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Need help (Heap Problem) on wz3 Code

category: code [glöplog]
I work these days on wz3 code from https://github.com/farbrausch/fr_public
I can compile the code for wz3 gui,player code and intro code. It runs ok, but sometimes crashes the player_intro with a message "Heap problem".
if anyone can help for this problem thats would be really cool.
added on the 2016-09-24 21:43:09 by quickyman quickyman
debug it. where does it crash? why does it crash? you know...

the code is 5 years old. it might need some fixes.
added on the 2016-09-24 22:01:28 by yumeji yumeji
77B8E725 CC int 3

Create dynamic vertex-Buffer (12582912 bytes) id 0
Create dynamic index-Buffer (4194304 bytes) id 1
Create dynamic index-Buffer (8388608 bytes) id 2
Create static index-Buffer (98304 bytes) id 3

Critical error detected c0000374
Windows hat einen Haltepunkt in player_intro.exe ausgelöst.

Dies kann auf eine Beschädigung des Heaps zurückzuführen sein, die auf ein Problem in player_intro.exe oder in einer der geladenen DLLs hinweist.

Dies kann auch darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass der Benutzer F12 drückt, während player_intro.exe den Fokus hat.

Weitere Analyseinformationen finden Sie möglicherweise im Ausgabefenster.
Das Programm "[0xE58] player_intro.exe: Systemeigen" wurde mit Code 0 (0x0) beendet.
added on the 2016-09-24 22:27:55 by quickyman quickyman
7715E725 1.#INF000000000000 double

Eine Ausnahme (erste Chance) bei 0x77b1823f in player_intro.exe: 0xC0000005: Zugriffsverletzung beim Schreiben an Position 0x02e03c34.
Eine Ausnahme (erste Chance) bei 0x007f3902 in player_intro.exe: 0xC0000005: Zugriffsverletzung beim Schreiben an Position 0x00000000.
Unbehandelte Ausnahme bei 0x007f3902 in player_intro.exe: 0xC0000005: Zugriffsverletzung beim Schreiben an Position 0x00000000.
Das Programm "[0x1070] player_intro.exe: Systemeigen" wurde mit Code -1073741819 (0xc0000005) beendet.
added on the 2016-09-24 22:31:26 by quickyman quickyman
by the way, dev environment is: Visual Studio 2010, so i dont must change anything
added on the 2016-09-24 22:37:27 by quickyman quickyman
with (don't change) i mean, i load the prject, and have compile it with that setting what set
added on the 2016-09-24 22:52:07 by quickyman quickyman
grossartig. das kann trotzdem niemand lesen. ich kann es nicht. post english. maybe some more people can read that and tryna help. ^_^ and...

i dunno what those or any exception code does. code machine or null.
added on the 2016-09-24 23:41:33 by yumeji yumeji
@yumeji, thankks for your answer,

i've checked on thread: http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=8736&page=13

here you wrote: nah. don't shade yourself. the intro player works fine. tested with that intro.k delivered. it just can't load debris all the time. i got it running a couple of times but most of all crashes at initialising randomly.

i think, this is that point what i mean with (crashes of intro player), sometimes it runs and sometimes it crashes. Of course,i accept if you say:" the code is 5 years old"
It was just an idea, to build maybe some things in intro mode, and maybe would be anyone here , that can take a look on this code, and maybe is it possible to fix it, so that the "intro player" runs stable. Thanks , if anyone can help.
added on the 2016-10-03 18:26:08 by quickyman quickyman
i guess you can try the community edition, maybe it's more stable in that regard?
added on the 2016-10-04 05:25:11 by psenough psenough
thanks for the hint psenough, i know this wz4 or Wz4CE version. But with this wz4 is 64kbyte intro creation not possible, just demo's.
wz3 was for me a good alternative to realize some things + the option to create intro's in 64kbyte size too. the reason to ask here is just the point, that it sometimes crshed and sometimes not. To compile the code i use VS2010,dx sdk agust 2010, yasm ...
i know that VS2015 is currently used by developers.
But maybe has anyone the vs2010 on his computer and the knowledge in assembler, and finds the time to look maybe why its crashed.
added on the 2016-10-04 17:49:48 by quickyman quickyman
These sort of bugs can suck a lot! ;)
It´s about accessing RAM that´s not available, sorts of. Something got "free"d and something else still tries to access it.
I wonder if wz3 may still be 32bit and you are running it in a 64bit-environment now causing this.
Anyway, i better stop speculating and give you this instead...there are links in the answers that could help you find out what is going wrong:
How to debug heap corruption errors
ofc it's still 32bit. it always ran on 64bit. my old compile still does on winx now.
added on the 2016-10-05 15:26:38 by yumeji yumeji
Thanks ɧคɾɗվ. for this hint. Yes u have right. i've tried to compile player_intro unter 32bit OS and it runs without any crashes. debug mode -- not heap or other problems.
Under win7 x64 i get these outputs:
First-chance exception at 0x777fb5bf in player_intro.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfeeefef2.
HEAP[player_intro.exe]: HEAP: Free Heap block 4df1bc0 modified at 4df1fe0 after it was freed
Windows has triggered a breakpoint in player_intro.exe.

This may be due to a corruption of the heap, and indicates a bug in player_intro.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.

The output window may have more diagnostic information
Memory alloc failed for TebInfo structure, thread may AV if GL calls are made without MakeCurrent

or this:

First-chance exception at 0x00540a42 in player_intro.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000.
Unhandled exception at 0x00540a42 in player_intro.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000.

is it possible to fix this ? that player_intro runs stable ?
added on the 2016-10-06 23:38:17 by quickyman quickyman
yes, it's possible to fix, you just have to debug it and find out what is causing it.
but there isn't much incentive for a random programmer to go debug other people's code.
added on the 2016-10-06 23:58:21 by psenough psenough
maybe put a bounty on it on stackoverflow?
added on the 2016-10-06 23:59:34 by psenough psenough
or a post on http://wanted.scene.org/
added on the 2016-10-07 00:00:52 by psenough psenough
hi again,

i must really ask again, not anyone that finds maybe a little bit time to look, and maybe to fix the memory problem? for me is it a hard level, because i'am not a prof. programmer.
added on the 2016-10-18 21:36:43 by quickyman quickyman
Heap corruptions are among the least funny things to debug.
but there isn't much incentive for a random programmer to go debug other people's code.


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