Are these groups added?
category: general [glöplog]
I tried looking for the groups Addict Labs and Suspend, and it seems neither are on Pouet. Certainly, I couldn't find this prod:
Can I just ask if these groups or prod are already in the database or not?
Can I just ask if these groups or prod are already in the database or not?
If you can't find them, then they're probably not in the database.
If you can't find them, then they're probably not in the database.
In that case, I'll add this prod by itself with no groups, because it's a very cool Atari demo.
In that case, I'll add this prod by itself with no groups, because it's a very cool Atari demo.
No, if you add the prod you also add the group(s)
if the groups are not added add it
Addict Labs - is it this group?
Um, slight problem:
There is already a group called Suspend, but their prodlist consists of MS-DOS and Windows stuff only - how do I know if it's the same group or not?
There is already a group called Suspend, but their prodlist consists of MS-DOS and Windows stuff only - how do I know if it's the same group or not?
Addict Labs - is it this group?
No, in the video I linked to they clearly call themselves "Addict Labs", and there doesn't seem to be one existing already. Besides, all the stuff in that group you've linked to is all MS-DOS and Windows stuff. Again, is it the same group?
call them "Suspend (Atari)" if they're known for Atari releases
I found it! According to Demozoo, ADDiCT and Suspend ARE the groups responsible for So Serious, judging by their prod list.
OK, so I'll add the prod properly as soon as I can.
OK, so I'll add the prod properly as soon as I can.
BTW, sorry for doubting you, Adok. I seem to do that a lot here. You know more about this place than me, that's for sure! ;)
or maybe demozoo is wrong?
or maybe demozoo is wrong?
I thought about that, but then if it IS wrong, the prod details can be changed, right?
of course everything can be edited - its a code ;)
Here is my contribution : the coder is the same (Lion).
He was the one behind this prod in 2006 :
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