Is there a problem with adding new groups?
category: general [glöplog]
Triace, I've deleted the offending comment thread from your YouTube mixtape.
Hi Foebane. You seem like a nice guy who has a genuine interest in the scene. It seems like you are a bit obsessed with having everything categorised, correctly labelled and in perfect order.
The demoscene by nature like a living entity made up of thousands of individuals who contribute to the scene in their own way and in their own time. It is not always following a strict set of rules or conformation. It is a miracle that 30 or more years of demo history is as well preserved and organised as it is.
My advice to you is perhaps not to worry so much about the naming of things and just enjoy the content people make. My other advice is not to debate people when they explain things to you, even though you don't like the answer.
Sometimes people make things outside of their normal group. Sometimes people make up a one-time group name. Sometimes 20+ year old amiga demos won't work perfectly on your emulator. Sometimes things just are the way they are. Don't worry about it.
The demoscene by nature like a living entity made up of thousands of individuals who contribute to the scene in their own way and in their own time. It is not always following a strict set of rules or conformation. It is a miracle that 30 or more years of demo history is as well preserved and organised as it is.
My advice to you is perhaps not to worry so much about the naming of things and just enjoy the content people make. My other advice is not to debate people when they explain things to you, even though you don't like the answer.
Sometimes people make things outside of their normal group. Sometimes people make up a one-time group name. Sometimes 20+ year old amiga demos won't work perfectly on your emulator. Sometimes things just are the way they are. Don't worry about it.
Thank you, Drift :)
On a related note (and I've been meaning to ask this for ages here) can someone tell me what Evilbot is saying in that AGA demo I mentioned? It goes something like "Dis is der (something) of Evilbot!" but I can't fully make it out. Is it an English sentence or German?
This is the return of Evilbot!
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