expectation from sceners might be that all of the major demoscene sub-topics should be documented on Wikipedia. We want to explain what it's all about so the normalheads get it!

Well, the nub is that they're major to us seen from the perspective of what the demoscene is about, but not major to anyone else - with the possible exception of, say, some demo effect algorithm making it into games or chip music making it into a mainstream genre (and in turn have a big impact).

That still doesn't mean we couldn't get a lot of the demoscene into WP, including notable groups. An encyclopedia explains concepts but also includes famous people, music bands, etc. Anything coming from a subculture would automatically not be famous outside it, and so not encyclopedic material unless they did something of impact outside the subculture.

So it would be good to simply decide what we're expecting of Wikipedia. Well, we could also spam them with demoscene lore but I do think that works better linked from Wikipedia than actually in Wikpedia. We could make headway with that on such sites without the interference of pesky non-demosceners.
added on the 2014-09-14 00:19:01 by Photon Photon
Let's try to collect all the mentions of demoscene things in commercial publications ("reliable sources" for Wikipedia) in some place. Using this database, we can defend the articles.

As a matter of fact I have collected references to articles in commercial paper magazines and other non-scene magazines that have dealt with Hugi. They are linked to at the bottom of this page. Both the French magazine "PC Team" and the German magazine "PC Magazin" contained several more articles related to the demoscene and demoscene productions, so these two magazines could serve as "reliable sources".
added on the 2014-09-14 08:19:00 by Adok Adok
alone_coder: what makes research papers (aka articles published in printed, peer-reviewed magazines) less valuable that what you've lined up?
added on the 2014-09-14 14:38:57 by dipswitch dipswitch
added on the 2014-09-14 14:39:59 by dipswitch dipswitch
They don't cover all. They give some examples, but to defend articles one should have published data on every group, party and piece of software.
BTW I didn't say they are less valuable.

BB Image
added on the 2014-09-18 22:01:07 by keops keops
what a truth :p
added on the 2014-09-18 22:06:47 by Paralax Paralax
The war goes on: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pok%C3%A9mon_Mini&type=revision&diff=710751580&oldid=710751525
added on the 2016-09-19 09:26:03 by El Topo El Topo
"This user is a member of the Nintendo Task Force."... Sounds like nintendo fanboys ...
added on the 2016-09-22 16:43:51 by Exin Exin
There was no third-party citation, of course it got removed. Was Shizzle covered in tech press at the time?
added on the 2016-09-22 17:09:31 by Gargaj Gargaj
Let's try to collect all the mentions of demoscene things in commercial publications ("reliable sources" for Wikipedia) in some place. Using this database, we can defend the articles.

OK, good idea. I will contribute what I have: At the bottom of this page there are a couple of links to commercial publications related to diskmags in general and Hugi in particular.
added on the 2016-09-22 17:57:11 by Adok Adok
gasman wrote:
Yep, it got Slashdotted.

Wow, now that should be a notable source if anything. I'll rewrite the deleted paragraph if noone beats me to it and cite Slashdot.
added on the 2016-09-22 18:48:30 by El Topo El Topo
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added on the 2016-10-30 00:06:53 by mrmaroll mrmaroll
Wow, now that should be a notable source if anything. I'll rewrite the deleted paragraph if noone beats me to it and cite Slashdot.

Well, better late than never :)
added on the 2016-12-08 15:30:46 by El Topo El Topo
This entire article should be deleted. It has no relevance in the real world of computing or software. From what I gather, this is some "hipster" cult of amateur programmers. How is that relevant to anything? But hey - what do I know? I'm just a software engineer and programmer who was cranking out Apple and C64 games in the early '80s, and I still make a living writing and publishing software today. Just ignore me. These people must be important. To someone. Somehow. (talk) 03:20, 24 March 2017 (UTC)

Lulz. He's an expert on this, he programmed Apple and C64 games in the early '80s. For extra fun, check out his anti-Semitic rants on the Synagogue talk page.
added on the 2017-03-25 22:59:05 by phoenix phoenix
Damn hipsters and their demo scenes.
Please do not feed the troll.
added on the 2017-03-26 00:08:15 by Gargaj Gargaj
revision will take place in a Starbucks, i hope!
That's actually involuntary trolling. Yet another frustrated individual. Nothing to be really excited about. It's just sad.
added on the 2017-03-26 01:56:26 by tomkh tomkh


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